sonnie-sonnig / ia_typora

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night not working on mac #1

Open flypenguin opened 1 year ago

flypenguin commented 1 year ago

ia typora night does not seem to work on mac (it's not dark). i know you said it's untested, just wanted to let you know. cheers for the theme, still!

sonnie-sonnig commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I already heard it. Unfortunately I have no chance to test it or any idea, why this does not work. If you have any ideas, I'd try to implement it. Or you can fork it. :)

herabit commented 1 year ago

I figured out the issue, it has to do with file names for some reason. Change the underscores to dashes and it should resolve the issue.

sonnie-sonnig commented 1 year ago

Awesome, TY! Maybe it has something to do with the Mac-filesystem. I'll comment this in the README.

herabit commented 1 year ago

I made a pull request that resolves the issue.