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GUI was unable to connect to the Ruby server. #3126

Closed maxdmayhew closed 2 years ago

maxdmayhew commented 2 years ago

Apologies, a critical error occurred during startup: GUI was unable to connect to the Ruby server.

Please consider reporting a bug at

Sonic Pi Boot Error Report

System Information

Sonic Pi version: 4.0.0 OS: macOS 11.6


spider.log: Sonic Pi Spider Server booting... The time is 2022-07-09 18:37:55 -0400 Using primary protocol: udp Detecting port numbers... Ports: {:server_port=>30318, :gui_port=>30319, :scsynth_port=>30320, :scsynth_send_port=>30320, :osc_cues_port=>4560, :tau_port=>30321, :listen_to_tau_port=>30325} Token: -549074090 Opening UDP Server to listen to GUI on port: 30318 Spider - Pulling in modules... Spider - Starting Runtime Server TauComms - Sending /ping to tau: TauComms - Sending /ping to tau: TauComms - Sending /ping to tau: TauComms - Sending /ping to tau: TauComms - Unable to connect to tau (SIGTERM). Exiting... Spider - Failed to start server: exit /Applications/Sonic exit' /Applications/Sonic in block_until_tau_ready!' /Applications/Sonic block_until_tau_ready!' /Applications/Sonic!' /Applications/Sonic initialize' /Applications/Sonic' /Applications/Sonic initialize' /Applications/Sonic (2 levels) in included' /Applications/Sonic block (2 levels) in included' /Applications/Sonic' /Applications/Sonic `


