sonnyp / Junction

Application/browser chooser
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Brave flatpak don't appear #78

Closed BirdInFire closed 1 year ago

BirdInFire commented 2 years ago

Hello i have a problem i have brave flatpak (with custom .desktop into ~/.local/share.

But this browser don't appear into junction (it appear into the gnome settings to be the default browser) but not into junction (if i click on the "..." brave flatpak is in the list.

Can you add a way to let us select default app for a specific protocol (for instance http/https), to add it into the default choice manually

sonnyp commented 2 years ago

What is the full path of the .desktop file and its content?

How many browsers do you have?

BirdInFire commented 2 years ago

What is the full path of the .desktop file and its content?

How many browsers do you have?

the .desktop is nearly identical i only have added : "--ozone-platform=wayland" between com.brave.broser and %U

Edit brave is the sole browser on my desktop (fedora 36).

sonnyp commented 2 years ago

If you want help, please answer the questions.

What is the full path of the .desktop file and its content?

BirdInFire commented 2 years ago


[Desktop Entry]
Name=Brave Web Browser
GenericName=Web Browser
Comment=Access the Internet
Exec=/usr/bin/flatpak run com.brave.Browser --ozone-platform=wayland %U

[Desktop Action new-window]
Name=New Window
Exec=/usr/bin/flatpak run com.brave.Browser --ozone-platform=wayland

[Desktop Action new-private-window]
Name=New Incognito Window
Exec=/usr/bin/flatpak run com.brave.Browser --incognito --ozone-platform=wayland
sonnyp commented 1 year ago

I created exactly the same file and it appears in Junction, albeit with a broken icon

Screenshot from 2022-07-31 21-19-24

But now I realized you said it was working so I'm not really sure what this issue is about

if i click on the "..." brave flatpak is in the list.

Use it once and it will appear in the main Junction list next time will fix this properly by removing the ... list

BirdInFire commented 1 year ago

@sonnyp for me it's not fixed since it does not work as intended since he don't show brave by default in the list i only have the 3 dot and must manually search it.... more fast to actually copy past the link that using your software image

I expect to see brave there ...., there is a copy of my mimeapps.list config :

[Default Applications] text/html=com.brave.Browser.desktop; x-scheme-handler/http=com.brave.Browser.desktop; x-scheme-handler/https=com.brave.Browser.desktop; x-scheme-handler/about=com.brave.Browser.desktop; x-scheme-handler/unknown=com.brave.Browser.desktop;

[Added Associations] text/html=com.brave.Browser.desktop; x-scheme-handler/http=com.brave.Browser.desktop; x-scheme-handler/https=com.brave.Browser.desktop; x-scheme-handler/about=com.brave.Browser.desktop; x-scheme-handler/unknown=com.brave.Browser.desktop;

sonnyp commented 1 year ago

I see.

It never appears in the main list? Even after having selected it once?

Please share the content of System panel in the Junction about dialog.