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Hide And Seek Game Design #5

Open snortableCola opened 5 months ago

snortableCola commented 5 months ago

Sketching out the basic gameplay layout of the hide and seek encounter in the forest.

snortableCola commented 5 months ago

Here is a large-scale view of the entire hide and seek encounter. I have divided it into three separate sections: The Bushes, The Rocks, and The Tree. Through concepting I've also developed two new things I'd like to talk about with the team. I feel as though it would be good to have any area you can "hide" in have some sort of covering over the player's head, as that will be easier to parse for the player later on if they need to determine if an object can hide them or not. I also have introduced surfaces that the player can slide down but cannot climb up as a way to block the player from moving backwards and keep them moving to the right. This is a new concept to the project and am unsure if it is too big of an ask to program, but I feel like it is a very good tool to reuse for linear progression purposes. IMG_1887
The first section is the bushes. This will introduce bushes as a gameplay element and start to move the player towards a darker, grimmer, forest environment. The player will enter into the area through a hole in the backyard fence, and follow their sister for a ways before she declares it is time for hide and seek. The player gets to hide in this scenario. Your sister will stand behind a rock and start counting. If the player walks into the bushes they will be prompted to crouch, and be fully hidden in them. If the player is not in the "correct" hiding spot, Your sister will open her eyes and state that the player needs to try harder. This will stay the same for the entire encounter. If the player does hide in the bush, your sister will run around for a few seconds and then call out that she gives up. Your sister will coax you over to the right of the screen and you will both slide down a muddy part of the ravine, leading to the next section. IMG_1885
For the next section, the player will be dubbed the seeker, and have to interact when standing next to a rock to close their eyes and start counting. I am hoping we can just fade in and out of black and have the sister teleport to her hiding spot up on the rocks. the player will need to jump up a small amount on the first rock and then climb on some moss which would have been previously shown to be climbable. Once the player gets to the top, they will find their sister, and slide down another slippery slope, making the left impassable and the right the only way to go. IMG_1884
Finally, the player will be given the chance to hide again, and has to crouch to get inside of a dark hole at the base of a prominent dead tree. Once inside, the camera (if possible) will zoom in, obscuring the player's view of the surroundings, and your sister will be cut off before she can finish counting down. Whenever the player chooses to leave the tree, their sister will be gone, and they will be forced to progress to the right, ending the hide and seek encounter. IMG_1883