daemon.log: [2022-07-09 18:37:53] Welcome to the Daemon Booter [2022-07-09 18:37:53] ---------------------------- [2022-07-09 18:37:53] SuperCollider inputs disabled by GUI [2022-07-09 18:37:53] checked port 30318, # [2022-07-09 18:37:53] checked port 30319, # [2022-07-09 18:37:53] checked port 30320, # [2022-07-09 18:37:53] checked port 4560, # [2022-07-09 18:37:53] checked port 30321, # [2022-07-09 18:37:53] checked port 30322, # [2022-07-09 18:37:53] checked port 30323, # [2022-07-09 18:37:53] checked port 30324, # [2022-07-09 18:37:53] checked port 30325, # [2022-07-09 18:37:53] Selected ports: [2022-07-09 18:37:53] {"spider-listen-to-gui"=>30318, "gui-send-to-spider"=>30318, "gui-listen-to-spider"=>30319, "spider-send-to-gui"=>30319, "scsynth"=>30320, "scsynth-send"=>30320, "osc-cues"=>4560, "tau"=>30321, "spider"=>30322, "phx"=>30323, "daemon"=>30324, "spider-listen-to-tau"=>30325} [2022-07-09 18:37:53] Booting Scsynth [2022-07-09 18:37:53] ---- Audio Config Issue ---- [2022-07-09 18:37:53] Could not find /Users/maxd/.sonic-pi/config/audio-settings.toml - reverting to default audio options. [2022-07-09 18:37:53] This is not critical - reverting to default audio options [2022-07-09 18:37:53] ---------------------------- [2022-07-09 18:37:53] Got Audio Settings toml hash: {} [2022-07-09 18:37:53] Unified Audio Settings toml hash: {} [2022-07-09 18:37:53] Combined Audio Settings toml hash with GUI scsynth inputs hash: {"-I"=>"0"} [2022-07-09 18:37:53] Merged Audio Settings toml hash: {"-u"=>30320, "-a"=>"1024", "-m"=>"131072", "-D"=>"0", "-R"=>"0", "-l"=>"1", "-i"=>0, "-o"=>"16", "-b"=>"4096", "-B"=>"", "-I"=>"0"} [2022-07-09 18:37:53] Process Booter - booting /Applications/Sonic with args ["-u", "30320", "-a", "1024", "-m", "131072", "-D", "0", "-R", "0", "-l", "1", "-i", "0", "-o", "16", "-b", "4096", "-B", "", "-I", "0"] [2022-07-09 18:37:53] /Applications/Sonic -u 30320 -a 1024 -m 131072 -D 0 -R 0 -l 1 -i 0 -o 16 -b 4096 -B -I 0 [2022-07-09 18:37:53] Waiting for the SuperCollider Server to have booted... [2022-07-09 18:37:53] Sending /status to server: localhost:30320 [2022-07-09 18:37:54] Sending /status to server: localhost:30320 [2022-07-09 18:37:54] Receiving ack from scsynth [2022-07-09 18:37:54] SuperCollider Server connection established [2022-07-09 18:37:54] Booting Tau... [2022-07-09 18:37:54] Fetching Tau toml opts... [2022-07-09 18:37:54] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -549074090 to localhost:30321 [2022-07-09 18:37:54] Daemon listening to info from Tau on port 30324 [2022-07-09 18:37:54] Process Booter - booting sh with args ["/Applications/Sonic", "true", "false", "true", "true", "4560", "30321", "30325", "30324", "/Users/maxd/.sonic-pi/log/tau.log", "true", "true", "30323", "iuPzBFUjbvyZlNpKcLJFrY8jg2IpRkVii8Hh/vnuMaAhi0+vPj2kUcF23vSz4ZQen0O12SsjBdinNbJF3iHkLQ==", "-549074090", "prod"] [2022-07-09 18:37:54] sh /Applications/Sonic true false true true 4560 30321 30325 30324 /Users/maxd/.sonic-pi/log/tau.log true true 30323 iuPzBFUjbvyZlNpKcLJFrY8jg2IpRkVii8Hh/vnuMaAhi0+vPj2kUcF23vSz4ZQen0O12SsjBdinNbJF3iHkLQ== -549074090 prod [2022-07-09 18:37:54] Booting Spider Server [2022-07-09 18:37:54] Process Booter - booting /Applications/Sonic with args ["--enable-frozen-string-literal", "-E", "utf-8", "/Applications/Sonic", "-u", "30318", "30319", "30320", "30320", "4560", "30321", "30325", "-549074090"] [2022-07-09 18:37:54] /Applications/Sonic --enable-frozen-string-literal -E utf-8 /Applications/Sonic -u 30318 30319 30320 30320 4560 30321 30325 -549074090 [2022-07-09 18:37:54] 30324 30319 30318 30320 4560 30321 30323 -549074090 [2022-07-09 18:37:54] Blocking main thread until exit signal received... [2022-07-09 18:37:55] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -549074090 to localhost:30321 [2022-07-09 18:37:55] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?) [2022-07-09 18:37:56] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -549074090 to localhost:30321 [2022-07-09 18:37:57] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -549074090 to localhost:30321 [2022-07-09 18:37:57] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?) [2022-07-09 18:37:58] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -549074090 to localhost:30321 [2022-07-09 18:37:59] [EXIT] Daemon Process has completed: [2022-07-09 18:37:59] Daemon Booter is now exiting. [2022-07-09 18:37:59] Cleaning up any running processes... [2022-07-09 18:37:59] Process Booter - killing /Applications/Sonic with pid 27123 and args ["--enable-frozen-string-literal", "-E", "utf-8", "/Applications/Sonic", "-u", "30318", "30319", "30320", "30320", "4560", "30321", "30325", "-549074090"], wait_thr status: #, sleep [2022-07-09 18:37:59] Process Booter - killing /Applications/Sonic with pid 27120 and args ["-u", "30320", "-a", "1024", "-m", "131072", "-D", "0", "-R", "0", "-l", "1", "-i", "0", "-o", "16", "-b", "4096", "-B", "", "-I", "0"], wait_thr status: #, sleep [2022-07-09 18:37:59] Sending TERM kill command to 27120 [2022-07-09 18:37:59] Process 27120 still running, waiting for it to finish... [5] [2022-07-09 18:37:59] Sending TERM kill command to 27123 [2022-07-09 18:37:59] Process 27123 still running, waiting for it to finish... [5] [2022-07-09 18:37:59] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -549074090 to localhost:30321 [2022-07-09 18:37:59] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?) [2022-07-09 18:38:00] Process 27120 terminated [2022-07-09 18:38:00] Process 27123 terminated [2022-07-09 18:38:00] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -549074090 to localhost:30321 [2022-07-09 18:38:00] Daemon received Pid from Tau: [-549074090, 27124] [2022-07-09 18:38:00] Killing Tau with pid 27124 [2022-07-09 18:38:00] Process Booter - killing sh with pid 27124 and args ["/Applications/Sonic", "true", "false", "true", "true", "4560", "30321", "30325", "30324", "/Users/maxd/.sonic-pi/log/tau.log", "true", "true", "30323", "iuPzBFUjbvyZlNpKcLJFrY8jg2IpRkVii8Hh/vnuMaAhi0+vPj2kUcF23vSz4ZQen0O12SsjBdinNbJF3iHkLQ==", "-549074090", "prod"], wait_thr status: #, sleep [2022-07-09 18:38:00] Sending TERM kill command to 27124 [2022-07-09 18:38:00] Process 27124 still running, waiting for it to finish... [5]

tau.log: 18:37:55.771 [info] All systems booting.... 18:37:55.771 [info] Extracting env TAU_ENV string: prod 18:37:55.771 [info] Extracting env TAU_MIDI_ENABLED bool: true 18:37:55.771 [info] Extracting env TAU_LINK_ENABLED bool: true 18:37:55.771 [info] Extracting env TAU_CUES_ON bool: true 18:37:55.771 [info] Extracting env TAU_OSC_IN_UDP_LOOPBACK_RESTRICTED bool: false 18:37:55.771 [info] Extracting env TAU_MIDI_ON bool: true 18:37:55.771 [info] Extracting env TAU_LINK_ON bool: true 18:37:55.771 [info] Extracting env TAU_OSC_IN_UDP_PORT int: 4560 18:37:55.771 [info] Extracting env TAU_API_PORT int: 30321 18:37:55.771 [info] Extracting env TAU_SPIDER_PORT int: 30325 18:37:55.771 [info] Extracting env TAU_DAEMON_PORT int: 30324 18:37:55.771 [info] Extracting env TAU_DAEMON_TOKEN int: -549074090 18:37:55.771 [info] Initialising MIDI native interface 18:37:55.790 [info] Initialising Link native interface 18:37:55.827 [info] Starting Phoenix server 18:37:55.827 [info] Starting with MIDI server enabled 18:37:55.827 [info] Starting with Link server enabled 18:37:55.827 [info] +--------------------------------------+ This is the Sonic Pi Link Server
Powered by Erlang 25

