sondrele / gatsby-source-google-spreadsheet

Gatsby source plugin for all sheets in a Google Spreadsheet
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Add option to customize generated cell keys #3

Closed Artsu closed 5 years ago

Artsu commented 5 years ago

Added option to customize each cell's key as sometimes the camelcase library does a poor job guessing the correct key. For example special characters and letters outside ascii might get switched to underscore.

sondrele commented 5 years ago

@Artsu Sorry for the late reply, I've been on vacation and quite busy with other things lately. It also turns out I already released version 2 of this source plugin a while ago, but forgot to update the master branch (I had a vague resemblance of working on something like this, but I completely missed it while vacationing). Thus, your changes can be solved by configuring and implementing the mapNode option instead. Really sorry for the inconvenience and for wasting your time! :(