sonnyp / Junction

Application/browser chooser
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Reorder List and Change Icon size #132

Open jasiralavi opened 10 months ago

jasiralavi commented 10 months ago

I use a specific order to list different browsers, like Fx, Fx beta, chrome, chromium, edge, ...

Currently if I use the three-dots (View All) icon to use a new browser (say Opera) then it gets added to the beginning of the list. It's quite difficult then to bring my frequently used browsers back to the top. Need to keep repeating the process to launch browsers I use in the reverse order by clikcing the 3-dot (View All) icon.

It would be great to have a way to easily reorder items or have a feature to pin the frequently used ones and then have others ordered by recent use.

It would also be nice to be able to change the icon size or launcher size to be able to see more items easily.