sonnyp / Junction

Application/browser chooser
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Order by frequency #12

Open drod3763 opened 2 years ago

drod3763 commented 2 years ago

If I consistently use Firefox Dev Edition, then it would be useful to just have it show up as the first option. So ordering by frequency would be useful. Of course that means you have to track that number, so maybe it could just be an option?

sonnyp commented 2 years ago

You don't need both order by frequency and hotkeys.

Hotkeys is a better solution to the problem of "I want to quickly open a browser". Changing the order may also mess with mouse users muscle memory (Junction may already be doing that - not sure)

drod3763 commented 2 years ago

Frequency is useful if you use your mouse. For example, Bumpr is a mac program where the selection window appears underneath the mouse when you click the link (presumably also with your mouse). This allows you to create muscle memory in the sense that it could be two clicks to open it in your most frequently used browser quickly. This is less useful, if the window always appears in the center of the screen for example.

rohmishra commented 2 years ago

Instead of reordering, i would love it would highlight the most frequent option by default. That would man a double enter to open a image but enter and select app for everything else.

sonnyp commented 2 years ago

@rohmishra that's a nice idea - please open a new issue

sonnyp commented 2 years ago

Right now Junction orders by last use (its the default behavior of GLib).

Given that

  1. We don't show the complete list of options anymore (see and it'll probably stay like that - relying on an arbitrary order such as alphabetical doesn't make sense.

  2. We will need to store the app use frequency for

I'd say it'd make sense to order options by frequency


Or we take the 4 most recent/frequent options and order them alphabetically to avoid them moving around. And ensure the most used option is always one of the option.

johnnyasantoss commented 2 years ago

This is essential when your browser doesn't show in the initial recommendations. In my case, I wanted to use Waterfox (not sure why it doesn't show with the others).


gloopsies commented 2 years ago

Another solution could be manual ordering of preferred apps

rohmishra commented 2 years ago

Manual ordering can get out of hand quick and get confusing for multiple types. I do have a kinda working prototype on ordering by frequency that i worked on back in December but it requires some cleanup. I wanna rework how I handle gsettings before I send a PR.

johnnyasantoss commented 2 years ago

What about a preference to set this? Order by frequency on|off toggle for those that prefer it?