sonoro1234 / LuaJIT-ImGui

LuaJIT ffi binding for imgui, backends and extension widgets
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mat4_cast returning nonUDT #17

Closed sonoro1234 closed 4 years ago

sonoro1234 commented 4 years ago

@BrutPitt Hi Michele,

As mat4_cast is returning a user defined type non C compatible I used what I have done in cimgui But I can check in that the values returned get garbage values after some time (I guess that when the Mat4 is destroyed on ImGuIZMO.quat module) But this is strange as I would expect the values are copied to my provided struct in but perhaps there is no copy contructor ? (My C++ skills are low)

What do you think that should be done?

Update: the problem seems to be on the LuaJIT side of things (in the C side I even tried memcopy and did not solve the issue)


BrutPitt commented 4 years ago

Ciao, Victor.

I guess that when the Mat4 is destroyed on ImGuIZMO.quat module

Yes, Mat4 is destroyed after to have copied values, so if you don't "copy" its values, they are invalid.

In C++ with assignment = there is automatic call to implicitly/explicitly-declared copy constructor: T::T(const T&), that already is explicitly defined in vgMath for any data type. In this way the copy is guaranteed from right side (const &T passed parameter, also allocated temporarily on it) to left side, as long as it is alive/valid.

    mat4 m = mat4_cast(q);
// is like:
   mat4 m(mat_cast(q));
// so also if the value is temporary, it's correctly copied
// and mat_cast(q) return the value, not reference.

Although I just modified these copy-constructors for Mat3 and Mat4 (recently) for the GCC issue that you have signaled, it seems works without problems also in glChAoS.P... were I use vgMath inside it not only for imGuIZMO.quat, but also for attractors (perhaps not with matrices) and all 3D OpenGL transformations.

Searching about nonUDT I found this: that not explains the problem (it's casual), but strangely it refers to imgui port (to C#)... and seems to have same garbage (invalid values) on pointers.

Anyway let me check it a little deeper

sonoro1234 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for taking a look Michele, but in the end it was my LuaJIT script problem and is now working as expected.

In C++ with assignment = there is automatic call to implicitly/explicitly-declared copy constructor:

This was my doubt which is now solved

´Thanks again Michele