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Sonic Pi v3.2.2 Boot Error: Critical error! - Could not boot Sonic Pi Server #3372

Open rufailimantawa opened 7 months ago

rufailimantawa commented 7 months ago

Sonic Pi Boot Error Report

System Information



[GUI] - Welcome to the Sonic Pi GUI
[GUI] - ===========================
[GUI] -                            
[GUI] - {1bb0a947-65ff-47ab-98b9-ed1d24dac702}
[GUI] - Discovering port numbers...
[GUI] - Port entry server-listen-to-gui : 51235 : 51235
[GUI] - Port entry gui-send-to-server : 51235 : 51235
[GUI] - Port entry gui-listen-to-server : 51236 : 51236
[GUI] - Port entry server-send-to-gui : 51236 : 51236
[GUI] - Port entry scsynth : 51237 : 51237
[GUI] - Port entry scsynth-send : 51237 : 51237
[GUI] - Port entry osc-midi-out : 51238 : 51238
[GUI] - Port entry osc-midi-in : 51239 : 51239
[GUI] - Port entry server-osc-cues : 4560 : 4560
[GUI] - Port entry erlang-router : 51240 : 51240
[GUI] - Port entry websocket : 51241 : 51241
[GUI] - Detecting port numbers...
[GUI] - GUI listen to server port 51236
[GUI] -    port: 51236 [OK]
[GUI] - Server listen to gui port 51235
[GUI] -    port: 51235 [OK]
[GUI] - Server incoming OSC cues port 4560
[GUI] -    port: 4560 [OK]
[GUI] - Scsynth port 51237
[GUI] -    port: 51237 [OK]
[GUI] - Server send to GUI port 51236
[GUI] -    port: 51236 [OK]
[GUI] - GUI send to server port 51235
[GUI] -    port: 51235 [OK]
[GUI] - Scsynth send port 51237
[GUI] -    port: 51237 [OK]
[GUI] - Erlang router port 51240
[GUI] -    port: 51240 [OK]
[GUI] - OSC MIDI out port 51238
[GUI] -    port: 51238 [OK]
[GUI] - OSC MIDI in port 51239
[GUI] -    port: 51239 [OK]
[GUI] - Websocket port 51241
[GUI] -    port: 51241 [OK]
[GUI] - All ports OK
[GUI] - launching Sonic Pi Runtime Server:
[GUI] - Ruby server pid registered: 22574
[GUI] - hiding main window
[GUI] - initialising toolbar icons
[GUI] - setting up window structure
[GUI] - restoring scope states 
[GUI] - creating status bar
[GUI] - creating info panel
[GUI] - creating shortcuts
[GUI] - creating tool bar
[GUI] - initialising documentation window
[GUI] - wait for sync
[GUI] - waiting for Sonic Pi Server to boot...
Server on port 51236...
[GUI] - waiting for Sonic Pi Server to boot...
[GUI] - UDP OSC Server ready and listening
[GUI] - Sonic Pi Server failed to start with this error message: 
      > Server Exception:
 Boot - Unable to connect to SuperCollider
 ["/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/scsynthexternal.rb:267:in `boot_and_wait'", "/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/scsynthexternal.rb:443:in `boot_server_linux'", "/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/scsynthexternal.rb:151:in `boot'", "/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/scsynthexternal.rb:37:in `initialize'", "/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/server.rb:78:in `new'", "/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/server.rb:78:in `initialize'", "/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:192:in `new'", "/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:192:in `init_scsynth'", "/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:57:in `initialize'", "/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/lang/sound.rb:89:in `new'", "/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/lang/sound.rb:89:in `block (2 levels) in included'", "/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/lang/ixi.rb:72:in `block (2 levels) in included'", "/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/bin/sonic-pi-server.rb:302:in `new'", "/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/bin/sonic-pi-server.rb:302:in `<main>'"]
[GUI] - UDP OSC Server no longer listening
[GUI] - Critical error! Could not boot Sonic Pi Server.
[GUI] - stopping UDP OSC Server...
[GUI] - Critical Error. Unable to connect to server..

Server Errors


no message buffer overruns
no message buffer overruns
no message buffer overruns
jack_port_get_buffer called with an incorrect port 0
Cannot read socket fd = 14 err = Connection reset by peer
Could not read notification result
ClientNotify fails name = SuperCollider notification = 18 val1 = 0 val2 = 0
Cannot write socket fd = 14 err = Broken pipe
CheckRes error
Could not write notification
ClientNotify fails name = SuperCollider notification = 18 val1 = 1 val2 = 0
Cannot write socket fd = 14 err = Broken pipe
CheckRes error
Could not write notification
ClientNotify fails name = SuperCollider notification = 4 val1 = 0 val2 = 0
Unknown error...
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Jack::JackTemporaryException'

Server Output


Sonic Pi server booting...
This is version 3.2.0 running on Ruby 2.7.4.
The time is 2024-02-10 14:31:51 +0100
Using primary protocol: udp
Detecting port numbers...
Listen port: 51235
  - OK
Scsynth port: 51237
  - OK
Scsynth send port: 51237
  - OK
OSC cues port: 4560
  - OK
Erlang port: 51240
  - OK
OSC MIDI out port: 51238
  - OK
OSC MIDI in port: 51239
  - OK
Websocket port: 51241
  - OK
Opening UDP Server to listen to GUI on port: 51235
Starting Server Runtime
Booting server...

