songquanpeng / stats-cards

在 README 中展示你在知乎,GitHub,B 站,LeetCode,掘金,CSDN,牛客等网站的数据,也可用于服务状态监控. Show your LeetCode & GitHub stats in GitHub Profile.
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Please consider #2

Closed jiweiyuan closed 3 years ago

jiweiyuan commented 3 years ago

I want to know whether to consider 掘金, If yes, Maybe I can provide a PR(pull request)

songquanpeng commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your interest and PR is always welcome!

The steps to add a new website are:

  1. API controller part, this part is very easy to handle.
  2. Crawler part. Basically, there are two ways to do that: a. Find & request the API directly. b. Parse the HTML.
  3. Render part. This part will need an SVG template. You can use Adobe XD or any other tool to design it, or you can leave it to me.

The following attachment is the Adobe XD project file I used. Stat

songquanpeng commented 3 years ago
