sonic-pi-net / sonic-pi

Code. Music. Live.
10.75k stars 918 forks source link

Won't start on Lubuntu. Errors. #3263

Open slacle opened 1 year ago

slacle commented 1 year ago

After about 5 hours of trying still can't get Sonic Pi 4.3.0 to start on Lubuntu (20.04.5 LTS x86_64).

I built it by following the steps on:

It took about an hour just to build. After it was finally ready, there were many errors when trying to start. Managed to get rid of some of them by following these steps...

I configured JACK to use realtime scheduling as described here:

I made the following 3 changes to audio-settings.tom (as mentioned on:

enable_inputs = true
num_inputs = 2
num_outputs = 2

Still some errors left which I can't find a solution for.

I'm starting jack manually first through terminal, and then starting SonicPi on a separate terminal window.

Here's what I get in my terminal:

Starting Sonic Pi...
Icon theme "elementary" not found.
                         ─       ╛▒╛
                          ▐╫       ▄█├
                   ─╟╛      █▄      ╪▓▀
         ╓┤┤┤┤┤┤┤┤┤  ╩▌      ██      ▀▓▌
          ▐▒   ╬▒     ╟▓╘    ─▓█      ▓▓├
          ▒╫   ▒╪      ▓█     ▓▓─     ▓▓▄
         ╒▒─  │▒       ▓█     ▓▓     ─▓▓─
         ╬▒   ▄▒ ╒    ╪▓═    ╬▓╬     ▌▓▄
         ╥╒   ╦╥     ╕█╒    ╙▓▐     ▄▓╫
                    ▐╩     ▒▒      ▀▀
                         ╒╪      ▐▄

       _____             __        ____  __
      / ___/____  ____  /_/____   / __ \/_/
      \__ \/ __ \/ __ \/ / ___/  / /_/ / /
     ___/ / /_/ / / / / / /__   / ____/ /
    /____/\____/_/ /_/_/\___/  /_/   /_/

   The Live Coding Music Synth for Everyone


QObject::connect: No such signal QSignalMapper::mappedInt(int)
QObject::connect: No such signal QSignalMapper::mappedInt(int)
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'settings')
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to MainWindow "", which already has a layout

Here's the Sonic Pi Boot Error Report:

Apologies, a critical error occurred during startup:
GUI was unable to connect to the Ruby server.

Please consider reporting a bug at

Sonic Pi Boot Error Report

System Information

Sonic Pi version: 4.4.0-beta
OS: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS


Sonic Pi Spider Server booting...
The time is 2023-01-29 16:45:43 -0400
Using primary protocol: udp
Detecting port numbers...
Ports: {:server_port=>29609, :gui_port=>29610, :scsynth_port=>29611, :scsynth_send_port=>29611, :osc_cues_port=>4560, :tau_port=>29612, :listen_to_tau_port=>29616}
Token: -34007260
Opening UDP Server to listen to GUI on port: 29609
Spider - Pulling in modules...
Spider - Starting Runtime Server
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
TauComms - Unable to connect to tau (Promise timed out after 30 seconds.). Exiting...
TauComms - Unable to connect to tau (exit). Exiting...
Spider - Failed to start server: exit
/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/tau_comms.rb:96:in `exit'
/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/tau_comms.rb:96:in `rescue in block_until_tau_ready!'
/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/tau_comms.rb:92:in `block_until_tau_ready!'
/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/tau_api.rb:70:in `block_until_tau_ready!'
/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/tau_api.rb:49:in `initialize'
/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/runtime.rb:1491:in `new'
/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/runtime.rb:1491:in `initialize'
/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/lang/sound.rb:70:in `block (2 levels) in included'
/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/bin/spider-server.rb:243:in `new'
/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/bin/spider-server.rb:243:in `<main>'

