sonyhome / FAB_LED

Fast Arduino Bitbang LED library supports programmable LEDs (WS2812B, APA102...), color palettes for Arduino AVR
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Question about direct controll #40

Closed Tolomaj closed 1 year ago

Tolomaj commented 1 year ago

I'm working on a project using the sk6812 where I can't use the entire FAB_LED library. I trying to use part of code , specifically sendByte(). For some reason, the LEDs flash, but this is not interference, because when I use the FAB_LED library, they work as they should

Does anyone know what the difference might be between using a function from a library and using a function directly?

Mi code (the definitions are directly from the FAB_LED library) :

#define sbiCycles 2

#define NS_PER_SEC          1000000000ULL
#define CYCLES_PER_SEC      ((uint64_t) (F_CPU))
#define CYCLES(time_ns)     (((CYCLES_PER_SEC * (time_ns)) + NS_PER_SEC - 1ULL) / NS_PER_SEC)

#define SK6812_1H_CY CYCLES(1210) // 500ns 1210ns-1510ns _----------__
#define SK6812_1L_CY CYCLES(200)  // 125ns  200ns-500ns  .    .    .
#define SK6812_0H_CY CYCLES(200)  // 125ns  200ns-500ns  _-----_______
#define SK6812_0L_CY CYCLES(1210) // 500ns 1210ns-1510ns .    .    .
#define SK6812_MS_REFRESH 84      //  84,000ns Minimum wait time to reset LED strip
#define SK6812_NS_RF  833333      // Max refresh rate for all pixels to light up 2msec (LED PWM is 500Hz)

    void sendByte(uint8_t val){
      for(int8_t b=7; b>=0; b--) {
        const bool bit = (val>>b) & 0x1;
        if (bit) { // Send a ONE
          // HIGH with ASM sbi (2 words, 2 cycles)
          PORTB |= (1 << STRIP_PIN); // STRIP_PINgoes high 
          // Wait exact number of cycles specified
          __builtin_avr_delay_cycles(SK6812_1H_CY - sbiCycles);
          //  LOW with ASM cbi (2 words, 2 cycles)
          PORTB &= ~(1 << STRIP_PIN); // STRIP_PINgoes low
          // Wait exact number of cycles specified
          __builtin_avr_delay_cycles(SK6812_1L_CY - sbiCycles );
        } else {  // Send a ZERO
          // HIGH with ASM sbi (2 words, 2 cycles)
          PORTB |= (1 << STRIP_PIN); // STRIP_PIN goes high 
          // Wait exact number of cycles specified
          __builtin_avr_delay_cycles(SK6812_0H_CY - sbiCycles);
          //  LOW with ASM cbi (2 words, 2 cycles)
          PORTB &= ~(1 << STRIP_PIN); // STRIP_PINgoes low
          // Wait exact number of cycles specified
          __builtin_avr_delay_cycles(SK6812_0L_CY - sbiCycles);

    void sendLed(uint8_t r,uint8_t g,uint8_t b,uint8_t w){ //BRGW

    void endTransmition(){  // automatic ended after 80µs
      PORTB &= ~(1 << STRIP_PIN); // PD0 goes low
      // Wait exact number of cycles specified
      __builtin_avr_delay_cycles(CYCLES(833333)); //80µs

    void fillAllLes(uint8_t r,uint8_t g,uint8_t b,uint8_t w){
      for(int i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; i++ ){

Library Code :

avrBitbangLedStrip<FAB_TVAR>::onePortSoftwareSendBytes(const uint16_t count, const uint8_t * array)

    for(uint16_t c=0; c < count; c++) {
        const uint8_t val = array[c];
        for(int8_t b=7; b>=0; b--) {
            const bool bit = (val>>b) & 0x1;

            if (bit) {
                // Send a ONE

                // HIGH with ASM sbi (2 words, 2 cycles)
                SET_PORT_HIGH(dataPortId, dataPortPin);
                // Wait exact number of cycles specified
                DELAY_CYCLES(high1 - sbiCycles);
                //  LOW with ASM cbi (2 words, 2 cycles)
                SET_PORT_LOW(dataPortId, dataPortPin);
                // Wait exact number of cycles specified
                DELAY_CYCLES(low1 - cbiCycles);
            } else {
                // Send a ZERO

                // HIGH with ASM sbi (2 words, 2 cycles)
                SET_PORT_HIGH(dataPortId, dataPortPin);
                // Wait exact number of cycles specified
                DELAY_CYCLES(high0 - sbiCycles);
                //  LOW with ASM cbi (2 words, 2 cycles)
                SET_PORT_LOW(dataPortId, dataPortPin);
                // Wait exact number of cycles specified
                DELAY_CYCLES(low0 - cbiCycles);

Thanks for the reply.

Tolomaj commented 1 year ago

I solved it. just turn off interrupts