Number of detected peers:

Current tempo:
60.0 +--------------------------------------+

18:37:58.817 [info] +--------------------------------------+ This is the Sonic Pi MIDI Server
Powered by Erlang 25

Detected MIDI input ports:

Detected MIDI output ports:
[] +--------------------------------------+

18:37:58.817 [info] +--------------------------------------+ This is the Sonic Pi OSC Server
== Tau ==
Powered by Erlang 25

    Incoming OSC on port 4560         

OSC cue forwarding to {127, 0, 0, 1}
on port 30325

18:37:58.818 [info] +--------------------------------------+ This is the Sonic Pi API Server
Powered by Erlang 25

   API listening on port 30321         


18:37:58.821 [info] Running TauWeb.Endpoint with cowboy 2.9.0 at (http) 18:37:58.821 [info] Access TauWeb.Endpoint at http://localhost:30323 18:38:00.678 [info] API /send-pid-to-daemon -> sending pid to Daemon... 18:38:00.679 [info] SIGTERM received - shutting down

scsynth.log: Number of Devices: 6 0 : "Max Mayhew’s AirPods P" 1 : "Max Mayhew’s AirPods P" 2 : "MacBook Pro Microphone" 3 : "MacBook Pro Speakers" 4 : "Microsoft Teams Audio" 5 : "ZoomAudioD"

"Max Mayhew’s AirPods P" Input Device Streams: 1 0 channels 1

"Max Mayhew’s AirPods P" Output Device Streams: 1 0 channels 2

SC_AudioDriver: sample rate = 48000.000000, driver's block size = 512 SuperCollider 3 server ready.

gui.log: [API] [INFO ] : Starting... [API] [INFO ] : Home dir writable: [API] [INFO ] : Log Path: /Users/maxd/.sonic-pi/log [API] [INFO ] : Launching Sonic Pi Boot Daemon: [API] [INFO ] : Args: /Applications/Sonic /Applications/Sonic --no-scsynth-inputs [API] [INFO ] : Started... [API] [INFO ] : Reading Boot Daemon output... [API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: 30324 [API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: 30319 [API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: 30318 [API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: 30320 [API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: 4560 [API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: 30321 [API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: 30323 [API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: -549074090 [API] [INFO ] : Setting up OSC sender to Spider on port 30318 [API] [INFO ] : Setting up OSC sender to Daemon on port 30324 [API] [INFO ] : Setting up OSC sender to Tau on port 30321 [API] [INFO ] : Setting up Boot Daemon keep alive loop [API] [INFO ] : API Init Started... [API] [INFO ] : API State set to: Initializing... [API] [INFO ] : Going to start pinging server... [API] [INFO ] : Starting UDP OSC Server on port 30319... [GUI] - API Init successful [API] [INFO ] : Pinging Spider Server until a response is received... [GUI] - API Init successful [API] [INFO ] : Waiting for Sonic Pi Spider Server to respond... [API] [INFO ] : UDP OSC Server ready and listening [GUI] [i18n] - Looping through preferred ui languages [GUI] - Language setting: system_language [GUI] - System language: en_US [GUI] [i18n] - Looping through preferred ui languages [GUI] - Using language: en [GUI] [i18n] - Loading translations for en [GUI] - translations available [GUI] - hiding main window [GUI] - initialising toolbar icons [GUI] - setting up window structure [Debug] Adding language combo box entries... 2 [Debug] Adding language system_language to the combo box [Debug] Adding language en_GB to the combo box [GUI] [i18n] - Warning: Predefined language name not found: 'en_Latn_US' [GUI] - restoring scope states [GUI] - creating status bar [GUI] - creating info panel [GUI] - creating shortcuts [GUI] - creating tool bar [GUI] - initialising documentation window [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 59 [API] [INFO ] : . [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 58 [API] [INFO ] : . [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 57 [API] [INFO ] : . [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 56 [API] [INFO ] : . [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 55 [API] [INFO ] : UDP OSC Server is no longer listening [API] [INFO ] : . [API] [ERROR] : Oh no, Spider Server got to an Error State whilst starting... [GUI] - Critical Error. Unable to connect to server..

[GUI] - Sonic Pi Server failed to start with this error message:

Server Exception: exit ["/Applications/Sonic exit'", "/Applications/Sonic in block_until_tau_ready!'", "/Applications/Sonic block_until_tau_ready!'", "/Applications/Sonic!'", "/Applications/Sonic initialize'", "/Applications/Sonic'", "/Applications/Sonic initialize'", "/Applications/Sonic (2 levels) in included'", "/Applications/Sonic block (2 levels) in included'", "/Applications/Sonic'", "/Applications/Sonic `


[GUI] - Sonic Pi Server failed to start with this error message:

Critical error! Could not connect to Sonic Pi Server.

samaaron commented 2 years ago

Hi there, sorry you're having issues.

Would it be possible to open up a Ruby text file within the app, add a new line and try again?

