Originally posted by **doncuco** January 10, 2024
There was a NodeRed update yesterday for my home assistant. Or something else is wrong.
But right now prices are at 36cent and my battery is keeping its SOC at 34%.
Looks like if the Plugin gets restarted it looses the "calculateddischargecosts".
Could you have a look at that?
Perhaps you could optimize that so that this value gets stored somewhere an can be recovered in this case.
Or if the new calculated value for max charging price is below the actual Tibber price, then use that, so hat the battery can go to self-consumption.
Right now I set the battery manually to self-consumption mode.
But the Flow keeps setting it to manually. Could I manually overwright the Not a Number value of clculateddischargecost?
And here comes the next idea. Perhaps you could integrate a button in the dashboard to do this.
Discussed in https://github.com/orgs/sonnen-tools/discussions/12