Yang model for bgp-neighbor does not allow the use of subinterfaces for bgp neighbors. FRR allows this and the setup works as expected.
Steps to reproduce the issue:
Create a subinterface ==> config subinterface add Ethernet0.5
Create a bgp-unnumbered neighbor using subinterface ==> config bgp-neighbor bgp-neighbor-list add --peer-type external default Ethernet0.5
Describe the results you received:
# config bgp-neighbor bgp-neighbor-list add --peer-type external default Ethernet0.5
libyang[0]: Invalid value "Ethernet0.5" in "neighbor" element. (path: /sonic-bgp-neighbor:sonic-bgp-neighbor/BGP_NEIGHBOR/BGP_NEIGHBOR_LIST[vrf_name='default'][neighbor='Ethernet0.5']/neighbor)
sonic_yang(3):Data Loading Failed:Invalid value "Ethernet0.5" in "neighbor" element.
Error: Failed to validate configuration: Data Loading Failed
Invalid value "Ethernet0.5" in "neighbor" element.
Describe the results you expected:
I exptected the command to succeed and frrcfgd to create a bgp-unnumbered neighbor, using the subinterface, in FRR, looking like this:
neighbor Ethernet0.5 interface remote-as external
Yang model for bgp-neighbor does not allow the use of subinterfaces for bgp neighbors. FRR allows this and the setup works as expected.
Steps to reproduce the issue:
Describe the results you received:
Describe the results you expected:
I exptected the command to succeed and frrcfgd to create a bgp-unnumbered neighbor, using the subinterface, in FRR, looking like this: neighbor Ethernet0.5 interface remote-as external
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