songpham / sitedesigner

Site Designer
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Services pages + Celebrity training Copywriting VN and EN #17

Open GlenCoffey opened 8 years ago

GlenCoffey commented 8 years ago

Please update the copywriting for these pages. Add Call To Action to the bottom of the pages (See Design) Dont add form. Add static background to the class information gallery (Yoga, Dance, Group). Add the information from the linked web copy. Make titles smaller in mobile. 20px is perfect @320px width. Mobile banners need to be added..

SUGGESTION: The code for the title and Call To Action has been done in cfcy-memberships. You can copy this code and it will work, all you need to do is update the text and the banner image.

These pages need to be finished Sunday 9th August. @songpham Song please check I assigned John to this. Thanks. This work is urgent. Thanks.