The file is:


The line to add is on 788. Here's how it currently looks:

  @log_file << line
  @log << line if @record_log
rescue IOError
   # don't attempt to write

Could you add line = line.force_encoding("UTF-8") so that section of code looks as follows:

  line = line.force_encoding("UTF-8")
  @log_file << line
  @log << line if @record_log
rescue IOError
   # don't attempt to write

Let me know if that helps in any way!

maxdmayhew commented 2 years ago

Worked like a charm. Thanks mate!

samaaron commented 2 years ago

That’s wonderful to hear. This fix has already been committed and will be part of a bug fix release this week. Thank-you so much for helping me test it!

have fun with sonic pi :-)

chloehkai commented 1 year ago

Hi, I've got the same problem. I'm using Intel Mac from 2020, but still got the same message on 4.3.0. Any updates on this?

samaaron commented 1 year ago

@chloehkai - sorry you’re having issues. Please could you open a new issue and include all the log files from your machine - hopefully we’ll be able to figure out what’s going wrong for you.

tompie67 commented 1 year ago

Excuses, er heeft zich een kritische fout voorgedaan tijdens het opstarten: GUI was unable to connect to the Ruby server.

Denk eraan bugs te raporteren

Sonic Pi Boot Error Report

System Information

Sonic Pi version: 4.3.0 OS: Windows 10 Version 2009


spider.log: Sonic Pi Spider Server booting... The time is 2023-03-05 20:45:45 +0100 Warning, you have an older init.rb file in C:/Users/Tom De Vos/.sonic-pi/init.rb which is now being ignored as your newer config/init.rb file is being used instead. Consider deleting your old init.rb (perhaps copying anything useful across first). Using primary protocol: udp Detecting port numbers... Ports: {:server_port=>34682, :gui_port=>34683, :scsynth_port=>34684, :scsynth_send_port=>34684, :osc_cues_port=>4560, :tau_port=>34685, :listen_to_tau_port=>34689} Token: 191313225 Opening UDP Server to listen to GUI on port: 34682 Spider - Pulling in modules... Spider - Starting Runtime Server TauComms - Sending /ping to tau: TauComms - Receiving ack from tau TauComms - connection established studio - init scsynth boot - Waiting for the SuperCollider Server to have booted... scsynth boot - Sending /status to server: scsynth boot - Receiving ack from scsynth scsynth boot - Server connection established Spider - Failed to start server: Promise timed out after 5 seconds. C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/promise.rb:38:in block in get' C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/promise.rb:32:insynchronize' C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/promise.rb:32:in get' C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/server.rb:611:inwith_done_sync' C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/server.rb:157:in load_synthdefs' C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/server.rb:114:ininitialize' C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:68:in new' C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:68:ininit_scsynth' C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:45:in initialize' C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/lang/sound.rb:90:innew' C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/lang/sound.rb:90:in block (2 levels) in included' C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/lang/ixi.rb:72:inblock (2 levels) in included' C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/bin/spider-server.rb:243:in new' C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/bin/spider-server.rb:243:in

' Exiting - shutting down scsynth server... Sending /quit command to scsynth Stopping OSC server... Stopped OSC server...

