Apologies, unable to start...
Sorry, Sonic Pi is having issues booting:
GUI was unable to connect to the Ruby server.
Please consider reporting a bug at
System Information
Sonic Pi version: 4.5.1
OS: macOS 14.2
Starting SuperCollider 2024-07-02 19:12:07
Found 0 LADSPA plugins
Number of Devices: 12
0 : "[redacted]’s iPhone Micropho"
1 : "BlackHole 16ch"
2 : "BlackHole 2ch"
3 : "External Headphones"
4 : "MacBook Pro Microphone"
5 : "MacBook Pro Speakers"
6 : "After Effects 13.5.1"
7 : "After Effects 13.7.2"
8 : "ZoomAudioD"
9 : "Fast track and headphones"
10 : "Speaker and headphones"
11 : "Multi-Output Device"
"MacBook Pro Microphone" Input Device
Streams: 1
0 channels 1
[API] [INFO ] : Args: /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/Contents/Resources/app/server/native/ruby/bin/ruby /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/Contents/Resources/app/server/ruby/bin/clear-logs.rb
[API] [INFO ] : Started...
[API] [ERROR] : StartProcess - Invalid argument
[API] [INFO ] : Starting...
[API] [INFO ] : Log Path: /Users/[redacted]/.sonic-pi/log
[API] [INFO ] : Launching Sonic Pi Boot Daemon:
[API] [INFO ] : Args: /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/Contents/Resources/app/server/native/ruby/bin/ruby /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/Contents/Resources/app/server/ruby/bin/daemon.rb --no-scsynth-inputs
[API] [INFO ] : Started...
[API] [ERROR] : StartProcess - Invalid argument
[API] [ERROR] : Failed to start Boot Daemon!
[API] [INFO ] : Attempting to start Boot Daemon failed....
[GUI] - API Boot failed
[GUI] [i18n] - Looping through preferred ui languages
[GUI] - Language setting: system_language
[GUI] - System language: en_US
[GUI] [i18n] - Looping through preferred ui languages
[GUI] - Using language: en
[GUI] [i18n] - Loading translations for en
[GUI] [i18n] - Error: Failed to load language translation for en
[GUI] - translations available
[GUI] - hiding main window
[GUI] - initialising toolbar icons
[GUI] - setting up window structure
[Debug] Adding language combo box entries...
[Debug] Adding language system_language to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ar to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language bg to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language bn to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language bs to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ca to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ca@valencia to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language cs to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language da to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language de to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language el to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language en_AU to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language en_GB to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language en_US to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language eo to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language es to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language et to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language eu to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language fa to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language fi to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language fr to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ga to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language gl to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language he to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language hi to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language hu to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language hy to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language id to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language is to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language it to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ja to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ka to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ko to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language nb to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language nl to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language pl to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language pt to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language pt_BR to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ro to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ru to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language si to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language sk to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language sl to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language sv to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language sw to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language th to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language tr to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language ug to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language uk to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language vi to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language zh to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language zh-Hans to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language zh_HK to the combo box
[Debug] Adding language zh_TW to the combo box
[GUI] - restoring scope states
[GUI] - creating status bar
[GUI] - creating info panel
[GUI] - creating shortcuts
[GUI] - creating tool bar
[GUI] - initialising documentation window
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 59
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 58
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 57
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 56
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 55
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 54
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 53
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 52
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 51
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 50
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 49
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 48
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 47
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 46
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 45
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 44
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 43
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 42
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 41
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 40
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 39
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 38
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 37
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 36
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 35
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 34
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 33
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 32
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 31
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 30
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 29
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 28
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 27
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 26
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 25
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 24
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 23
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 22
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 21
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 20
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 19
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 18
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 17
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 16
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 15
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 14
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 13
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 12
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 11
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 10
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 9
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 8
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 7
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 6
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 5
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 4
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 3
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 2
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 1
[API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 0
[GUI] - Critical Error. Unable to connect to server..
[GUI] - Sonic Pi Server failed to start with this error message:
Apologies, unable to start... Sorry, Sonic Pi is having issues booting: GUI was unable to connect to the Ruby server. Please consider reporting a bug at http://github.com/samaaron/sonic-pi/issues System Information Sonic Pi version: 4.5.1 OS: macOS 14.2 scsynth.log
Starting SuperCollider 2024-07-02 19:12:07
Found 0 LADSPA plugins Number of Devices: 12 0 : "[redacted]’s iPhone Micropho" 1 : "BlackHole 16ch" 2 : "BlackHole 2ch" 3 : "External Headphones" 4 : "MacBook Pro Microphone" 5 : "MacBook Pro Speakers" 6 : "After Effects 13.5.1" 7 : "After Effects 13.7.2" 8 : "ZoomAudioD" 9 : "Fast track and headphones" 10 : "Speaker and headphones" 11 : "Multi-Output Device"
"MacBook Pro Microphone" Input Device Streams: 1 0 channels 1
"External Headphones" Output Device Streams: 1 0 channels 2
SC_AudioDriver: sample rate = 44100.000000, driver's block size = 512 SuperCollider 3 server ready.