[2023-01-29 16:45:39] Welcome to the Daemon Booter
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] ----------------------------
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] SuperCollider inputs disabled by GUI
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] checked port 29609, #<UDPSocket:0x00005641cc184cf0>
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] checked port 29610, #<UDPSocket:0x00005641cc1360a0>
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] checked port 29611, #<UDPSocket:0x00005641cc135920>
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] checked port 4560, #<UDPSocket:0x00005641cc1346d8>
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] checked port 29612, #<UDPSocket:0x00005641cc03ab88>
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] checked port 29613, #<UDPSocket:0x00005641cc033040>
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] checked port 29614, #<UDPSocket:0x00005641cc022b00>
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] checked port 29615, #<UDPSocket:0x00005641cbfea228>
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] checked port 29616, #<UDPSocket:0x00005641cbfcb9b8>
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] Selected ports: 
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] {"spider-listen-to-gui"=>29609, "gui-send-to-spider"=>29609, "gui-listen-to-spider"=>29610, "spider-send-to-gui"=>29610, "scsynth"=>29611, "scsynth-send"=>29611, "osc-cues"=>4560, "tau"=>29612, "spider"=>29613, "phx"=>29614, "daemon"=>29615, "spider-listen-to-tau"=>29616}
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] Booting Scsynth
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] Got Audio Settings toml hash: {:num_inputs=>2, :num_outputs=>2, :enable_inputs=>true}
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] Unified Audio Settings toml hash: {"-i"=>"2", "-o"=>"2", "-I"=>"1"}
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] Combined Audio Settings toml hash with GUI scsynth inputs hash: {"-i"=>"2", "-o"=>"2", "-I"=>"1"}
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] Merged Audio Settings toml hash: {"-u"=>29611, "-a"=>"1024", "-m"=>"131072", "-D"=>"0", "-R"=>"0", "-l"=>"1", "-i"=>"2", "-o"=>"2", "-b"=>"4096", "-B"=>""}
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] Jackd already running. Not starting another server...
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] Process Booter - booting scsynth with args ["-u", "29611", "-a", "1024", "-m", "131072", "-D", "0", "-R", "0", "-l", "1", "-i", "2", "-o", "2", "-b", "4096", "-B", ""]
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] scsynth -u 29611 -a 1024 -m 131072 -D 0 -R 0 -l 1 -i 2 -o 2 -b 4096 -B
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] Waiting for the SuperCollider Server to have booted...
[2023-01-29 16:45:39] Sending /status to server: localhost:29611
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Found 0 LADSPA plugins
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, JackDriver: client name is 'SuperCollider'
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, SC_AudioDriver: sample rate = 48000.000000, driver's block size = 1024
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, SuperCollider 3 server ready.
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] Sending /status to server: localhost:29611
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] Receiving ack from scsynth
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] SuperCollider Server connection established
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] Extracting Scsynth info
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] Booting Tau...
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] Fetching Tau toml opts...
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] Daemon listening to info from Tau on port 29615
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] Process Booter - booting sh with args ["/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/beam/tau/"]
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] sh /home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/beam/tau/
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] Booting Spider Server
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] Process Booter - booting /usr/bin/ruby2.7 with args ["--enable-frozen-string-literal", "-E", "utf-8", "/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/bin/spider-server.rb", "-u", "29609", "29610", "29611", "29611", "4560", "29612", "29616", "-34007260"]
[2023-01-29 16:45:40] /usr/bin/ruby2.7 --enable-frozen-string-literal -E utf-8 /home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/bin/spider-server.rb -u 29609 29610 29611 29611 4560 29612 29616 -34007260
[2023-01-29 16:45:41] 29615 29610 29609 29611 4560 29612 29614 -34007260
[2023-01-29 16:45:41] Blocking main thread until exit signal received...
[2023-01-29 16:45:41] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Booting Tau on Linux...
[2023-01-29 16:45:41] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:41] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:45:42] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:43] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Sonic Pi Spider Server booting...
[2023-01-29 16:45:43] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, The time is 2023-01-29 16:45:43 -0400
[2023-01-29 16:45:43] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Using primary protocol: udp
[2023-01-29 16:45:43] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Detecting port numbers...
