sonicoder86 / awesome-vue-3

A curated list of awesome things related to Vue 3
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List of central vue libraries with their Vue3 compatibility status #30

Closed elevatebart closed 3 years ago

elevatebart commented 3 years ago


Guide developers in their migration from vue 2 to vue 3, specifically in their dependencies


Framework Branch name npm install GH Issue # Docs
NuxtJS - - 5708
Gridsome vue-next - 1289
Quasar vue3-work - 7836
vuepress vuepress-next (other repo) - 2550
NativeScript-Vue rigor789/nativescript-vue-next (fork) nativescript-vue@next 583
Library Branch name npm install GH Issue # Docs
vuetify next - - Notion board
bootstrap-vue lamebear/vue3 (fork) - 5196
buefy - - 2505
chakra-ui - - 116
element-ui element-plus (other repo) element-plus 20061
inkline - - 207
oruga oruga-next (monorepo) oruga-next
Tool Branch name npm install GH Issue # Docs
Vue Formulate axwalker/support-vue-3 (fork) - 198
@testing-library/vue vue3 - -
vue-apollo v4 - 1011 V4 docs (Vue 3)
vue-meta next - 558
vue-axe vue-axe-next (other repo) vue-axe@beta 1 demo site
vee-validate next vee-validate@next 2670
vuelidate next vuelidate@next 2.0 V2 docs
Workbench Branch name npm install GH Issue # Docs
Storybook - - 10654
Vue Styleguidist next - 997
Component Branch name npm install GH Issue # Docs
vue-multiselect - - 1291
vue2-leaflet vue-leaflet (other repo) - 455
tiptap - - 735
tsParticles vue3 particle.vue3 -
vue-live next vue-live@next 54
vue-prism-editor feature/next vue-prism-editor@alpha 90
Akryum commented 3 years ago also has a vue version 3 tag in blue

elevatebart commented 3 years ago

Thank you @Akryum,

That really is helpful.

What does the vue version 3 tag mean on awesome vue? In other words, is there a way to see the definition of such a tag?

I am hoping to start answering this kind of question here for starters. Though, I am not sure this table should live here for too long.

@blacksonic what do you think?

ktquez commented 3 years ago

Hi @elevatebart vue-axe has a version for Vue 3 in this vue-axe-next repository.

elevatebart commented 3 years ago

thank you @ktquez,

Adding now

elevatebart commented 3 years ago

There you go, added now. I hope it's good enough. @ktquez tell me if I missed any info and thanks again.

matteobruni commented 3 years ago

tsParticles Vue component has a 3.x version: You can see them here

The packages are: particles.vue and particles.vue3

elevatebart commented 3 years ago

Thank you @matteobruni

I will add it too.

Would you mind adding a link to:

sonicoder86 commented 3 years ago

Thats an awesome idea! Can you make a PR out of it?

ktquez commented 3 years ago

Thanks @elevatebart

elevatebart commented 3 years ago

@blacksonic I thought about it last night and there are advantages to issues:

There are downsides as well:

matteobruni commented 3 years ago

Thank you @matteobruni

I will add it too.

Would you mind adding a link to:

  • How you track progress (GH issue, docs)?

Progress of?

  • The npmjs channel where people can install the Vue 3 version

The packages are both on npmjs: particles.vue for 2.x and particles.vue3 for 3.x

  • The branch where it is developed

They are both available on master but the new features branch is dev

  • If applicable the documentation on how to upgrade from Vue 2 to Vue 3?

Vue 2.x docs

Vue 3.x docs

elevatebart commented 3 years ago

Thank you @matteobruni I added tsParticle to the list.

But I don't feel good about it.

What would you imagine be the story of a user of particle.vue for vue 2 would want to migrate his work to vue 3? I think I was not clear. I do not want to create a list of packages that have a vue 3 version. I am trying to help devs migrate their codebase to vue 3 by checking their dependencies and providing useful links.

Do you still think tsParticle should be in such a list?

matteobruni commented 3 years ago

This is a good point, I'll create a doc that explains how to migrate to the Vue 3.x version.

Since Vue 2.x is more popular for now I'd like to support the 2.x version for some time.

elevatebart commented 3 years ago

Thank you @matteobruni

Agreed, keep me posted. When the migration docs are ready I can add them to this list.

matteobruni commented 3 years ago

@elevatebart the migration instructions are here:

sonicoder86 commented 3 years ago

Newcomers don't go straight to the issues section I think, it remains hidden to many people

elevatebart commented 3 years ago

@blacksonic you are absolutely right, discoverability is the key.

I don't like the idea of such a small independent piece of data being dissolved in the bigger Readme. I would not even know where to put it.

I will ask around to people that are trying the migration what they would rather have.

The place I would like to find it when migrating would probably be in the vue v3 docs. @NataliaTepluhina, @phanan, @bencodezen

What do you think?

elevatebart commented 3 years ago

I will stop updating this issue, All future updates will be done here


eeerrrttty commented 3 years ago

will nativescript be integrated ? So quasar 2 will have native build ?

elevatebart commented 3 years ago

Hello @eeerrrttty You might wan to go ask those questions to the maintainers of those 2 libraries. The column issue will point you to the right place to start the conversation.