sonic-net / sonic-buildimage

Scripts which perform an installable binary image build for SONiC
728 stars 1.4k forks source link

sonic-slave-buster fails to build with `The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 781D115CB74E5A70` #16523

Open paulmenzel opened 1 year ago

paulmenzel commented 1 year ago

Trying to build the platform vs, I get the error below:

$ git log --oneline --no-decorate -1
51fb6d7d9 Upgrade Ansible to 6.7.0 and make Python3 as the default interpreter in sonic-mgmt-docker (#15836)
$ make configure SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_SOURCE=/scratch/local2/pmenzel/sonic/artifacts PLATFORM=vs
+++ Cheking platform/vs +++
+++ Making configure +++
BLDENV=buster make -f configure
make[1]: Entering directory '/scratch/local2/pmenzel/sonic-buildimage'
/scratch/local2/pmenzel/sonic-buildimage/src/sonic-build-hooks /scratch/local2/pmenzel/sonic-buildimage
make[2]: Entering directory '/scratch/local2/pmenzel/sonic-buildimage/src/sonic-build-hooks'
which: no dpkg-deb in (/home/pmenzel/.local/bin:/home/pmenzel/perl5/bin:/usr/local/package/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/home/pmenzel/bin:/home/pmenzel/.cargo/bin)
dpkg-deb: building package 'sonic-build-hooks' in 'buildinfo/sonic-build-hooks_1.0_all.deb'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/scratch/local2/pmenzel/sonic-buildimage/src/sonic-build-hooks'
Checking sonic-slave-base image: sonic-slave-buster:74a1fa3d404
Image sonic-slave-buster:74a1fa3d404 not found. Building...
Sending build context to Docker daemon  274.4kB
Step 1/82 : FROM debian:buster
 ---> fecc81bbfb5f
Step 2/82 : MAINTAINER
 ---> Running in 0297bf7a29e8
Removing intermediate container 0297bf7a29e8
 ---> 8c3730993c3a
Step 3/82 : COPY ["no-check-valid-until", "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/"]
 ---> fa75f053677a
Step 4/82 : COPY ["sources.list.amd64", "/etc/apt/sources.list"]
 ---> 280eb375f62b
Step 5/82 : ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
 ---> Running in 49e1cd7f2729
Removing intermediate container 49e1cd7f2729
 ---> 8b139f661374
 ---> Running in 97a460bdbb48
Removing intermediate container 97a460bdbb48
 ---> b8098e89c056
 ---> Running in c5836b65a984
Removing intermediate container c5836b65a984
 ---> 8f109d13701c
Step 8/82 : COPY ["buildinfo", "/usr/local/share/buildinfo"]
 ---> fa2154252313
Step 9/82 : COPY vcache/ /sonic/target/vcache/sonic-slave-buster
 ---> b53871a0233e
Step 10/82 : RUN dpkg -i /usr/local/share/buildinfo/sonic-build-hooks_1.0_all.deb
 ---> Running in eff7516baed3
Selecting previously unselected package sonic-build-hooks.
(Reading database ... 6686 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../sonic-build-hooks_1.0_all.deb ...
Unpacking sonic-build-hooks (1.0) ...
Setting up sonic-build-hooks (1.0) ...
Removing intermediate container eff7516baed3
 ---> 717659acfba9
Step 11/82 : ENV IMAGENAME=sonic-slave-buster
 ---> Running in aed41f1332ff
Removing intermediate container aed41f1332ff
 ---> 26ab7185441f
Step 12/82 : ENV DISTRO=buster
 ---> Running in 30799acb513d
Removing intermediate container 30799acb513d
 ---> af950a698b79
Step 13/82 : RUN pre_run_buildinfo sonic-slave-buster
 ---> Running in 47acade92417
Removing intermediate container 47acade92417
 ---> cbe8846e36c8
Step 14/82 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y         apt-utils         default-jre-headless         openssh-server         curl         wget         unzip         gzip         git         build-essential         libtool         lintian         sudo         dh-make         dh-exec         kmod         libtinyxml2-6a         libtinyxml2-dev         python         python-pip         python3         python3-pip         libncurses5-dev         texinfo         dh-autoreconf         doxygen         devscripts         git-buildpackage         perl-modules         libswitch-perl         dh-systemd         libzmq5         libzmq3-dev         uuid-dev         jq         nlohmann-json3-dev         libreadline-dev         texlive-latex-base         texlive-generic-recommended         texlive-fonts-recommended         libpam0g-dev         libpam-dev         libcap-dev         imagemagick         ghostscript         groff         libpcre2-dev         gawk         chrpath         libc-ares-dev         libsnmp-dev         libjson-c3         libjson-c-dev         libsystemd-dev         python-ipaddr         libcmocka-dev         python3-all-dev         python3-all-dbg         install-info         logrotate         cdbs         libxml-simple-perl         graphviz         aspell         libgetopt-long-descriptive-perl         libconst-fast-perl         libtemplate-perl         libnamespace-autoclean-perl         libmoose-perl         libmoosex-aliases-perl         bc         fakeroot         build-essential         devscripts         quilt         stgit         sbsigntool         module-assistant         gem2deb         libevent-dev         libglib2.0-dev         libqt4-dev         python-all-dev         python-twisted         phpunit         