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Fails to sign iOS app when there is more recent auto-signing .mobileprovision file in Profiles folder #80

Open vhnatyk opened 5 years ago

vhnatyk commented 5 years ago

Hi - this one id related to #77 .

Dinghy also fails to sign app bundle when it discovers first any auto-signing profile (XCode-created provisioning profiles - with names starting with XC) with App Bundle ID with *.Dinghy pattern. This also implies that one actually still needs Apple Developer (paid) Account to be able to generate Manual provisioning profiles on XCode that can be used by Dinghy?

vhnatyk commented 5 years ago

Will sign "/Users/vl/repo/multi-party-ecdsa/target/aarch64-apple-ios/release/dinghy/sm_manager-c8368d702ce4c993/" with team: ******* using key: iPhone Developer: ********** (******) and profile: /Users/vl/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/58b37bf2-2ee2-42e5-a578-eae471ec26a8.mobileprovision DEBUG dinghy_lib::ios::xcode > entitlements file: /Users/vl/repo/multi-party-ecdsa/target/aarch64-apple-ios/release/dinghy/entitlements.xcent ERROR cargo_dinghy > Error: error: 0xe8008016, The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.

The profile quick info is:

App ID Name: XC com ci test Dinghy2 Dinghy App ID: UUID: 58b37bf2-2ee2-42e5-a578-eae471ec26a8