[2023-01-29 16:45:43] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Ports: {:server_port=>29609, :gui_port=>29610, :scsynth_port=>29611, :scsynth_send_port=>29611, :osc_cues_port=>4560, :tau_port=>29612, :listen_to_tau_port=>29616}
[2023-01-29 16:45:43] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Token: -34007260
[2023-01-29 16:45:43] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Opening UDP Server to listen to GUI on port: 29609
[2023-01-29 16:45:43] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Spider - Pulling in modules...
[2023-01-29 16:45:43] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Spider - Starting Runtime Server
[2023-01-29 16:45:43] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:43] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:45:44] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:45] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, JackDriver: max output latency 42.7 ms
[2023-01-29 16:45:45] Sending scsynth info to GUI...
[2023-01-29 16:45:45] 
 Found 0 LADSPA plugins
JackDriver: client name is 'SuperCollider'
SC_AudioDriver: sample rate = 48000.000000, driver's block size = 1024
SuperCollider 3 server ready.
[2023-01-29 16:45:45] 
 {:sc_sample_rate=>48000, :sc_block_size=>1024}
[2023-01-29 16:45:45] 
 Sample Rate: 48000
Block Size: 1024
[2023-01-29 16:45:45] 
[2023-01-29 16:45:45] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:46] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:45:47] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:48] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:48] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:45:49] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:50] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:50] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:45:51] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:52] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:52] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:45:53] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:54] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:54] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:45:55] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:56] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:56] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:45:57] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:58] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:45:58] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:45:59] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:00] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:00] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:46:01] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:02] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:02] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:46:03] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:04] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:04] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:46:05] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:06] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:06] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:46:07] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:08] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:08] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:46:09] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:10] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:10] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:46:11] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:12] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:12] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Sending /ping to tau:
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Unable to connect to tau (Promise timed out after 30 seconds.). Exiting...
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, TauComms - Unable to connect to tau (exit). Exiting...
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, Spider - Failed to start server: exit
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, /home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/tau_comms.rb:96:in `exit'
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, /home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/tau_comms.rb:96:in `rescue in block_until_tau_ready!'
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, /home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/tau_comms.rb:92:in `block_until_tau_ready!'
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, /home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/tau_api.rb:70:in `block_until_tau_ready!'
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, /home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/tau_api.rb:49:in `initialize'
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, /home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/runtime.rb:1491:in `new'
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, /home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/runtime.rb:1491:in `initialize'
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, /home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/lang/sound.rb:70:in `block (2 levels) in included'
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, /home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/bin/spider-server.rb:243:in `new'
[2023-01-29 16:46:13] log: UTF-8, UTF-8, /home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/bin/spider-server.rb:243:in `<main>'
[2023-01-29 16:46:14] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612
[2023-01-29 16:46:14] Error talking to Tau - connection refused (perhaps Tau is still booting?)
[2023-01-29 16:46:15] Requesting tau send us its pid. Sending /send-pid-to-daemon, -34007260 to localhost:29612