libbit-vector-perl         openjdk-11-jdk         javahelper         maven-debian-helper         ant         libhttpclient-java         libslf4j-java         libservlet3.1-java         qt5-default         pkg-php-tools         libpcre3         libpcre3-dev         byacc         flex         libglib2.0-dev         bison         expat         libexpat1-dev         dpatch         libdb-dev         iptables-dev         ctags         libtool-bin         libxml2-dev         libusb-1.0-0-dev         libcurl4-openssl-dev         libunwind8-dev         telnet         libc-ares2         libgoogle-perftools4         cpio         squashfs-tools         zip         linux-compiler-gcc-8-x86         linux-kbuild-4.19         libdaemon-dev         libdbus-1-dev         libjansson-dev         libpcap-dev         dnsutils         libusb-dev         libgrpc++1         libabsl-dev         augeas-tools         libyaml-dev         libevent-dev         libjudy-dev         libedit-dev         libnanomsg-dev         python-stdeb         libjemalloc-dev         liblua5.1-0-dev         lua-bitop-dev          lua-cjson-dev         dkms         cppcheck         clang         pylint         python-pytest         python3-pytest         gcovr         python-pytest-cov         python3-pytest-cov         python-parse         default-libmysqlclient-dev         libssl-dev         libperl-dev         libpci-dev         libpci3         libsensors5         libsensors4-dev         libwrap0-dev    debhelper         autotools-dev         libbsd-dev         pkg-config         check         docutils-common         libjs-sphinxdoc         libjs-underscore         python-docutils         python-jinja2         python-markupsafe         python-pygments         python-roman         python-sphinx         sphinx-common         python3-sphinx         python-dev         procmail         libgtest-dev         cmake         libgmock-dev         autoconf-archive         cm-super-minimal         libatm1-dev         libelf-dev         libmnl-dev         libselinux1-dev         linuxdoc-tools         lynx         texlive-latex-extra         texlive-latex-recommended         iproute2         texi2html         sharutils         locales         time         man2html-base         libcunit1         libcunit1-dev         shellcheck         bash-completion         dosfstools         qemu-kvm         libvirt-clients         autogen         libopts25-dev         pps-tools         dh-apparmor         librrd8         librrd-dev         rrdtool         liblzo2-dev         libnetfilter-conntrack-dev         libnftnl-dev         protobuf-compiler         libprotobuf-dev         xxd         libexplain-dev         libevent-dev         swig         device-tree-compiler         autoconf         m4         libxml2-utils         xsltproc         python-lxml         libexpat1-dev         libcurl4         libcjson-dev         qtbase5-dev                  aspell-en                    libhiredis-dev               swig3.0                      libpython2.7-dev             libssl-dev                   dbus                         libdbus-1-dev                libdbus-glib-1-2             libdbus-glib-1-dev           libreadline-dev              libncurses5-dev              libpcsclite-dev              docbook-to-man               docbook-utils                libbz2-dev         libboost1.71-dev         libboost-serialization1.71-dev         libboost-program-options1.71-dev         libboost-system1.71-dev         libboost-thread1.71-dev         libboost-atomic1.71-dev         libboost-chrono1.71-dev         libboost-container1.71-dev         libboost-context1.71-dev         libboost-contract1.71-dev         libboost-coroutine1.71-dev         libboost-date-time1.71-dev         libboost-fiber1.71-dev         libboost-filesystem1.71-dev         libboost-graph-parallel1.71-dev         libboost-log1.71-dev         libboost-regex1.71-dev         googletest         libgtest-dev         libgmock-dev         libgcc-8-dev         libcairo2-dev         libdbus-1-dev         libgirepository1.0-dev         libsystemd-dev         pkg-config         libhiredis-dev         libauparse-dev         auditd
 ---> Running in 7f181256aa03
Get:1 buster InRelease [122 kB]
Get:2 buster-updates InRelease [56.6 kB]
Get:3 buster-backports InRelease [51.4 kB]
Get:4 buster/updates InRelease [34.8 kB]
Get:5 buster/main Sources [7852 kB]
Get:6 buster InRelease [30.7 kB]
Get:7 buster/non-free Sources [85.9 kB]
Get:8 buster/contrib Sources [42.5 kB]
Get:9 buster/contrib amd64 Packages [50.1 kB]
Get:10 buster/main amd64 Packages [7909 kB]
Get:11 buster/non-free amd64 Packages [87.8 kB]
Get:12 buster-updates/main Sources [4616 B]
Get:13 buster-updates/main amd64 Packages [8788 B]
Get:14 buster-updates InRelease [28.2 kB]
Get:15 buster-backports/non-free amd64 Packages [37.2 kB]
Get:16 buster-backports/main amd64 Packages [487 kB]
Get:17 buster-backports/contrib amd64 Packages [9196 B]
Get:18 buster-backports InRelease [30.8 kB]
Get:19 buster/updates/main Sources [347 kB]
Get:20 buster/updates/non-free Sources [4048 B]
