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YouTube links - consider scraping the website for the song link #6

Open chrirauch opened 2 years ago

chrirauch commented 2 years ago

Hi there

First of all, thanks for your great service. I'm using your public api for a personal signal bot. Basically we have a group in which we paste YouTube links to songs or music videos which I send to your api and return the url.

I found out that a lot of those results where only links to YouTube and YouTube music are generated, can be circumvented by passing the song_url metadata value to the api instead of the original url.

Thought I leave it here because you could probably use that internally to link together different urls of YouTube music videos

I don't know how you would get this with a regular api call, but the ytdl-core package returns it and I guess it shouldn't be too hard to figure out where they get this info if you are interested

I made a small demo on runkit

In the demo, 3 out of 4 urls work after passing the url from the metadata instead of the original url, the last one (Eric Clapton - cocaine) has no song_url property

kweiberth commented 2 years ago

Thanks for providing this code snippet. Do you know how the song_url property is being calculated or parsed? It looks like it's probably coming from the ytdl-core package, and not the YouTube API. I wonder if it's being scraped from the web page or network requests from the web pages.

chrirauch commented 2 years ago


Unfortunately no. Didn't find this in the official api docs. I just stumbled upon this while looking for a way to get better results from youtube links. But i will have a look at the ytdl-core package when i find some time. It looks like it's not a huge package and hopefully it shouldn't be too much hassle to find out where they get it from.

Will report back when i found something. But it'll probably be on the weekend, as my schedule during the week is quite packed

chrirauch commented 2 years ago

It looks like they scrape it from the webpage. In the case of the union13 song i found some references in the html source code to the working url ( For example the song name in the more info section is linked to the url that ytdl-core returns as song_url

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