First-time contributor
justin-wong-ce commented on Sep 6 •
SNMP assumes the first half of the queues to be unicast and the second half to be multicast. This assumption was fine for most hwSkus but not new ones being added to support, i.e. x86_64-arista_7060x6.
This change will allow configurations where there are more than half of maximum queues set as unicast. It however does not account for the case where there are more than half of the maximum queues set as multicast - that will cause problems for the sonic-mgmt snmp/test_snmp_queue.py test.
justin-wong-ce First-time contributor justin-wong-ce commented on Sep 6 • SNMP assumes the first half of the queues to be unicast and the second half to be multicast. This assumption was fine for most hwSkus but not new ones being added to support, i.e. x86_64-arista_7060x6.
This change will allow configurations where there are more than half of maximum queues set as unicast. It however does not account for the case where there are more than half of the maximum queues set as multicast - that will cause problems for the sonic-mgmt snmp/test_snmp_queue.py test.
If the SNMP is expected to only return unicast queues, then I will make further changes to the unit test and source code to reflect this expectation in functionality. If not, sonic-mgmt's snmp/test_snmp_queue.py should not expect only unicast queues to be returned, and SNMP should return all queues, not half (https://github.com/sonic-net/sonic-mgmt/blob/ac37f7f0fd7c7857559325a61d5ca6e6c4932194/tests/snmp/test_snmp_queue.py#L92) (grep UC)
Note: Only tested on Arista hwSkus.
What I did Accommodate for the case where the number of Unicast queues exceed the number of Multicast queues.
How I did it Allow Unicast queues to be added to response when their queue number is greater than half of the total number of queues.
How to verify it Passing unit tests and SNMP tests in sonic-mgmt. Note: Only ran on Arista hwSkus
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