sonburn / symbol-swapper

Swap the selected symbols and/or symbol instances to a master of the same name in a library.
MIT License
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Feature request - Swapping nested symbols #55

Open ianmurchison opened 3 years ago

ianmurchison commented 3 years ago

So we are trying to figure out the best way to handle a designers task of going from light to dark theme artboards.

We have a full light theme library. (Library A) We have a full dark theme library which is actually just restyling the light theme one. (Library B)

Teams make product level libraries composed of symbols from the light theme library. (Library C)

When you try to symbol swap from and Library C symbol, which contains Library A symbols, it will not swap those A symbols to the select B library.

Swapping A to B works fine, but when A is inside of C it won't work.