Booting Sonic Pi

Booting on Linux
Jackd not running on system. Starting...
jackdmp 1.9.17
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2016 Grame.
Copyright 2016-2021 Filipe Coelho.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10
self-connect-mode is "Don't restrict self connect requests"
Acquire audio card Audio0
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|2048|3|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 2048 frames (46.4 ms), buffer = 3 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 3 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 3 periods for playback
Started [22587] [-] jackd -R -T -p 32 -d alsa -n 3 -p 2048 -r 44100 [-] /tmp/sonic-pi-pids/22587
Boot - Starting the SuperCollider server...
Boot - scsynth -u 51237 -m 131072 -a 1024 -D 0 -R 0 -l 1 -i 16 -o 16 -b 4096 -B
Started [22597] [-] scsynth -u 51237 -m 131072 -a 1024 -D 0 -R 0 -l 1 -i 16 -o 16 -b 4096 -B [-] /tmp/sonic-pi-pids/22597
Boot - SuperCollider booted successfully.
Boot - Connecting to the SuperCollider server...
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Sending /status to server:
Boot - Unable to connect to SuperCollider
Failed to start server: Boot - Unable to connect to SuperCollider
/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/scsynthexternal.rb:267:in `boot_and_wait'
/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/scsynthexternal.rb:443:in `boot_server_linux'
/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/scsynthexternal.rb:151:in `boot'
/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/scsynthexternal.rb:37:in `initialize'
/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/server.rb:78:in `new'
/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/server.rb:78:in `initialize'
/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:192:in `new'
/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:192:in `init_scsynth'
/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:57:in `initialize'
/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/lang/sound.rb:89:in `new'
/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/lang/sound.rb:89:in `block (2 levels) in included'
/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/lang/ixi.rb:72:in `block (2 levels) in included'
/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/bin/sonic-pi-server.rb:302:in `new'
/usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/bin/sonic-pi-server.rb:302:in `<main>'

Scsynth Output


# Starting SuperCollider 2024-02-10 14:31:52
Found 0 LADSPA plugins
JackDriver: client name is 'SuperCollider'
SC_AudioDriver: sample rate = 44100.000000, driver's block size = 2048
SuperCollider 3 server ready.

Process Log


Clearing pids: ["21780", "21798", "21805"]

Clearing [21780]
  -- command /usr/bin/ruby -E utf-8 /usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/bin/sonic-pi-server.rb -u 51235 51236 51237 51237 4560 51240 51238 51239 51241
  -- removing /tmp/sonic-pi-pids/21780
  -- unable to get ProcTable info for: 21780
  -- process: 21780 not running

Clearing [21798]
  -- command jackd -R -T -p 32 -d alsa -n 3 -p 2048 -r 44100
  -- removing /tmp/sonic-pi-pids/21798
  -- unable to get ProcTable info for: 21798
  -- process: 21798 not running

Clearing [21805]
  -- command scsynth -u 51237 -m 131072 -a 1024 -D 0 -R 0 -l 1 -i 16 -o 16 -b 4096 -B
  -- removing /tmp/sonic-pi-pids/21805
  -- unable to get ProcTable info for: 21805
  -- process: 21805 not running

Finished clearing pids

Started [22574] [-] /usr/bin/ruby -E utf-8 /usr/lib/sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/bin/sonic-pi-server.rb -u 51235 51236 51237 51237 4560 51240 51238 51239 51241 [-] /tmp/sonic-pi-pids/22574
Started [22587] [-] jackd -R -T -p 32 -d alsa -n 3 -p 2048 -r 44100 [-] /tmp/sonic-pi-pids/22587
Started [22597] [-] scsynth -u 51237 -m 131072 -a 1024 -D 0 -R 0 -l 1 -i 16 -o 16 -b 4096 -B [-] /tmp/sonic-pi-pids/22597
idommason commented 3 months ago

Not sure if you've fixed this yet or not

If you are trying to run on linux on a x86 computer (Parrot OS seems to have versions for raspberry PIs on arm, too)

then forget the version 3.2.2

Download the am64 .deb version of 3.3.1 from referenced in

and when you get the .deb file

sudo dkpg -i filename.deb

and then you have to fix missing dependencies

sudo apt update –fix-missing

You also have to be a member of the audio group, and you have to have Real Time Priority

You can do

sudo usermod -aG audio $USER

that adds you to the "audio" user group

and if RT priority is not enabled, do this

sudo dpkg-reconfigure jackd2

This creates /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf

and gives members of the audio group Real Time Priority

This should allow you to run Sonic-Pi 3.3.1 rather than 3.2.2

Not sure exactly what Parrot OS is, other than it is Debian based - but Parrot OS can be on an amd64 CPU, as well as an arm based raspberry pi cpu

I think it is now becoming important to declare whether your OS is amd64 or arm based, because it does make a difference, and the linux amd64 versions are not explicitly supported

I hope this helps