sonatype / operator-nxrm3

IBM Operator for Nexus Repo Manager 3
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need way to specify arbitrary number of ports to expose for multiple docker registries #26

Open itewk opened 3 years ago

itewk commented 3 years ago


Currently there is only two ports hard coded in the Deployment, ( and http and a docker port. The problem is what if I have mutliple docker instances and need multiple docker ports. The most common scneario for this is if using OSS version, you need to push to a different repostiory then you pull form, assuming you set up a group to pull from. This is currently impossible to set up with the operator as it is now.


make the ports in the Deployment an array that can be ajusted by the NexusRepo CR. One solution maybe to use the existing service parameter and automatically add any targetport in the service to the Deployment port list.