Found 0 LADSPA plugins
JackDriver: client name is 'SuperCollider'
SC_AudioDriver: sample rate = 48000.000000, driver's block size = 1024
SuperCollider 3 server ready.
JackDriver: max output latency 42.7 ms

[API] [INFO ] : Starting...
[API] [INFO ] : Log Path: /home/s/.sonic-pi/log
[API] [INFO ] : Launching Sonic Pi Boot Daemon:
[API] [INFO ] : Args: ruby /home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/bin/daemon.rb --no-scsynth-inputs 
[API] [INFO ] : Started...
[API] [INFO ] : Reading Boot Daemon output...
[API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: 29615
[API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: 29610
[API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: 29609
[API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: 29611
[API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: 4560
[API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: 29612
[API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: 29614
[API] [INFO ] : daemon_stdout: -34007260
[API] [INFO ] : Setting up OSC sender to Spider on port 29609
[API] [INFO ] : Setting up OSC sender to Daemon on port 29615
[API] [INFO ] : Setting up OSC sender to Tau on port 29612
[API] [INFO ] : Setting up Boot Daemon keep alive loop
[API] [INFO ] : API Init Started...
[API] [INFO ] : API State set to: Initializing...
[API] [INFO ] : Going to start pinging server...
[GUI] - API Boot successful
[GUI] [i18n] - Looping through preferred ui languages
[GUI] - Language setting: system_language
[GUI] - System language: en_US
[GUI] [i18n] - Looping through preferred ui languages
[GUI] - Using language: en_US
[GUI] [i18n] - Loading translations for en_US
[API] [INFO ] : Starting UDP OSC Server on port 29610...
[API] [INFO ] : UDP OSC Server ready and listening
[API] [INFO ] : Pinging Spider Server until a response is received...
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting for Sonic Pi Spider Server to respond...
[GUI] - translations available 
[GUI] - hiding main window
[GUI] - initialising toolbar icons
[GUI] - setting up window structure
[Debug] Adding language combo box entries...
[Debug] Adding language system_language to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language bg to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language bn to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language bs to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ca to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ca@valencia to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language cs to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language da to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language de to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language el to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language en_GB to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language en_US to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language eo to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language es to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language et to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language fa to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language fi to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language fr to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ga to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language gl to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language he to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language hi to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language hu to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language hy to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language id to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language is to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language it to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ja to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ka to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ko to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language nb to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language nl to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language pl to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language pt to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language pt_BR to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ro to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ru to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language si to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language sk to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language sl to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language sv to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language sw to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language th to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language tr to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ug to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language uk to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language vi to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language zh to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language zh-Hans to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language zh_HK to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language zh_TW to the combo box
[GUI] - restoring scope states 
[GUI] - creating status bar
[GUI] - creating info panel
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : .
[GUI] - creating shortcuts
[GUI] - creating tool bar
[GUI] - initialising documentation window
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 59
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 58
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 57
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 56
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 55
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 54
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 53
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 52
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 51
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 50
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 49
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 48
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 47
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 46
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 45
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 44
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 43
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 42
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 41
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 40
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 39
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 38
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 37
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 36
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 35
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 34
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 33
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 32
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 31
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 30
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 29
[API] [INFO ] : UDP OSC Server is no longer listening
[API] [INFO ] : .
[API] [ERROR] : Oh no, Spider Server got to an Error State whilst starting...
[GUI] - Critical Error. Unable to connect to server..

[GUI] - Sonic Pi Server failed to start with this error message: 
      > Server Exception:
 ["/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/tau_comms.rb:96:in `exit'", "/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/tau_comms.rb:96:in `rescue in block_until_tau_ready!'", "/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/tau_comms.rb:92:in `block_until_tau_ready!'", "/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/tau_api.rb:70:in `block_until_tau_ready!'", "/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/tau_api.rb:49:in `initialize'", "/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/runtime.rb:1491:in `new'", "/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/runtime.rb:1491:in `initialize'", "/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/lang/sound.rb:70:in `block (2 levels) in included'", "/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/bin/spider-server.rb:243:in `new'", "/home/s/Desktop/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/bin/spider-server.rb:243:in `<main>'"]

[GUI] - Sonic Pi Server failed to start with this error message: 
      > Critical error! Could not connect to Sonic Pi Server.

I find it strange that it says Sonic Pi version: 4.4.0-beta on the report, but the startup screen before the report says 4.3.0.

samaaron commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

Looks like your tau server isn't starting correctly. Could you confirm which version of Elixir you have installed?

Also, the mismatch in version number and startup screen is because the startup screen is an image and I haven't updated it yet.

slacle commented 1 year ago

I had Erlang 22 and now updated to 25. And Elixir 1.9.1 and now updated to 1.13.4

Still same errors.

filandra commented 1 year ago

@slacle To solve you issue: 1) I recommend installing new version of Ubuntu (22.04) or some other distro using new Ubuntu under the hood (I'm using Tuxedo OS 2) 2) You need to install flatpak - on Tuxedo OS 2 it's already installed, but it's really easy to install it on Ubuntu as well. 3) You need to install Sonic Pi

This should solve your issue - I hope it helps!

slacle commented 1 year ago


Thanks for the tip, but I'm afraid I won't be updating my entire OS just to try running Sonic Pi. I have a crappy old laptop.