daemon.log: [2023-03-05 20:45:12] Welcome to the Daemon Booter [2023-03-05 20:45:12] ---------------------------- [2023-03-05 20:45:12] SuperCollider inputs disabled by GUI [2023-03-05 20:45:12] checked port 34682, # [2023-03-05 20:45:12] checked port 34683, # [2023-03-05 20:45:12] checked port 34684, # [2023-03-05 20:45:12] checked port 4560, # [2023-03-05 20:45:12] checked port 34685, # [2023-03-05 20:45:12] checked port 34686, # [2023-03-05 20:45:12] checked port 34687, # [2023-03-05 20:45:12] checked port 34688, # [2023-03-05 20:45:12] checked port 34689, # [2023-03-05 20:45:12] Selected ports: [2023-03-05 20:45:12] {"spider-listen-to-gui"=>34682, "gui-send-to-spider"=>34682, "gui-listen-to-spider"=>34683, "spider-send-to-gui"=>34683, "scsynth"=>34684, "scsynth-send"=>34684, "osc-cues"=>4560, "tau"=>34685, "spider"=>34686, "phx"=>34687, "daemon"=>34688, "spider-listen-to-tau"=>34689} [2023-03-05 20:45:12] Booting Scsynth [2023-03-05 20:45:13] Got Audio Settings toml hash: {} [2023-03-05 20:45:13] Unified Audio Settings toml hash: {} [2023-03-05 20:45:13] Combined Audio Settings toml hash with GUI scsynth inputs hash: {"-i"=>"0"} [2023-03-05 20:45:13] Merged Audio Settings toml hash: {"-u"=>34684, "-a"=>"1024", "-m"=>"131072", "-D"=>"0", "-R"=>"0", "-l"=>"1", "-i"=>"0", "-o"=>"16", "-b"=>"4096", "-B"=>"", "-U"=>"C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/native/plugins"} [2023-03-05 20:45:13] Process Booter - booting C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/native/scsynth.exe with args ["-u", "34684", "-a", "1024", "-m", "131072", "-D", "0", "-R", "0", "-l", "1", "-i", "0", "-o", "16", "-b", "4096", "-B", "", "-U", "C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/native/plugins"] [2023-03-05 20:45:13] C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/native/scsynth.exe -u 34684 -a 1024 -m 131072 -D 0 -R 0 -l 1 -i 0 -o 16 -b 4096 -B -U C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/native/plugins [2023-03-05 20:45:13] Waiting for the SuperCollider Server to have booted... [2023-03-05 20:45:13] Sending /status to server: localhost:34684 [2023-03-05 20:45:14] Sending /status to server: localhost:34684 [2023-03-05 20:45:15] Sending /status to server: localhost:34684 [2023-03-05 20:45:16] Sending /status to server: localhost:34684 [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Device options: [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - MME : Microsoft Sound Mapper - Input (device #0 with 2 ins 0 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - MME : Microfoon van hoofdtelefoon (Bo (device #1 with 1 ins 0 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - MME : Microsoft Sound Mapper - Output (device #2 with 0 ins 2 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - MME : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II Soun (device #3 with 0 ins 2 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - MME : BenQ GW2480 (Intel(R) Display A (device #4 with 0 ins 2 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - MME : Oortelefoon van hoofdtelefoon ( (device #5 with 0 ins 1 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows DirectSound : Primair stuurprogramma voor opnemen van geluid (device #6 with 2 ins 0 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows DirectSound : Microfoon van hoofdtelefoon (Bose Mini II SoundLink Hands-Free AG Audio) (device #7 with 1 ins 0 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows DirectSound : Primair geluidsstuurprogramma (device #8 with 0 ins 2 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows DirectSound : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II SoundLink Stereo) (device #9 with 0 ins 2 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows DirectSound : BenQ GW2480 (Intel(R) Display Audio) (device #10 with 0 ins 2 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows DirectSound : Oortelefoon van hoofdtelefoon (Bose Mini II SoundLink Hands-Free AG Audio) (device #11 with 0 ins 1 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows WASAPI : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II SoundLink Stereo) (device #12 with 0 ins 2 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows WASAPI : BenQ GW2480 (Intel(R) Display Audio) (device #13 with 0 ins 2 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows WASAPI : Oortelefoon van hoofdtelefoon (Bose Mini II SoundLink Hands-Free AG Audio) (device #14 with 0 ins 1 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows WASAPI : Microfoon van hoofdtelefoon (Bose Mini II SoundLink Hands-Free AG Audio) (device #15 with 1 ins 0 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows WDM-KS : Stereo-mix (Realtek HD Audio Stereo input) (device #16 with 2 ins 0 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows WDM-KS : Speakers (Realtek HD Audio output) (device #17 with 0 ins 2 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows WDM-KS : Microfoon (Realtek HD Audio Mic input) (device #18 with 2 ins 0 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows WDM-KS : Output (Intel(R) Display Audio - Uitvoer 1) (device #19 with 0 ins 2 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows WDM-KS : Luidsprekers () (device #20 with 0 ins 2 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows WDM-KS : Oortelefoon van hoofdtelefoon (@System32\drivers\bthhfenum.sys,#2;%1 Hands-Free AG Audio%0 [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, ;(Bose Mini II SoundLink)) (device #21 with 0 ins 1 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - Windows WDM-KS : Microfoon van hoofdtelefoon (@System32\drivers\bthhfenum.sys,#2;%1 Hands-Free AG Audio%0 [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, ;(Bose Mini II SoundLink)) (device #22 with 1 ins 0 outs) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Requested devices: [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Out: [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, - (default) [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Selecting default system output device [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Booting with: [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Out: MME : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II Soun [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Sample rate: 44100.000 [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Latency (in/out): 0.000 / 0.091 sec [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, SC_AudioDriver: sample rate = 44100.000000, driver's block size = 64 [2023-03-05 20:45:16] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, SuperCollider 3 server ready. [2023-03-05 20:45:17] Sending /status to server: localhost:34684 [2023-03-05 20:45:17] Receiving ack from scsynth [2023-03-05 20:45:17] SuperCollider Server connection established [2023-03-05 20:45:17] Extracting Scsynth info [2023-03-05 20:45:17] Booting Tau... [2023-03-05 20:45:17] Fetching Tau toml opts... [2023-03-05 20:45:17] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:17] Daemon listening to info from Tau on port 34688 [2023-03-05 20:45:17] Process Booter - booting C:\Program Files\Sonic Pi\app\server\beam\tau_build\prod\rel\tau\erts-13.1\bin\erl.exe with args ["-config", "C:\Program Files\Sonic Pi\app\server\beam\tau\_build\prod\rel\tau\releases\0.1.0\sys", "-boot", "C:\Program Files\Sonic Pi\app\server\beam\tau\_build\prod\rel\tau\releases\0.1.0\start", "-boot_var", "RELEASE_LIB", "C:\Program Files\Sonic Pi\app\server\beam\tau\_build\prod\rel\tau\lib", "-args_file", "C:\Program Files\Sonic Pi\app\server\beam\tau\_build\prod\rel\tau\releases\0.1.0\vm.args", "-noshell", "-s", "elixir", "start_cli", "-mode", "embedded", "-extra", "--no-halt"] [2023-03-05 20:45:17] C:\Program Files\Sonic Pi\app\server\beam\tau_build\prod\rel\tau\erts-13.1\bin\erl.exe -config C:\Program Files\Sonic Pi\app\server\beam\tau_build\prod\rel\tau\releases\0.1.0\sys -boot C:\Program Files\Sonic Pi\app\server\beam\tau_build\prod\rel\tau\releases\0.1.0\start -boot_var RELEASE_LIB C:\Program Files\Sonic Pi\app\server\beam\tau_build\prod\rel\tau\lib -args_file C:\Program Files\Sonic Pi\app\server\beam\tau_build\prod\rel\tau\releases\0.1.0\vm.args -noshell -s elixir start_cli -mode embedded -extra --no-halt [2023-03-05 20:45:17] Booting Spider Server [2023-03-05 20:45:17] Process Booter - booting C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/native/ruby/bin/ruby.exe with args ["--enable-frozen-string-literal", "-E", "utf-8", "C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/bin/spider-server.rb", "-u", "34682", "34683", "34684", "34684", "4560", "34685", "34689", "191313225"] [2023-03-05 20:45:17] C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/native/ruby/bin/ruby.exe --enable-frozen-string-literal -E utf-8 C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/bin/spider-server.rb -u 34682 34683 34684 34684 4560 34685 34689 191313225 [2023-03-05 20:45:17] 34688 34683 34682 34684 4560 34685 34687 191313225 [2023-03-05 20:45:17] Blocking main thread until exit signal received... [2023-03-05 20:45:18] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:19] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:20] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:21] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:22] scsynth log match - res: nil, res_no_input: #<MatchData " Out: MME : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II Soun\n Sample rate: 44100.000\n Latency (in/out): 0.000 / 0.091 sec" 1:"MME : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II Soun" 2:"44100.000" 3:"0.000" 4:"0.091">, res_no_output: nil [2023-03-05 20:45:22] Extracted Windows in audio hw only: {:hw_in=>"Not connected", :hw_out=>"MME : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II Soun", :hw_sample_rate=>44100, :hw_latency_in=>0.0, :hw_latency_out=>0.091} [2023-03-05 20:45:22] Sending scsynth info to GUI... [2023-03-05 20:45:22] Raw:

