sonos / dinghy

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Getting files generated by tests back? #199

Closed torokati44 closed 10 months ago

torokati44 commented 10 months ago

I really like that dinghy magically packs up every file that the tests need, and yeets them over to the device running the tests!

Now I'd like a way to get the files (in this case, actual visual output, and image difference from expected output) created by the failed tests back onto my computer - the same way as I would have them when running the tests on it natively.

Is there a way to access the files written by the tests now, and would you consider adding an option to sync them back into the source tree automatically?

torokati44 commented 10 months ago

Just to answer one of my own questions right away: All I really needed to do was adb pull /data/local/tmp/dinghy, and I got my files after running the tests... :sweat_smile:

fredszaq commented 10 months ago

Yes that would be the easiest way :P,, closing then!

torokati44 commented 10 months ago

Alright! While I was able to get the files I wanted, I still think it would be nice to have an easy way for this built in. Or at least the adb pull method mentioned in the docs somewhere - I had to fish out the on-device working directory from somewhere in the code. But I'm not gonna reopen just for this. :)