Get:21 buster/updates/main amd64 Packages [551 kB]
Get:22 buster/updates/non-free amd64 Packages [10.8 kB]
Get:23 buster_updates InRelease [28.3 kB]
Err:6 buster InRelease
  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 781D115CB74E5A70
Err:14 buster-updates InRelease
  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 781D115CB74E5A70
Err:18 buster-backports InRelease
  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 781D115CB74E5A70
Err:23 buster_updates InRelease
  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 781D115CB74E5A70
Reading package lists...
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/public_key.gpg are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/public_key.gpg are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/public_key.gpg are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/public_key.gpg are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/public_key.gpg are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: GPG error: buster InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 781D115CB74E5A70
E: The repository ' buster InRelease' is not signed.
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/public_key.gpg are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: GPG error: buster-updates InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 781D115CB74E5A70
E: The repository ' buster-updates InRelease' is not signed.
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/public_key.gpg are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: GPG error: buster-backports InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 781D115CB74E5A70
E: The repository ' buster-backports InRelease' is not signed.
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/public_key.gpg are ignored as the file is not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.
W: GPG error: buster_updates InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 781D115CB74E5A70
E: The repository ' buster_updates InRelease' is not signed.
The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get install -y         apt-utils         default-jre-headless         openssh-server         curl         wget         unzip         gzip         git         build-essential         libtool         lintian         sudo         dh-make         dh-exec         kmod         libtinyxml2-6a         libtinyxml2-dev         python         python-pip         python3         python3-pip         libncurses5-dev         texinfo         dh-autoreconf         doxygen         devscripts         git-buildpackage         perl-modules         libswitch-perl         dh-systemd         libzmq5         libzmq3-dev         uuid-dev         jq         nlohmann-json3-dev         libreadline-dev         texlive-latex-base         texlive-generic-recommended         texlive-fonts-recommended         libpam0g-dev         libpam-dev         libcap-dev         imagemagick         ghostscript         groff         libpcre2-dev         gawk         chrpath         libc-ares-dev         libsnmp-dev         libjson-c3         libjson-c-dev         libsystemd-dev         python-ipaddr         libcmocka-dev         python3-all-dev         python3-all-dbg         install-info         logrotate         cdbs         libxml-simple-perl         graphviz         aspell         libgetopt-long-descriptive-perl         libconst-fast-perl         libtemplate-perl         libnamespace-autoclean-perl         libmoose-perl         libmoosex-aliases-perl         bc         fakeroot         build-essential         devscripts         quilt         stgit         sbsigntool         module-assistant         gem2deb         libevent-dev         libglib2.0-dev         libqt4-dev         python-all-dev         python-twisted         phpunit         libbit-vector-perl         openjdk-11-jdk         javahelper         maven-debian-helper         ant         libhttpclient-java         libslf4j-java         libservlet3.1-java         qt5-default         pkg-php-tools         libpcre3         libpcre3-dev         byacc         flex         libglib2.0-dev         bison         expat         libexpat1-dev         dpatch         libdb-dev         iptables-dev         ctags         libtool-bin         libxml2-dev         libusb-1.0-0-dev         libcurl4-openssl-dev         libunwind8-dev         telnet         libc-ares2         libgoogle-perftools4         cpio         squashfs-tools         zip         linux-compiler-gcc-8-x86         linux-kbuild-4.19         libdaemon-dev         libdbus-1-dev         libjansson-dev         libpcap-dev         dnsutils         libusb-dev         libgrpc++1         libabsl-dev         augeas-tools         libyaml-dev         libevent-dev         libjudy-dev         libedit-dev         libnanomsg-dev         python-stdeb         libjemalloc-dev         liblua5.1-0-dev         lua-bitop-dev          lua-cjson-dev         dkms         cppcheck         clang         pylint         python-pytest         python3-pytest         