Device options:

  • MME : Microsoft Sound Mapper - Input (device #0 with 2 ins 0 outs)
  • MME : Microfoon van hoofdtelefoon (Bo (device #1 with 1 ins 0 outs)
  • MME : Microsoft Sound Mapper - Output (device #2 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • MME : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II Soun (device #3 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • MME : BenQ GW2480 (Intel(R) Display A (device #4 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • MME : Oortelefoon van hoofdtelefoon ( (device #5 with 0 ins 1 outs)
  • Windows DirectSound : Primair stuurprogramma voor opnemen van geluid (device #6 with 2 ins 0 outs)
  • Windows DirectSound : Microfoon van hoofdtelefoon (Bose Mini II SoundLink Hands-Free AG Audio) (device #7 with 1 ins 0 outs)
  • Windows DirectSound : Primair geluidsstuurprogramma (device #8 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows DirectSound : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II SoundLink Stereo) (device #9 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows DirectSound : BenQ GW2480 (Intel(R) Display Audio) (device #10 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows DirectSound : Oortelefoon van hoofdtelefoon (Bose Mini II SoundLink Hands-Free AG Audio) (device #11 with 0 ins 1 outs)
  • Windows WASAPI : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II SoundLink Stereo) (device #12 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows WASAPI : BenQ GW2480 (Intel(R) Display Audio) (device #13 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows WASAPI : Oortelefoon van hoofdtelefoon (Bose Mini II SoundLink Hands-Free AG Audio) (device #14 with 0 ins 1 outs)
  • Windows WASAPI : Microfoon van hoofdtelefoon (Bose Mini II SoundLink Hands-Free AG Audio) (device #15 with 1 ins 0 outs)
  • Windows WDM-KS : Stereo-mix (Realtek HD Audio Stereo input) (device #16 with 2 ins 0 outs)
  • Windows WDM-KS : Speakers (Realtek HD Audio output) (device #17 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows WDM-KS : Microfoon (Realtek HD Audio Mic input) (device #18 with 2 ins 0 outs)
  • Windows WDM-KS : Output (Intel(R) Display Audio - Uitvoer 1) (device #19 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows WDM-KS : Luidsprekers () (device #20 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows WDM-KS : Oortelefoon van hoofdtelefoon (@System32\drivers\bthhfenum.sys,#2;%1 Hands-Free AG Audio%0

;(Bose Mini II SoundLink)) (device #21 with 0 ins 1 outs)

  • Windows WDM-KS : Microfoon van hoofdtelefoon (@System32\drivers\bthhfenum.sys,#2;%1 Hands-Free AG Audio%0

;(Bose Mini II SoundLink)) (device #22 with 1 ins 0 outs)

Requested devices: Out:

  • (default)

