sonburn / symbol-swapper

Swap the selected symbols and/or symbol instances to a master of the same name in a library.
MIT License
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Override Symbols Aren't Swapping correctly #29

Open Mohammedkhan56 opened 5 years ago

Mohammedkhan56 commented 5 years ago


I have recently come across symbol swapper for a project that i need to be re-skinned and i am experiencing 2 issues.

I have a current library (Library A) which includes symbols and nested symbols. I have then duplicated library A to Library A copy and thereafter changed the text colours, icon colours and button colours in their different override states on Library A copy.

• Issue 1

When I copy Library A symbols to a new file and then run Symbol Swap Selections some of the nested symbols does not change. For example I have an add button nested symbol in orange, black and grey. When i swap symbols to Library A copy the button does not change to blue which is the colour scheme for the button in Library A copy.

• Issue 2

I have a text style in Library A which has an override of a grey, black and none underline.

I have built a screen that includes the same symbol with the underline hidden (none). When i swap symbols the text style then introduces the symbol with the grey underline selected. Which means i would need to go and select none for each instance that symbol was used.

Are there any solutions for the issues Im currently experiencing?

Thanks in advance