sonocotta / mouse-whisperer

ATTINY85 based device that will draw perfect circles while you're away
GNU General Public License v2.0
64 stars 10 forks source link

OS compatability? #1

Open rorosaurus opened 1 year ago

rorosaurus commented 1 year ago

If this is based on the Attiny85 and Digispark’s DigiMouse.h, isn’t it susceptible to not working on many systems? I’ve seen lots of reports of it not working on: Windows, OSX, and Linux on hackaday.

I just built a Digistump mouse jiggler last night and couldn’t get it to be recognized by my Windows desktop (even with a USB hub), but it worked, albeit intermittently, on my old Macbook - though only sometimes unless a USB hub was used too.

Has this design been tested on these other configurations? Are you doing anything special to get the Attiny85 to work more reliably?

anabolyc commented 1 year ago

You're right, it is based on Digispark’s DigiMouse.h, and USB implementation is a bit shaky there with assembler code trying hard to comply with USB timings. I suspect it will not comply 100% of time, and some USB hosts will reject it. Better would be to use MCU with hardware USB support, like Microchip's Atmega32u4 or similar. However those are 4 times more expensive and beats the whole idea

I'm planning to work on modern Tiny port, which has much more stable internal clock. But so far this is as good as it gets - I tested device on few Linux hosts and few Windows - all work without an issue, although it will probably fail for some others.