sonic2kk / steamtinkerlaunch

Linux wrapper tool for use with the Steam client for custom launch options and 3rd party programs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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fix: update Makefile with correct paths #1095

Closed koppchen closed 2 months ago

koppchen commented 2 months ago

Small fix to update the Makefile with correct paths so make uninstall removes "steamtinkerlaunch.svg" and "steamtinkerlaunch.desktop". This also removes the unnecessarily -r (recursive) flag, while removing those two files.

Testing (before)

Shows two files are left behind after make uninstall.

steamtinkerlaunch (master =)$ rm -rf /tmp/test; mkdir /tmp/test

steamtinkerlaunch (master =)$ PREFIX=/tmp/test make install
sed "s:^PREFIX=\"/usr\":PREFIX=\"/tmp/test\":" -i steamtinkerlaunch
install -Dm755 steamtinkerlaunch -t "/tmp/test/bin"
install -d "/tmp/test/share/steamtinkerlaunch"
cp -r collections eval guicfgs lang misc "/tmp/test/share/steamtinkerlaunch"
install -Dm644 -t "/tmp/test/share/doc/steamtinkerlaunch"
install -Dm644 "misc/steamtinkerlaunch.desktop" -t "/tmp/test/share/applications"
install -Dm644 "misc/steamtinkerlaunch.svg" -t "/tmp/test/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps"

steamtinkerlaunch (master =)$ find /tmp/test -type f | wc -l

steamtinkerlaunch (master =)$ PREFIX=/tmp/test make uninstall
rm -rf "/tmp/test/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/misc/steamtinkerlaunch.svg"
rm -rf "/tmp/test/share/applications/misc/steamtinkerlaunch.desktop"
rm -rf "/tmp/test/share/doc/steamtinkerlaunch"
rm -rf "/tmp/test/share/steamtinkerlaunch"
rm -f "/tmp/test/bin/steamtinkerlaunch"

steamtinkerlaunch (master =)$ find /tmp/test -type f | wc -l

steamtinkerlaunch (master =)$ find /tmp/test -type f

Testing (after)

Shows no files are left behind after make uninstall.

steamtinkerlaunch (fix-make-uninstall)$ rm -rf /tmp/test; mkdir /tmp/test

steamtinkerlaunch (fix-make-uninstall)$ PREFIX=/tmp/test make install
sed "s:^PREFIX=\"/usr\":PREFIX=\"/tmp/test\":" -i steamtinkerlaunch
install -Dm755 steamtinkerlaunch -t "/tmp/test/bin"
install -d "/tmp/test/share/steamtinkerlaunch"
cp -r collections eval guicfgs lang misc "/tmp/test/share/steamtinkerlaunch"
install -Dm644 -t "/tmp/test/share/doc/steamtinkerlaunch"
install -Dm644 "misc/steamtinkerlaunch.desktop" -t "/tmp/test/share/applications"
install -Dm644 "misc/steamtinkerlaunch.svg" -t "/tmp/test/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps"

steamtinkerlaunch (fix-make-uninstall)$ find /tmp/test -type f | wc -l

steamtinkerlaunch (fix-make-uninstall)$ PREFIX=/tmp/test make uninstall
rm -f "/tmp/test/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/steamtinkerlaunch.svg"
rm -f "/tmp/test/share/applications/steamtinkerlaunch.desktop"
rm -rf "/tmp/test/share/doc/steamtinkerlaunch"
rm -rf "/tmp/test/share/steamtinkerlaunch"
rm -f "/tmp/test/bin/steamtinkerlaunch"

steamtinkerlaunch (fix-make-uninstall)$ find /tmp/test -type f | wc -l


sonic2kk commented 2 months ago

Wow! Thank you for catching those incorrect paths. I'm not sure how this went undetected for so long, you might've saw in the blame that it's been this way since I added this way back in #608. I triple-checked because I could not believe these were wrong.

The change to use -f is also very welcome. We already just use -f for the steamtinkerlaunch script so it's strange that even this was missed! Past sonic2kk was a silly, silly person.

Thanks a bunch for finding and fixing this. I'll merge it now :-)

sonic2kk commented 2 months ago

Changelog has been updated to give credit, under the "Fixes" section: