sonic-net / sonic-utilities

Command line utilities for the SONiC project
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generic_updater: Yang deficiencies #1935

Closed renukamanavalan closed 2 years ago

renukamanavalan commented 2 years ago


Running "sudo config apply-patch ..." in latest (as of 11/15) master image applied in SONiC switches fails with inability to parse config for given yang models. I have to do some updates to YANG models to get over.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Install latest master image in any SONiC switch
  2. Create a small patch and try applying

Describe the results you received

Describe the results you expected

Additional information you deem important (e.g. issue happens only occasionally)

The list of files updated and the diff are as below.

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4922 Nov 17 18:16 sonic-scheduler.yang
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  2340 Nov 17 18:16 sonic-queue.yang
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  2743 Nov 17 18:16 sonic-device_neighbor.yang
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  5452 Nov 17 18:16 sonic-bgp-neighbor.yang
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4346 Nov 17 18:25 sonic-device_metadata.yang
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  5183 Nov 17 18:40 sonic-flex_counter.yang
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  2400 Nov 17 18:50 sonic-feature.yang

admin@xxx:/usr/local/yang-models$ for i in  sonic-scheduler.yang sonic-queue.yang sonic-device_neighbor.yang sonic-bgp-neighbor.yang sonic-device_metadata.yang sonic-flex_counter.yang sonic-feature.yang; do echo "-----------------------$i------------------------"; zdiff orig/$i $i; echo "--------------------- END -----------------------"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; done 
<                         pattern "[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}([-a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,31})|[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}([-a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,31})([@]{1})([0-9]{1,3})";
<                         length 1..36 {
<                             error-message "Invalid length for scheduler name.";
<                             error-app-tag scheduler-name-invalid-length;
<                         }
>                         length 1..255;
--------------------- END -----------------------

<                     type leafref {
<                         path "/sch:sonic-scheduler/sch:SCHEDULER/sch:SCHEDULER_LIST/sch:name"; //Reference to SCHEDULER table
>                     type string {
>                         length 1..255;
<                     type leafref {
<                         path "/wrd:sonic-wred-profile/wrd:WRED_PROFILE/wrd:WRED_PROFILE_LIST/wrd:name"; // Reference to WRED_PROFILE table
>                     type string {
>                         length 1..255;
--------------------- END -----------------------

>         container DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA {
>             description "DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_METADATA part of config_db.json";
>                 key "peer_name";
>                 leaf peer_name {
>                     type string {
>                         length 1..255;
>                     }
>                 }
>                 leaf hwsku {
>                     type string {
>                         length 1..255;
>                     }
>                 }
>                 leaf lo_addr {
>                     type string {
>                         length 1..255;
>                     }
>                 }
>                 leaf mgmt_addr {
>                     type inet:ip-address;
>                 }
>                 leaf type {
>                     type string {
>                         length 1..255;
>                     }
>                 }
>             }
>             /* end of list DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_LIST */
>         }
--------------------- END -----------------------

>                 leaf admin_status {
>                     type string;
>                     description "Admin status";
>                 }
--------------------- END -----------------------

<                         pattern "ToRRouter|LeafRouter|SpineChassisFrontendRouter|ChassisBackendRouter|ASIC|MgmtToRRouter|SpineRouter|BackEndToRRouter|BackEndLeafRouter";
>                         pattern "ToRRouter|LeafRouter|SpineChassisFrontendRouter|ChassisBackendRouter|ASIC";
>                 leaf synchronous_mode {
>                     type enumeration {
>                         enum enable;
>                         enum disable;
>                     }
>                     default enable;
>                 }
>                 leaf cloudtype {
>                     type string {
>                         length 1..255;
>                     }
>                 }
>                 leaf region {
>                     type string {
>                         length 1..255;
>                     }
>                 }
--------------------- END -----------------------

>                 leaf POLL_INTERVAL {
>                     type string;
>                 }
--------------------- END -----------------------

>                 leaf set_owner {
>                     description "feature set_owner in Feature table";
>                     type string {
>                         length 1..32;
>                     }
>                 }
>                 leaf status {
>                     description "feature status in Feature table";
>                     type string {
>                         length 1..32;
>                     }
>                 }
<                     type stypes:feature_state;
>                     type string;
<                     type boolean;
<                     default false;
>                     type string;
<                     type boolean;
<                     default false;
>                     type string;
<                     type boolean;
<                     default false;
>                     type string;
< }
\ No newline at end of file
> }
--------------------- END -----------------------

Output of show version

(paste your output here)


MaratGubaiev commented 2 years ago

I have to do some updates to YANG models to get over.

