sonnyp / Retro

A customizable retro digital segment clock
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add in-app examples #2

Open TheOPtimal opened 1 year ago

TheOPtimal commented 1 year ago

It would be great to have different in-app examples of different styles in the app, sort of like the examples that Workbench provides.

P.S. if you are gonna add some examples, here's a neumorphic style that I made

vitorLostadaC commented 1 year ago

would be interesting a site where users can be post their clock designs and their codes

TheOPtimal commented 1 year ago

would be interesting a site where users can be post their clock designs and their codes

ooh, interesting! what if there was a way to integrate it into GitHub? so people wouldn't have to make a seperate accounts or use a seperate website or anything

sonnyp commented 7 months ago

@TheOPtimal nice one

Do you want to update it for Retro v2 and submit a PR to ?