Selecting default system output device

Booting with: Out: MME : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II Soun Sample rate: 44100.000 Latency (in/out): 0.000 / 0.091 sec SC_AudioDriver: sample rate = 44100.000000, driver's block size = 64 SuperCollider 3 server ready. [2023-03-05 20:45:22] Extracted:

{:hw_in=>"Not connected", :hw_out=>"MME : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II Soun", :hw_sample_rate=>44100, :hw_latency_in=>0.0, :hw_latency_out=>0.091, :sc_sample_rate=>44100, :sc_block_size=>64} [2023-03-05 20:45:22] Pretty:

Out: MME : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II Soun In: Not connected Sample Rate: 44100 Block Size: 64 Latency Out: 0.091 [2023-03-05 20:45:22]

[2023-03-05 20:45:22] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:23] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:24] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:25] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:26] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:27] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:28] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:29] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:30] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:31] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:32] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:33] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:34] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:35] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:36] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:37] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:38] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:38] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, prod [2023-03-05 20:45:39] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:39] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, MidiInWinMM::initialize: no MIDI input devices currently available. [2023-03-05 20:45:39] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:39] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:39] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, MidiInWinMM::initialize: no MIDI input devices currently available. [2023-03-05 20:45:39] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:39] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, 191313225 to localhost:34685 [2023-03-05 20:45:39] Daemon received Pid from Tau: [191313225, 2884] [2023-03-05 20:45:44] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:44] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, MidiInWinMM::initialize: no MIDI input devices currently available. [2023-03-05 20:45:44] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:44] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:44] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, MidiInWinMM::initialize: no MIDI input devices currently available. [2023-03-05 20:45:44] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:45] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Sonic Pi Spider Server booting... [2023-03-05 20:45:45] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, The time is 2023-03-05 20:45:45 +0100 [2023-03-05 20:45:45] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Warning, you have an older init.rb file in C:/Users/Tom De Vos/.sonic-pi/init.rb which is now being ignored as your newer config/init.rb file is being used instead. Consider deleting your old init.rb (perhaps copying anything useful across first). [2023-03-05 20:45:45] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Using primary protocol: udp [2023-03-05 20:45:45] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Detecting port numbers... [2023-03-05 20:45:45] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Ports: {:server_port=>34682, :gui_port=>34683, :scsynth_port=>34684, :scsynth_send_port=>34684, :osc_cues_port=>4560, :tau_port=>34685, :listen_to_tau_port=>34689} [2023-03-05 20:45:45] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Token: 191313225 [2023-03-05 20:45:45] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Opening UDP Server to listen to GUI on port: 34682 [2023-03-05 20:45:45] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Spider - Pulling in modules... [2023-03-05 20:45:45] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Spider - Starting Runtime Server [2023-03-05 20:45:46] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau: [2023-03-05 20:45:46] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Receiving ack from tau [2023-03-05 20:45:46] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - connection established [2023-03-05 20:45:46] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, studio - init [2023-03-05 20:45:50] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:50] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, MidiInWinMM::initialize: no MIDI input devices currently available. [2023-03-05 20:45:50] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, scsynth boot - Waiting for the SuperCollider Server to have booted... [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, scsynth boot - Sending /status to server: [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, scsynth boot - Receiving ack from scsynth [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, scsynth boot - Server connection established [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Spider - Failed to start server: Promise timed out after 5 seconds. [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/promise.rb:38:in block in get' [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/promise.rb:32:insynchronize' [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/promise.rb:32:in get' [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/server.rb:611:inwith_done_sync' [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/server.rb:157:in load_synthdefs' [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/server.rb:114:ininitialize' [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:68:in new' [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:68:ininit_scsynth' [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:45:in initialize' [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/lang/sound.rb:90:innew' [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/lang/sound.rb:90:in block (2 levels) in included' [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/lang/ixi.rb:72:inblock (2 levels) in included' [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/bin/spider-server.rb:243:in new' [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/bin/spider-server.rb:243:in

' [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Exiting - shutting down scsynth server... [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Sending /quit command to scsynth [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Stopping OSC server... [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Stopped OSC server... [2023-03-05 20:45:52] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, SC_UdpInPort: received error - Kan geen verbinding maken omdat de doelcomputer de verbinding actief heeft geweigerd [2023-03-05 20:45:55] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, [2023-03-05 20:45:55] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, MidiInWinMM::initialize: no MIDI input devices currently available. [2023-03-05 20:45:55] log: UTF-8, UTF-8,

tau.log: 20:45:38.861 [info] All systems booting.... 20:45:38.861 [info] Extracting env TAU_ENV string: prod 20:45:38.861 [info] Extracting env TAU_MIDI_ENABLED bool: true 20:45:38.861 [info] Extracting env TAU_LINK_ENABLED bool: true 20:45:38.861 [info] Extracting env TAU_CUES_ON bool: true 20:45:38.861 [info] Extracting env TAU_OSC_IN_UDP_LOOPBACK_RESTRICTED bool: false 20:45:38.861 [info] Extracting env TAU_MIDI_ON bool: true 20:45:38.861 [info] Extracting env TAU_LINK_ON bool: true 20:45:38.861 [info] Extracting env TAU_OSC_IN_UDP_PORT int: 4560 20:45:38.861 [info] Extracting env TAU_API_PORT int: 34685 20:45:38.861 [info] Extracting env TAU_SPIDER_PORT int: 34689 20:45:38.861 [info] Extracting env TAU_DAEMON_PORT int: 34688 20:45:38.861 [info] Extracting env TAU_DAEMON_TOKEN int: 191313225 20:45:38.861 [info] Initialising MIDI native interface 20:45:38.936 [info] Initialising Link native interface 20:45:38.996 [info] Starting Phoenix server 20:45:38.996 [info] Starting with MIDI server enabled 20:45:38.996 [info] Starting with Link server enabled 20:45:38.997 [info] +--------------------------------------+ This is the Sonic Pi Link Server
Powered by Erlang 25