Does it mean that you don't have the problem anymore? I just want to understand, if it has been already fixed or we should fix it.

notify: @pshulik

MaratGubaiev commented 2 years ago

I took the version of 11/25 applied your changes and got failure.

SONiC Software Version: SONiC.HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e ``` admin@sonic:~$ show version SONiC Software Version: SONiC.HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e Distribution: Debian 10.11 Kernel: 4.19.0-12-2-amd64 Build commit: e2bffdf9e Build date: Thu Nov 25 12:25:52 UTC 2021 Built by: cord@node1 Platform: x86_64-mlnx_msn2700-r0 HwSKU: Mellanox-SN2700 ASIC: mellanox ASIC Count: 1 Serial Number: MT2028X35388 Model Number: MSN2700-CS2FO Hardware Revision: A2 Uptime: 12:48:44 up 18 min, 1 user, load average: 0.26, 0.64, 0.72 Docker images: REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID SIZE docker-platform-monitor HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e a16fb9706d0c 799MB docker-platform-monitor latest a16fb9706d0c 799MB docker-syncd-mlnx HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e 9241e175b371 1GB docker-syncd-mlnx latest 9241e175b371 1GB docker-dhcp-relay latest 62d6e9938f09 435MB docker-teamd HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e 18eda87a3977 434MB docker-teamd latest 18eda87a3977 434MB docker-nat HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e 4b9df5f7503f 437MB docker-nat latest 4b9df5f7503f 437MB docker-snmp HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e 0060dc270ca8 464MB docker-snmp latest 0060dc270ca8 464MB docker-sonic-mgmt-framework HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e 7df0b65e6950 577MB docker-sonic-mgmt-framework latest 7df0b65e6950 577MB docker-router-advertiser HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e 4dd1aeca6cd7 422MB docker-router-advertiser latest 4dd1aeca6cd7 422MB docker-lldp HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e edb678d870a7 462MB docker-lldp latest edb678d870a7 462MB docker-orchagent HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e 92848abd14be 453MB docker-orchagent latest 92848abd14be 453MB docker-database HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e b79524bd0835 422MB docker-database latest b79524bd0835 422MB docker-sonic-telemetry HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e ea25187908f2 510MB docker-sonic-telemetry latest ea25187908f2 510MB docker-macsec HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e f5e9668c1bcb 437MB docker-macsec latest f5e9668c1bcb 437MB docker-fpm-frr HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e e38e4fcbfbaa 452MB docker-fpm-frr latest e38e4fcbfbaa 452MB docker-mux HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e 3443994a9d03 474MB docker-mux latest 3443994a9d03 474MB docker-sflow HEAD.0-e2bffdf9e 0793b2b23967 435MB docker-sflow latest 0793b2b23967 435MB ```
admin@sonic:~$ sudo config apply-patch ./dummy.json-patch
Patch Applier: Patch application starting.
Patch Applier: Patch: [{"op": "replace", "path": "/PORT/Ethernet124/admin_status", "value": "down"}]
Patch Applier: Validating patch is not making changes to tables without YANG models.
Patch Applier: Getting current config db.
Patch Applier: Simulating the target full config after applying the patch.
Patch Applier: Validating target config according to YANG models.
Note: Below table(s) have no YANG models:
sonic_yang(3):All Keys are not parsed in SFLOW_COLLECTOR
sonic_yang(3):Data Loading Failed:All Keys are not parsed in SFLOW_COLLECTOR
Failed to apply patch
Usage: config apply-patch [OPTIONS] PATCH_FILE_PATH
Try "config apply-patch -h" for help.

