Error in otu_table_reduced[, -1] : incorrect number of dimensions
I ran the code on the demo OTU tables and everything worked. When using my data I only get to create the ref_blast but I cannot make the functional predictions. Both my seq and otu tables have the same lenght (amount of ASVs), they are in the first coloumn in both tables as well. The OTU table does not include any other information asides from ASVs and counts per sample.
I hope that someone can help me with this issue, thanks in advance!
When running the Taqx4Fun2 makeFunctionalPredictions() command I receive an error.
Here is the code I am running (I shortened the paths):
I receive the following error message:
I ran the code on the demo OTU tables and everything worked. When using my data I only get to create the ref_blast but I cannot make the functional predictions. Both my seq and otu tables have the same lenght (amount of ASVs), they are in the first coloumn in both tables as well. The OTU table does not include any other information asides from ASVs and counts per sample.
I hope that someone can help me with this issue, thanks in advance!
Cheers, Julian