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Configuration management examples for SONiC
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[Bug]: test_copp test_add_new_trap and test_remove_trap failed on broadcom platform #13560

Open ZhaohuiS opened 5 days ago

ZhaohuiS commented 5 days ago

Issue Description

Both of test_add_new_trap and test_remove_trap failed on platform testbeds.

Results you see

{ "changed": true, "cmd": "/root/env-python3/bin/ptf --test-dir ptftests/py3 copp_tests.BGPTest --qlen=100000 --platform nn -t 'verbose=False;target_port=63;myip='\"'\"''\"'\"';peerip='\"'\"''\"'\"';send_rate_limit=2000;has_trap=False;hw_sku='\"'\"'Arista-7260CX3-C64'\"'\"'' --device-socket 0-63@tcp:// --device-socket 1-63@tcp://", "delta": "0:00:55.628268", "end": "2024-07-01 12:10:36.838901", "failed": true, "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2024-07-01 12:09:41.210633", "stderr": "copp_tests.BGPTest ... FAIL\n\n======================================================================\nFAIL: copp_tests.BGPTest\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File \"ptftests/py3/\", line 480, in runTest\n self.run_suite()\n File \"ptftests/py3/\", line 234, in run_suite\n self.one_port_test(self.target_port)\n File \"ptftests/py3/\", line 228, in one_port_test\n self.check_constraints(send_count, recv_count, time_delta_ms, rx_pps)\n File \"ptftests/py3/\", line 272, in check_constraints\n assert rx_pps <= self.PPS_LIMIT_MIN, \"rx_pps {}\".format(rx_pps)\nAssertionError: rx_pps 620\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nRan 1 test in 55.061s\n\nFAILED (failures=1)", "stderr_lines": [ "copp_tests.BGPTest ... FAIL", "", "======================================================================", "FAIL: copp_tests.BGPTest", "----------------------------------------------------------------------", "Traceback (most recent call last):", " File \"ptftests/py3/\", line 480, in runTest", " self.run_suite()", " File \"ptftests/py3/\", line 234, in run_suite", " self.one_port_test(self.target_port)", " File \"ptftests/py3/\", line 228, in one_port_test", " self.check_constraints(send_count, recv_count, time_delta_ms, rx_pps)", " File \"ptftests/py3/\", line 272, in check_constraints", " assert rx_pps <= self.PPS_LIMIT_MIN, \"rx_pps {}\".format(rx_pps)", "AssertionError: rx_pps 620", "", "----------------------------------------------------------------------", "Ran 1 test in 55.061s", "", "FAILED (failures=1)" ], "stdout": "Using packet manipulation module: ptf.packet_scapy\n2024-07-01 12:09:41 : BGPTest\n2024-07-01 12:09:47 : Send 18813 and receive 1275 packets in the first second (PolicyTest)\n2024-07-01 12:10:17 : Sent out 46045 packets in 30s\n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Received 18602 packets after sleep 3s\n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : \n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Sent through NN to local ptf_nn_agent: 46045\n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Sent through If to remote ptf_nn_agent: 46045\n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Recv from If on remote ptf_nn_agent: 18610\n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Recv from NN on from remote ptf_nn_agent: 18610\n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : \n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : test stats\n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Packet sent = 46045\n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Packet rcvd = 18602\n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Test time = 0:00:30.000002\n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : TX PPS = 1534\n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : RX PPS = 620\n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : \n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Checking constraints (NoPolicyApplied):\n2024-07-01 12:10:36 : rx_pps (620) <= PPS_LIMIT_MIN (540): False\n\n**\nATTENTION: SOME TESTS DID NOT PASS!!!\n\nThe following tests failed:\nBGPTest\n\n**", "stdout_lines": [ "Using packet manipulation module: ptf.packet_scapy", "2024-07-01 12:09:41 : BGPTest", "2024-07-01 12:09:47 : Send 18813 and receive 1275 packets in the first second (PolicyTest)", "2024-07-01 12:10:17 : Sent out 46045 packets in 30s", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Received 18602 packets after sleep 3s", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : ", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Sent through NN to local ptf_nn_agent: 46045", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Sent through If to remote ptf_nn_agent: 46045", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Recv from If on remote ptf_nn_agent: 18610", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Recv from NN on from remote ptf_nn_agent: 18610", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : ", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : test stats", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Packet sent = 46045", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Packet rcvd = 18602", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Test time = 0:00:30.000002", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : TX PPS = 1534", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : RX PPS = 620", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : ", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : Checking constraints (NoPolicyApplied):", "2024-07-01 12:10:36 : rx_pps (620) <= PPS_LIMIT_MIN (540): False", "", "**", "ATTENTION: SOME TESTS DID NOT PASS!!!", "", "The following tests failed:", "BGPTest", "", "**" ] }


