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Edit project branches - funky! #14

Closed songwoo closed 8 years ago

songwoo commented 8 years ago


On "takeda - ctgov protocol" I edited the descriptive text on "Action Desc" and hit save. Nothing seemed to happen.

Then, on "takeda -eudract" I made the same edits and hit save. Then no matter what project I select from the dropdown box on top, I couldn't get any data to show up on the bottom. I then logged out and logged back in. Now the takeda-eudract list only shows the 4 states, shown.

Pierroutt commented 8 years ago

This might have happened because I was editing the databae, but I'm not sure. Could you try it again and see if the funky errors happen again?

Pierroutt commented 8 years ago

I only ask because I tried editing the action descriptions just now and it worked.

songwoo commented 8 years ago

I'll try again...

songwoo commented 8 years ago

I edited the "Action Desc" field and it did not save.

Pierroutt commented 8 years ago

Which step's action desc field did you edit?

songwoo commented 8 years ago

I changed the description on this one image

Pierroutt commented 8 years ago

If you edited the action desc of a step without a red x next to it, I think I know what the problem is, but is it important to edit the information of those actions?

songwoo commented 8 years ago

I see. Hold off for now. It's not important compared to the other issues.

Pierroutt commented 8 years ago

Ahh so it was one of those actions. I'll look into it. The other ones seem to be working

Pierroutt commented 8 years ago

Fixed. Although, like I said, avoid making too many changes to the actions that don't have an X next to them. And keep in mind that changing an action that has an X next to it in one project will change that action for all projects.

tperin commented 8 years ago

This issue was moved to tperin/Xogene-Tracker#14