sonburn / symbol-swapper

Swap the selected symbols and/or symbol instances to a master of the same name in a library.
MIT License
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symbol swapping issue in 0.20 #43

Open ivanbachev opened 4 years ago

ivanbachev commented 4 years ago

Hello, I noticed some issues after I updated to the most recent version of the symbol-swapper plugin.

When I point it to a specific symbol from a library using the “Let me choose…” option - it replaces with a wrong symbol. Even the default option, when swapping with a symbol with same name, ends up swapping with a wrong symbol.

Also, if possible can the “Let me choose…” be a combobox (as before) so that we can still type a symbol instance name in it, instead of using just the dropdown list?

sonburn commented 4 years ago

@ivanbachev I am having a hard time reproducing any issue of the wrong symbol being swapped. Is this something you are able to reproduce consistently?

I'll see what I can do about the dropdown, I was trying to solve an issue where symbol names were being cutoff if longer than the dropdown.

ivanbachev commented 4 years ago

Sure, here is a quick screencast to show the bug:

say I have an instance of a library symbol named: “button / 01 primary / default / 01 text / 01 enabled”

and I want to swap it with: “button / 02 secondary / default / 01 text / 01 enabled”

what happens instead is that the Symbol Swapper plugin incorrectly identifies the symbol as: “button / 01 primary / default / 02 text and icon / 03 active”

and replaces it with: “button / 01 primary / small / 02 text and icon / 04 focus”

Hope this helps.

ivanbachev commented 4 years ago

As a comparison, see a screencast taken with v 0.19 (downloaded from the GitHub commits) - where the above flow works fine -

ivanbachev commented 4 years ago

The pattern I noticed is that in the v 0.20 example, Symbol Swapper incorrectly shows the current symbol instance name matching the symbol that is +7 positions in the list of all library symbols. Then it swaps it with a symbol that is -7 positions next to the actually selected symbol for replacement.

jrapert commented 4 years ago

Was this ever resolved? I'm having the same issue

jorgemartins commented 4 years ago

on way to go around this is to select the wrong option X number of steps from the right one for example to get the "secondary enabled", you choose de "secondary active": Screenshot 2020-04-29 at 14 05 08

sonburn commented 4 years ago

@ivanbachev, @jorgemartins, Apologies, there was an issue with the last version, which I finally got a chance to resolve. Could you please try version 0.21 which I just published?

jorgemartins commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that so far it is working as intended. Also the new scrollable dropdown instead of the select box 👍 thanks for the quick turn around.

sonburn commented 4 years ago

The issue had to do with missing and disabled libraries not being removed from the list of available libraries, this is why the results were offset at times, or other times the plugin would fail. Version 0.21 was a step in the right direction but there was still another issue which I have resolved in 0.22.