wait_until(100, 20, 0, _copp_runner, duthost, ptfhost, self.trap_id.upper(), copp_testbed, dut_type, has_trap=False), "uninstalling {} trap fail".format(self.trap_id)) E Failed: uninstalling bgp trap fail

Results you expected to see


Is it platform specific


Relevant log output

No response

Output of show version

admin@str3-7260cx3-acs-14:~$ show version

SONiC Software Version: SONiC.20231110.15
SONiC OS Version: 11
Distribution: Debian 11.9
Kernel: 5.10.0-23-2-amd64
Build commit: f5bbe4e748
Build date: Mon Jul  1 22:18:19 UTC 2024
Built by: cloudtest@9ebe9f29c000000

Platform: x86_64-arista_7260cx3_64
HwSKU: Arista-7260CX3-C64
ASIC: broadcom
ASIC Count: 1
Serial Number: FGN224303NB
Model Number: DCS-7260CX3-64
Hardware Revision: 03.00
Uptime: 03:23:36 up 10:40,  1 user,  load average: 0.67, 0.66, 0.75
Date: Thu 04 Jul 2024 03:23:36

Docker images:
REPOSITORY                 TAG           IMAGE ID       SIZE
docker-mux                 20231110.15   7e00d89a02e0   349MB
docker-mux                 latest        7e00d89a02e0   349MB
docker-macsec              latest        89c3f9d12f3c   329MB
docker-sonic-telemetry     20231110.15   dfc2bc5425a3   369MB
docker-sonic-telemetry     latest        dfc2bc5425a3   369MB
docker-gbsyncd-broncos     20231110.15   dfacca719490   352MB
docker-gbsyncd-broncos     latest        dfacca719490   352MB
docker-gbsyncd-credo       20231110.15   26daacc8536a   324MB
docker-gbsyncd-credo       latest        26daacc8536a   324MB
docker-sonic-gnmi          20231110.15   599f955969a6   369MB
docker-sonic-gnmi          latest        599f955969a6   369MB
docker-teamd               20231110.15   e15a82103521   327MB
docker-teamd               latest        e15a82103521   327MB
docker-orchagent           20231110.15   df82d71274e5   339MB
docker-orchagent           latest        df82d71274e5   339MB
docker-dhcp-relay          latest        37b00c9eb4ba   311MB
docker-fpm-frr             20231110.15   0ba283db48d5   352MB
docker-fpm-frr             latest        0ba283db48d5   352MB
docker-eventd              20231110.15   56e3941083b6   301MB
docker-eventd              latest        56e3941083b6   301MB
docker-snmp                20231110.15   569467841d05   340MB
docker-snmp                latest        569467841d05   340MB
docker-platform-monitor    20231110.15   13f7ba2c9233   421MB
docker-platform-monitor    latest        13f7ba2c9233   421MB
docker-database            20231110.15   df597443f08b   301MB
docker-database            latest        df597443f08b   301MB
docker-acms                20231110.15   709aaefaddc1   348MB
docker-acms                latest        709aaefaddc1   348MB
docker-syncd-brcm          20231110.15   b95cdc6bdd3a   715MB
docker-syncd-brcm          latest        b95cdc6bdd3a   715MB
docker-router-advertiser   20231110.15   724d46fad47d   301MB
docker-router-advertiser   latest        724d46fad47d   301MB
docker-lldp                20231110.15   bc147c4b67fb   343MB
docker-lldp                latest        bc147c4b67fb   343MB
docker-sonic-restapi       20231110.15   8776b946bf92   319MB
docker-sonic-restapi       latest        8776b946bf92   319MB           3.5           ed210e3e4a5b   683kB

Attach files (if any)

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