Error: Given patch is not valid because it will result in an invalid config
admin@sonic:~$ cat ./dummy.json-patch
    { "op": "replace", "path": "/PORT/Ethernet124/admin_status", "value": "down" }
sudo config save ``` admin@sonic:~$ sudo config save ./config.json Existing files will be overwritten, continue? [y/N]: y Running command: /usr/local/bin/sonic-cfggen -d --print-data > ./config.json admin@sonic:~$ cat ./config.json { "ACL_TABLE": { "1": { "policy_desc": "Mirror Session", "ports": "Ethernet16", "stage": "INGRESS", "type": "MIRROR" }, "2": { "policy_desc": "Mirror Session", "ports": "Ethernet16,Ethernet20", "stage": "INGRESS", "type": "MIRROR" }, "3": { "policy_desc": "Mirror Session", "ports": [ "Ethernet16", "Ethernet20" ], "stage": "INGRESS", "type": "MIRROR" }, "EXAMPLE": { "policy_desc": "EXAMPLE", "ports": [ "Ethernet0" ], "stage": "ingress", "type": "L3" }, "EXAMPLE_2": { "policy_desc": "EXAMPLE_2", "ports": [ "Ethernet0", "Ethernet4" ], "stage": "ingress", "type": "L3" }, "test": { "policy_desc": "test", "ports": [ "Ethernet0", "Ethernet4" ], "stage": "ingress", "type": "L3" } }, "BGP_NEIGHBOR": { "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA01T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA02T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA03T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA04T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA05T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA06T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA07T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA08T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA09T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA10T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA11T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA12T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA13T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA14T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA15T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "65200", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA16T2", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64001", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA01T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64002", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA02T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64003", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA03T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64004", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA04T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64005", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA05T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64006", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA06T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64007", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA07T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64008", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA08T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64009", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA09T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64010", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA10T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64011", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA11T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64012", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA12T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64013", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA13T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64014", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA14T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64015", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA15T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" }, "": { "asn": "64016", "holdtime": "180", "keepalive": "60", "local_addr": "", "name": "ARISTA16T0", "nhopself": "0", "rrclient": "0" } }, "BREAKOUT_CFG": { "Ethernet8": { "brkout_mode": "1x100[40G 50G]" } }, "CRM": { "Config": { "acl_counter_high_threshold": "85", "acl_counter_low_threshold": "70", "acl_counter_threshold_type": "percentage", "acl_entry_high_threshold": "85", "acl_entry_low_threshold": "70", "acl_entry_threshold_type": "percentage", "acl_group_high_threshold": "85", "acl_group_low_threshold": "70", "acl_group_threshold_type": "percentage", "acl_table_high_threshold": "85", "acl_table_low_threshold": "70", "acl_table_threshold_type": "percentage", "dnat_entry_high_threshold": "85", "dnat_entry_low_threshold": "70", "dnat_entry_threshold_type": "percentage", "fdb_entry_high_threshold": "85", "fdb_entry_low_threshold": "70", "fdb_entry_threshold_type": "percentage", "ipmc_entry_high_threshold": "85", "ipmc_entry_low_threshold": "70", "ipmc_entry_threshold_type": "percentage", "ipv4_neighbor_high_threshold": "85", "ipv4_neighbor_low_threshold": "70", "ipv4_neighbor_threshold_type": "percentage", "ipv4_nexthop_high_threshold": "85", "ipv4_nexthop_low_threshold": "70", "ipv4_nexthop_threshold_type": "percentage", "ipv4_route_high_threshold": "85", "ipv4_route_low_threshold": "70", "ipv4_route_threshold_type": "percentage", "ipv6_neighbor_high_threshold": "85", "ipv6_neighbor_low_threshold": "70", "ipv6_neighbor_threshold_type": "percentage", "ipv6_nexthop_high_threshold": "85", "ipv6_nexthop_low_threshold": "70", "ipv6_nexthop_threshold_type": "percentage", "ipv6_route_high_threshold": "85", "ipv6_route_low_threshold": "70", "ipv6_route_threshold_type": "percentage", "mpls_inseg_high_threshold": "85", "mpls_inseg_low_threshold": "70", "mpls_inseg_threshold_type": "percentage", "mpls_nexthop_high_threshold": "85", "mpls_nexthop_low_threshold": "70", "mpls_nexthop_threshold_type": "percentage", "nexthop_group_high_threshold": "85", "nexthop_group_low_threshold": "70", "nexthop_group_member_high_threshold": "85", "nexthop_group_member_low_threshold": "70", "nexthop_group_member_threshold_type": "percentage", "nexthop_group_threshold_type": "percentage", "polling_interval": "300", "snat_entry_high_threshold": "85", "snat_entry_low_threshold": "70", "snat_entry_threshold_type": "percentage" } }, "DEBUG_COUNTER": { "DEBUG_2": { "alias": "BAD_DROP", "desc": "More