gcovr         python-pytest-cov         python3-pytest-cov         python-parse         default-libmysqlclient-dev         libssl-dev         libperl-dev         libpci-dev         libpci3         libsensors5         libsensors4-dev         libwrap0-dev     debhelper         autotools-dev         libbsd-dev         pkg-config         check         docutils-common         libjs-sphinxdoc         libjs-underscore         python-docutils         python-jinja2         python-markupsafe         python-pygments         python-roman         python-sphinx         sphinx-common         python3-sphinx         python-dev         procmail         libgtest-dev         cmake         libgmock-dev         autoconf-archive         cm-super-minimal         libatm1-dev         libelf-dev         libmnl-dev         libselinux1-dev         linuxdoc-tools         lynx         texlive-latex-extra         texlive-latex-recommended         iproute2         texi2html         sharutils         locales         time         man2html-base         libcunit1         libcunit1-dev         shellcheck         bash-completion         dosfstools         qemu-kvm         libvirt-clients         autogen         libopts25-dev         pps-tools         dh-apparmor         librrd8         librrd-dev         rrdtool         liblzo2-dev         libnetfilter-conntrack-dev         libnftnl-dev         protobuf-compiler         libprotobuf-dev         xxd         libexplain-dev         libevent-dev         swig         device-tree-compiler         autoconf         m4         libxml2-utils         xsltproc         python-lxml         libexpat1-dev         libcurl4         libcjson-dev         qtbase5-dev                  aspell-en                    libhiredis-dev               swig3.0                      libpython2.7-dev             libssl-dev                   dbus                         libdbus-1-dev                libdbus-glib-1-2             libdbus-glib-1-dev           libreadline-dev              libncurses5-dev              libpcsclite-dev              docbook-to-man               docbook-utils                libbz2-dev         libboost1.71-dev         libboost-serialization1.71-dev         libboost-program-options1.71-dev         libboost-system1.71-dev         libboost-thread1.71-dev         libboost-atomic1.71-dev         libboost-chrono1.71-dev         libboost-container1.71-dev         libboost-context1.71-dev         libboost-contract1.71-dev         libboost-coroutine1.71-dev         libboost-date-time1.71-dev         libboost-fiber1.71-dev         libboost-filesystem1.71-dev         libboost-graph-parallel1.71-dev         libboost-log1.71-dev         libboost-regex1.71-dev         googletest         libgtest-dev         libgmock-dev         libgcc-8-dev         libcairo2-dev         libdbus-1-dev         libgirepository1.0-dev         libsystemd-dev         pkg-config         libhiredis-dev         libauparse-dev         auditd' returned a non-zero code: 100
Unable to find image 'sonic-slave-buster:74a1fa3d404' locally
Error response from daemon: pull access denied for sonic-slave-buster, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'
Error response from daemon: No such container: sonic-slave-buster-74a1fa3d404
Error response from daemon: No such container: sonic-slave-buster-74a1fa3d404
Error response from daemon: No such container: sonic-slave-buster-74a1fa3d404
Error response from daemon: No such image: sonic-slave-buster:74a1fa3d404
unknown shorthand flag: 'o' in -o
See 'docker build --help'.
Sending build context to Docker daemon  313.3kB
Step 1/5 : FROM sonic-slave-buster:74a1fa3d404
pull access denied for sonic-slave-buster, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'
Error: No such image: tmp-sonic-slave-buster:74a1fa3d404
Error response from daemon: No such container: sonic-slave-buster-74a1fa3d404
sync: error opening 'sonic-slave-buster/vcache/cache.base64': No such file or directory
Error: No such container: sonic-slave-buster-74a1fa3d404
make[1]: *** [ configure] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/scratch/local2/pmenzel/sonic-buildimage'
make: *** [Makefile:94: configure] Error 2
prgeor commented 1 year ago

@paulmenzel can you pull the latest debian slave and run a clean build.

prgeor commented 1 year ago

@paulmenzel local key could be expired. latest pull request is passing in buildimage repo

paulmenzel commented 1 year ago

@prgeor, sorry I do not know what you mean. It is my understanding, that the Docker image is built from the Dockerfile and not downloaded. It’s built from debian:buster.

Checking sonic-slave-base image: sonic-slave-buster:74a1fa3d404
Image sonic-slave-buster:74a1fa3d404 not found. Building...
Sending build context to Docker daemon  274.4kB
Step 1/82 : FROM debian:buster

debian:buster is from six days ago:

$ docker images | grep buster
debian                       buster                  fecc81bbfb5f        6 days ago           114MB
wenwang00 commented 4 months ago

Hi, I also encountered the same problem. How did you solve it in the end?