DPB fails while configuring 4x100G breakout on Dell Z9332F on latest public master image.
Steps to reproduce the issue:
Load the platform.json and hwsk.json on Dell Z9332F. json files are attached.
config reload -f -y
config interface breakout Ethernet0 "4x100G"
Describe the results you received:
root@str2-z9332f-02:~# config interface breakout Ethernet0 "4x100G"
Do you want to Breakout the port, continue? [y/N]: y
[ERROR] BREAKOUT_CFG table is NOT present in CONFIG DB
DPB fails while configuring 4x100G breakout on Dell Z9332F on latest public master image.
Steps to reproduce the issue:
Describe the results you received:
Describe the results you expected:
DPB should not fail
Output of
show version
:Additional information you deem important (e.g. issue happens only occasionally):
Tried reboot 3 times but DPB fails