songquanpeng / one-api

OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,支持 Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google PaLM 2 & Gemini、智谱 ChatGLM、百度文心一言、讯飞星火认知、阿里通义千问、360 智脑以及腾讯混元,可用于二次分发管理 key,仅单可执行文件,已打包好 Docker 镜像,一键部署,开箱即用. OpenAI key management & redistribution system, using a single API for all LLMs, and features an English UI.
MIT License
15.95k stars 3.69k forks source link

通义千问接口不稳定,时常报错relay error,过一会又恢复正常 #1519

Closed yeqing1a closed 2 weeks ago

yeqing1a commented 2 weeks ago


问题描述 大概每天都会发生几次,oneapi日志:

[SYS] 2024/06/11 - 05:53:53 | batch update started [SYS] 2024/06/11 - 05:53:53 | batch update finished [INFO] 2024/06/11 - 05:53:54 | 2024061105535470361440389634238 | user 1 has enough quota 499999955267737, trusted and no need to pre-consume [ERR] 2024/06/11 - 05:53:54 | 2024061105535470361440389634238 | relay error happen, status code is 400, won't retry in this case [GIN] 2024/06/11 - 05:53:54 | 2024061105535470361440389634238 | 400 | 48.060891ms | | POST /v1/chat/completions [ERR] 2024/06/11 - 05:53:54 | 2024061105535470361440389634238 | relay error (channel id 2, user id: 1): (request id: 2024061105535470361440389634238) [INFO] 2024/06/11 - 05:53:56 | 2024061105535656616848233924015 | user 1 has enough quota 499999955267737, trusted and no need to pre-consume [ERR] 2024/06/11 - 05:53:56 | 2024061105535656616848233924015 | relay error happen, status code is 400, won't retry in this case [GIN] 2024/06/11 - 05:53:56 | 2024061105535656616848233924015 | 400 | 28.401502ms | | POST /v1/chat/completions [ERR] 2024/06/11 - 05:53:56 | 2024061105535656616848233924015 | relay error (channel id 2, user id: 1): (request id: 2024061105535656616848233924015) [SYS] 2024/06/11 - 05:54:53 | batch update started [SYS] 2024/06/11 - 05:54:53 | batch update finished

复现步骤 此时换其他内容也是一样的结果,见上述日志

预期结果 使用的是oneapi最新版本,希望早日恢复正常