gui.log [API] [INFO ] : Args: /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/Contents/Resources/app/server/native/ruby/bin/ruby /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/Contents/Resources/app/server/ruby/bin/clear-logs.rb [API] [INFO ] : Started... [API] [ERROR] : StartProcess - Invalid argument [API] [INFO ] : Starting... [API] [INFO ] : Log Path: /Users/[redacted]/.sonic-pi/log [API] [INFO ] : Launching Sonic Pi Boot Daemon: [API] [INFO ] : Args: /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/Contents/Resources/app/server/native/ruby/bin/ruby /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/Contents/Resources/app/server/ruby/bin/daemon.rb --no-scsynth-inputs [API] [INFO ] : Started... [API] [ERROR] : StartProcess - Invalid argument [API] [ERROR] : Failed to start Boot Daemon! [API] [INFO ] : Attempting to start Boot Daemon failed.... [GUI] - API Boot failed [GUI] [i18n] - Looping through preferred ui languages [GUI] - Language setting: system_language [GUI] - System language: en_US [GUI] [i18n] - Looping through preferred ui languages [GUI] - Using language: en [GUI] [i18n] - Loading translations for en [GUI] [i18n] - Error: Failed to load language translation for en [GUI] - translations available [GUI] - hiding main window [GUI] - initialising toolbar icons [GUI] - setting up window structure [Debug] Adding language combo box entries... 54 [Debug] Adding language system_language to the combo box [Debug] Adding language ar to the combo box [Debug] Adding language bg to the combo box [Debug] Adding language bn to the combo box [Debug] Adding language bs to the combo box [Debug] Adding language ca to the combo box [Debug] Adding language ca@valencia to the combo box [Debug] Adding language cs to the combo box [Debug] Adding language da to the combo box [Debug] Adding language de to the combo box [Debug] Adding language el to the combo box [Debug] Adding language en_AU to the combo box [Debug] Adding language en_GB to the combo box [Debug] Adding language en_US to the combo box [Debug] Adding language eo to the combo box [Debug] Adding language es to the combo box [Debug] Adding language et to the combo box [Debug] Adding language eu to the combo box [Debug] Adding language fa to the combo box [Debug] Adding language fi to the combo box [Debug] Adding language fr to the combo box [Debug] Adding language ga to the combo box [Debug] Adding language gl to the combo box [Debug] Adding language he to the combo box [Debug] Adding language hi to the combo box [Debug] Adding language hu to the combo box [Debug] Adding language hy to the combo box [Debug] Adding language id to the combo box [Debug] Adding language is to the combo box [Debug] Adding language it to the combo box [Debug] Adding language ja to the combo box [Debug] Adding language ka to the combo box [Debug] Adding language ko to the combo box [Debug] Adding language nb to the combo box [Debug] Adding language nl to the combo box [Debug] Adding language pl to the combo box [Debug] Adding language pt to the combo box [Debug] Adding language pt_BR to the combo box [Debug] Adding language ro to the combo box [Debug] Adding language ru to the combo box [Debug] Adding language si to the combo box [Debug] Adding language sk to the combo box [Debug] Adding language sl to the combo box [Debug] Adding language sv to the combo box [Debug] Adding language sw to the combo box [Debug] Adding language th to the combo box [Debug] Adding language tr to the combo box [Debug] Adding language ug to the combo box [Debug] Adding language uk to the combo box [Debug] Adding language vi to the combo box [Debug] Adding language zh to the combo box [Debug] Adding language zh-Hans to the combo box [Debug] Adding language zh_HK to the combo box [Debug] Adding language zh_TW to the combo box [GUI] - restoring scope states [GUI] - creating status bar [GUI] - creating info panel [GUI] - creating shortcuts [GUI] - creating tool bar [GUI] - initialising documentation window [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 59 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 58 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 57 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 56 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 55 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 54 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 53 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 52 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 51 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 50 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 49 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 48 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 47 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 46 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 45 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 44 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 43 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 42 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 41 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 40 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 39 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 38 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 37 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 36 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 35 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 34 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 33 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 32 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 31 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 30 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 29 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 28 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 27 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 26 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 25 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 24 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 23 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 22 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 21 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 20 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 19 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 18 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 17 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 16 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 15 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 14 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 13 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 12 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 11 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 10 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 9 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 8 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 7 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 6 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 5 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 4 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 3 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 2 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 1 [API] [INFO ] : Waiting Until Ready... 0 [GUI] - Critical Error. Unable to connect to server..
[GUI] - Sonic Pi Server failed to start with this error message: