sonnyt / tweetie

Simple jQuery Twitter feed plugin
312 stars 117 forks source link

No tweets showing but LI's created? #74

Closed lspoor closed 7 years ago

lspoor commented 7 years ago

Followed as per the instructions, inserted my keys and using the following code to initiate it all but I just get an empty list being output..whats going on here?

<script type="text/javascript"> $('.tweet').twittie({ dateFormat: '%b. %d, %Y', template: '{{tweet}} <div class="date">{{date}}</div>', count: 5, username: 'lukespoor', loadingText: 'Loading!' }); </script>

This is what is output:



simongomes commented 7 years ago

Is there any error in the console log.

lspoor commented 7 years ago

Nothing is showing in the console buddy. Seems to be all fine but the

  • 's are empty

  • sonnyt commented 7 years ago

    Hey @lspoor, do you have a link I can check out?

    lspoor commented 7 years ago

    Hey @sonnyt I don't have any hosting or anything at the moment I'm afraid, is there any way you could help? Perhaps skype/screen share? Let me know buddy

    simongomes commented 7 years ago

    @lspoor buddy, share it using any cloud code sharing service like Codeanywhere or Plunker or maybe github

    lspoor commented 7 years ago

    Its a full site which I can't really be sharing at the moment, as said I did was use the code from the demo, just adding in my keys

    simongomes commented 7 years ago

    It is hard to tell without debugging bro, no clue.