Number of detected peers:

Current tempo:
60.0 +--------------------------------------+

20:45:39.549 [info] +--------------------------------------+ This is the Sonic Pi MIDI Server
Powered by Erlang 25

Detected MIDI input ports:

Detected MIDI output ports:
['microsoft_gs_wavetable_synth_0'] +--------------------------------------+

20:45:39.599 [info] +--------------------------------------+ This is the Sonic Pi OSC Server
== Tau ==
Powered by Erlang 25

    Incoming OSC on port 4560         

OSC cue forwarding to {127, 0, 0, 1}
on port 34689

20:45:39.600 [info] +--------------------------------------+ This is the Sonic Pi API Server
Powered by Erlang 25

   API listening on port 34685         


20:45:39.651 [info] API /send-pid-to-daemon -> sending pid to Daemon... 20:45:39.652 [info] Running TauWeb.Endpoint with cowboy 2.9.0 at (http) 20:45:39.667 [error] Could not find static manifest at "c:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/beam/tau/_build/prod/rel/tau/lib/tau-0.1.0/priv/static/cache_manifest.json". Run "mix phx.digest" after building your static files or remove the configuration from "config/prod.exs". 20:45:39.667 [info] Access TauWeb.Endpoint at http://localhost:34687

scsynth.log: Device options:

  • MME : Microsoft Sound Mapper - Input (device #0 with 2 ins 0 outs)
  • MME : Microfoon van hoofdtelefoon (Bo (device #1 with 1 ins 0 outs)
  • MME : Microsoft Sound Mapper - Output (device #2 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • MME : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II Soun (device #3 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • MME : BenQ GW2480 (Intel(R) Display A (device #4 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • MME : Oortelefoon van hoofdtelefoon ( (device #5 with 0 ins 1 outs)
  • Windows DirectSound : Primair stuurprogramma voor opnemen van geluid (device #6 with 2 ins 0 outs)
  • Windows DirectSound : Microfoon van hoofdtelefoon (Bose Mini II SoundLink Hands-Free AG Audio) (device #7 with 1 ins 0 outs)
  • Windows DirectSound : Primair geluidsstuurprogramma (device #8 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows DirectSound : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II SoundLink Stereo) (device #9 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows DirectSound : BenQ GW2480 (Intel(R) Display Audio) (device #10 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows DirectSound : Oortelefoon van hoofdtelefoon (Bose Mini II SoundLink Hands-Free AG Audio) (device #11 with 0 ins 1 outs)
  • Windows WASAPI : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II SoundLink Stereo) (device #12 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows WASAPI : BenQ GW2480 (Intel(R) Display Audio) (device #13 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows WASAPI : Oortelefoon van hoofdtelefoon (Bose Mini II SoundLink Hands-Free AG Audio) (device #14 with 0 ins 1 outs)
  • Windows WASAPI : Microfoon van hoofdtelefoon (Bose Mini II SoundLink Hands-Free AG Audio) (device #15 with 1 ins 0 outs)
  • Windows WDM-KS : Stereo-mix (Realtek HD Audio Stereo input) (device #16 with 2 ins 0 outs)
  • Windows WDM-KS : Speakers (Realtek HD Audio output) (device #17 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows WDM-KS : Microfoon (Realtek HD Audio Mic input) (device #18 with 2 ins 0 outs)
  • Windows WDM-KS : Output (Intel(R) Display Audio - Uitvoer 1) (device #19 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows WDM-KS : Luidsprekers () (device #20 with 0 ins 2 outs)
  • Windows WDM-KS : Oortelefoon van hoofdtelefoon (@System32\drivers\bthhfenum.sys,#2;%1 Hands-Free AG Audio%0

;(Bose Mini II SoundLink)) (device #21 with 0 ins 1 outs)

  • Windows WDM-KS : Microfoon van hoofdtelefoon (@System32\drivers\bthhfenum.sys,#2;%1 Hands-Free AG Audio%0

;(Bose Mini II SoundLink)) (device #22 with 1 ins 0 outs)

Requested devices: Out:

  • (default)

Selecting default system output device

Booting with: Out: MME : Luidsprekers (Bose Mini II Soun Sample rate: 44100.000 Latency (in/out): 0.000 / 0.091 sec SC_AudioDriver: sample rate = 44100.000000, driver's block size = 64 SuperCollider 3 server ready. SC_UdpInPort: received error - Kan geen verbinding maken omdat de doelcomputer de verbinding actief heeft geweigerd


tompie67 commented 1 year ago

same problem. not possible anymore to start the application :(