songpham / sitedesigner

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Services Pages: #21

Open GlenCoffey opened 8 years ago

GlenCoffey commented 8 years ago

Finish Mobile Banners on all pages Make red titles smaller in mobile - Like newest Dance

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Make this into a drop down menu in Dance, Yoga and Group. In mobile add: "Choose A Class" as the default option.

Get information for the classes you have in the list. Group: Dance: Yoga:

All Pages: Trainers Add images for all trainers. Copy the style you used for Dance for all pages with trainers. Get the english and Vietnamese and missing images from current website: When a trainer is active add a red border instead of grey

PT Services Travis' image doesn't show.

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Kickfit & MMA & Group These pages are missing. They are now the old Dance pages.

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Im not sure what happened with those pages. Do they still exist?

GlenCoffey commented 8 years ago

We need the call to action sections at the bottom of the page. Check the design. See /vip-memberships. You can probably copy the code from vip-memberships. It's the same design. @pinkybee277

Don't bother coding the form. Just the box and the text. I will add the form. The button in the banner needs to scroll to this section.

GlenCoffey commented 8 years ago
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