port ingress drops", "group": "BAD", "type": "SWITCH_INGRESS_DROPS" } }, "DEBUG_COUNTER_DROP_REASON": { "DEBUG_2|DECAP_ERROR": {}, "DEBUG_2|NO_L3_HEADER": {} }, "DEVICE_METADATA": { "localhost": { "bgp_asn": "65100", "buffer_model": "dynamic", "default_bgp_status": "up", "default_pfcwd_status": "disable", "hostname": "sonic", "hwsku": "Mellanox-SN2700", "mac": "1c:34:da:eb:ca:80", "platform": "x86_64-mlnx_msn2700-r0", "type": "LeafRouter" } }, "FEATURE": { "bgp": { "auto_restart": "enabled", "has_global_scope": "False", "has_per_asic_scope": "True", "has_timer": "False", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "state": "enabled" }, "database": { "auto_restart": "always_enabled", "has_global_scope": "True", "has_per_asic_scope": "True", "has_timer": "False", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "state": "always_enabled" }, "dhcp_relay": { "auto_restart": "enabled", "has_global_scope": "True", "has_per_asic_scope": "False", "has_timer": "False", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "set_owner": "local", "state": "disabled" }, "lldp": { "auto_restart": "enabled", "has_global_scope": "True", "has_per_asic_scope": "True", "has_timer": "False", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "state": "enabled" }, "macsec": { "auto_restart": "enabled", "has_global_scope": "True", "has_per_asic_scope": "False", "has_timer": "False", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "state": "disabled" }, "mgmt-framework": { "auto_restart": "enabled", "has_global_scope": "True", "has_per_asic_scope": "False", "has_timer": "True", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "state": "enabled" }, "mux": { "auto_restart": "enabled", "has_global_scope": "True", "has_per_asic_scope": "False", "has_timer": "False", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "state": "always_disabled" }, "nat": { "auto_restart": "enabled", "has_global_scope": "True", "has_per_asic_scope": "False", "has_timer": "False", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "state": "disabled" }, "pmon": { "auto_restart": "enabled", "has_global_scope": "True", "has_per_asic_scope": "False", "has_timer": "False", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "state": "enabled" }, "radv": { "auto_restart": "enabled", "has_global_scope": "True", "has_per_asic_scope": "False", "has_timer": "False", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "state": "enabled" }, "sflow": { "auto_restart": "enabled", "has_global_scope": "True", "has_per_asic_scope": "False", "has_timer": "False", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "state": "disabled" }, "snmp": { "auto_restart": "enabled", "has_global_scope": "True", "has_per_asic_scope": "False", "has_timer": "True", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "state": "enabled" }, "swss": { "auto_restart": "enabled", "has_global_scope": "False", "has_per_asic_scope": "True", "has_timer": "False", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "state": "enabled" }, "syncd": { "auto_restart": "enabled", "has_global_scope": "False", "has_per_asic_scope": "True", "has_timer": "False", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "state": "enabled" }, "teamd": { "auto_restart": "enabled", "has_global_scope": "False", "has_per_asic_scope": "True", "has_timer": "False", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "state": "enabled" }, "telemetry": { "auto_restart": "enabled", "has_global_scope": "True", "has_per_asic_scope": "False", "has_timer": "True", "high_mem_alert": "disabled", "state": "enabled" } }, "FLEX_COUNTER_TABLE": { "BUFFER_POOL_WATERMARK": { "FLEX_COUNTER_DELAY_STATUS": "false", "FLEX_COUNTER_STATUS": "enable" }, "PFCWD": { "FLEX_COUNTER_DELAY_STATUS": "false", "FLEX_COUNTER_STATUS": "enable" }, "PG_DROP": { 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"Ethernet88": {}, "Ethernet92": {}, "Ethernet96": {}, "Ethernet104": {}, "Ethernet108": {}, "Ethernet112": {}, "Ethernet116": {}, "Ethernet120": {}, "Ethernet124": {} }, "KDUMP": { "config": { "enabled": "false", "memory": "0M-2G:256M,2G-4G:320M,4G-8G:384M,8G-:448M", "num_dumps": "3" } }, "LOOPBACK_INTERFACE": { "Loopback0": {}, "Loopback0|": {}, "Loopback1": {}, "Loopback1|2cc6:2cff:fe38:b835::fe80/128": {}, "Loopback11": {} }, "MGMT_INTERFACE": { "eth0|": { "gwaddr": "" } }, "MGMT_PORT": { "eth0": { "admin_status": "up", "alias": "eth0" } }, "MGMT_VRF_CONFIG": { "vrf_global": { "mgmtVrfEnabled": "false" } }, "NTP_SERVER": { "": {}, "": {} }, "PORT": { "Ethernet0": { "admin_status": "up", "alias": "etp1", "index": "1", "lanes": "0,1,2,3", "mtu": "9100" }, "Ethernet4": { "admin_status": "up", "alias": "etp2", "index": "2", "lanes": "4,5,6,7", "mtu": "9100" }, "Ethernet8": { "admin_status": "up", "alias": "etp3", "index": "3", "lanes": "8,9,10,11", "mtu": "9100" }, "Ethernet12": { 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MaratGubaiev commented 2 years ago

@renukamanavalan Some problems you mentioned are already fixed, some I have fixed here:

qiluo-msft commented 2 years ago

@renukamanavalan Could you check if we can close this issue?

renukamanavalan commented 2 years ago

AddRack works w/o hack. Hence close.