sonoro1234 / LuaJIT-ImGui

LuaJIT ffi binding for imgui, backends and extension widgets
MIT License
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cannot resolve symbol 'resizeSolidOf' #21

Closed GeTechG closed 3 years ago

GeTechG commented 3 years ago

branch anima - master love 11.3 commit f69b3cf

This time I needed to build for windows, maybe I did something wrong but the "make install" didn't work for me, I guess that's because I have msvc, so I did the build via VS, here's the dll problem when I run. изображение

sonoro1234 commented 3 years ago

"make install" didn't work for me

I guess it did work because you are trying the compiled program. Perhaps you mean that it worked but you are getting this runtime error?

resizeSolidOf belongs to cimguizmo_quat. Did you compiled with -DIMPL_EXTRAS=yes ?

GeTechG commented 3 years ago

Yes, it is, I attached the dll that I got, suddenly it's about him. I compiled as usual. cmake -DLUAJIT_BIN="/home/user/anima" ../anima Then I got the VS project files. I opened and compiled, put the DLL in the LOVE2D directory and that's it. About DIMPL_EXTRAS=yes I don't know, I didn't change anything in the settings except that I turned off glfw.

sonoro1234 commented 3 years ago

Then I got the VS project files. I opened and compiled, put the DLL in the LOVE2D directory and that's it.

You should also move the lua/imgui files

Ok, so you are compiling with anima repo but resizeSolidOf is not in the LuaJIT-ImGui version that goes with anima. May be you pulled from LuaJIT-ImGui directly so repos are mixed.

Delete your anima repository, do a fresh new clone of anima and then recompile,

(May be you should also try to compile directly from LuaJIT-ImGui repository setting -DLUAJIT_BIN="love2d folder")

sonoro1234 commented 3 years ago

This time I needed to build for windows, maybe I did something wrong but the "make install" didn't work for me

for MSVC after opening a window with "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars32.bat" (or similar according to your instalation)

cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" -DLUAJIT_BIN="c:/anima32msvc" ../../anima nmake install (or cmake --build . --target install which work for all compilers)

if you dont want to use nmake but visual studio you could generate with

-G"Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" but for all alternatives take a look at

sonoro1234 commented 3 years ago

Any updates on this issue?

GeTechG commented 3 years ago

I think not, I made an assembly of an earlier version on which I did in linux.