sonyxperiadev / bug_tracker

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Wifi and Bluetooth stopped to work.. probably with last update #150

Closed grigio closed 6 years ago

grigio commented 6 years ago

Platform: Android Device: Z3 Compact F5321 Kernel version: 3.10.84 Android version: Android 8.0 patch july-1 stock release / no root / official ROM

Description Suddenly the wifi stopped to work, tried to reboot in safe mode and still persist. Maybe is an hw issue?

Symptoms logcat

08-10 23:07:49.743  3447  4271 W aprg    : Empty context buffer. Thus might mean that the context is not synced down.
08-10 23:07:49.743  3447  4271 W apnk    : Empty context model while retrieving upload opt-in status!
08-10 23:07:51.764 13614 13633 E bt_hci  : startup_timer_expired
08-10 23:07:51.764 13614 13630 E bt_core_module: module_start_up Failed to start up module "hci_module"
08-10 23:07:51.765 13614 13649 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 13649, thread name bt_workqueue started
08-10 23:07:51.765 13614 13649 I bt_btu  : btu_task pending for preload complete event
08-10 23:07:51.765 13614 13649 I bt_btu_task: Bluetooth chip preload is complete
08-10 23:07:51.765 13614 13649 I bt_btu  : btu_task received preload complete event
08-10 23:07:51.766 13614 13649 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x0001
08-10 23:07:51.766 13614 13649 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x001f
08-10 23:07:51.766 13614 13649 E bt_att  : gatt_profile_db_init:  gatt_if=1
08-10 23:07:51.766 13614 13649 W bt_l2cap: L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x0003
08-10 23:07:51.768 13614 13650 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 13650, thread name module_wrapper started
08-10 23:07:51.768 13614 13650 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Starting module "controller_module"
08-10 23:07:53.638  1790  6119 D WifiService: setWifiEnabled: true pid=2739, uid=10076,
08-10 23:07:53.645   561   561 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Wifi HAL started
08-10 23:07:53.653   561   561 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Could not read interface state for wlan0 (No such device)
08-10 23:07:53.653   561   561 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Failed to set WiFi interface up
08-10 23:07:53.653   561   561 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Failed to start legacy HAL: UNKNOWN
08-10 23:07:53.653  1790  2689 E HalDeviceManager: executeChipReconfiguration: configureChip error: 9 (unknown)
08-10 23:07:53.855   561   561 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Wifi HAL stopped
08-10 23:07:53.855   561   561 E hw-IPCThreadState: binder thread pool (1 threads) starved for 201 ms
08-10 23:07:53.856  1790  2689 E WifiNative-wlan0: Failed to start HAL for client mode
08-10 23:07:53.857  1790  2689 D WificondControl: tearing down interfaces in wificond
08-10 23:07:53.859  1790  1790 E WifiController: WifiControllerWifi turn on failed
08-10 23:07:53.862  3074  3189 I QCNEJ/CndHalConnector: -> SND notifyWifiStatusChanged(RatInfo{type=1, subType=101, state=UNKNOWN, v4=IfaceAddrPair{iface=, addr=}, v6=IfaceAddrPair{iface=, addr=}, timestamp=2018-08-10 23:07:53.862, isAndroidValidated=false, netHandle=-1, slotIdx=0} WifiInfo{freq=TWO_GHz, state=4, ssid=, bssid=00:00:00:00:00:00, dns=[,,,, ]})
08-10 23:07:53.863  3074  3189 I QCNEJ/CndHalConnector: -> SND notifyRatConnectionStatusChanged(rat = 1, UNKNOWN, v4 = , v6 = )
08-10 23:07:53.864  1790  2689 I WifiVendorHal: Vendor Hal stopped
08-10 23:07:53.869  1030  1030 E Parcel  : Reading a NULL string not supported here.
08-10 23:07:53.870  1790  1790 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:644 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:644 com.sonymobile.wifi.idd.IddUtils.startIddService:16 com.sonymobile.wifi.idd.IddReceiver.onReceive:30 
08-10 23:07:53.873   561   561 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Wifi HAL started
08-10 23:07:53.886   561   561 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Could not read interface state for wlan0 (No such device)
08-10 23:07:53.886   561   561 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Failed to set WiFi interface up
08-10 23:07:53.886   561   561 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Failed to start legacy HAL: UNKNOWN
08-10 23:07:53.869  1030  1030 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dpmd identical 2 lines
08-10 23:07:53.869  1030  1030 E Parcel  : Reading a NULL string not supported here.
08-10 23:07:53.886  1790  2689 E HalDeviceManager: executeChipReconfiguration: configureChip error: 9 (unknown)
08-10 23:07:54.088   561   561 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Wifi HAL stopped
08-10 23:07:54.088   561   561 E hw-IPCThreadState: binder thread pool (1 threads) starved for 201 ms
08-10 23:07:54.089  1790  2689 E WifiNative-wlan0: Failed to start HAL for client mode
08-10 23:07:54.090  1790  2689 D WificondControl: tearing down interfaces in wificond
08-10 23:07:54.091  1790  1790 E WifiController: WifiControllerWifi turn on failed
08-10 23:07:54.093  3074  3189 I QCNEJ/CndHalConnector: -> SND notifyWifiStatusChanged(RatInfo{type=1, subType=101, state=UNKNOWN, v4=IfaceAddrPair{iface=, addr=}, v6=IfaceAddrPair{iface=, addr=}, timestamp=2018-08-10 23:07:54.093, isAndroidValidated=false, netHandle=-1, slotIdx=0} WifiInfo{freq=TWO_GHz, state=4, ssid=, bssid=00:00:00:00:00:00, dns=[,,,, ]})
08-10 23:07:54.095  3074  3189 I QCNEJ/CndHalConnector: -> SND notifyRatConnectionStatusChanged(rat = 1, UNKNOWN, v4 = , v6 = )
08-10 23:07:54.099  1790  2689 I WifiVendorHal: Vendor Hal stopped
08-10 23:07:54.099  1030  1030 E Parcel  : Reading a NULL string not supported here.
08-10 23:07:54.101  1790  1790 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:644 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:644 com.sonymobile.wifi.idd.IddUtils.startIddService:16 com.sonymobile.wifi.idd.IddReceiver.onReceive:30 
08-10 23:07:54.103   561   561 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Wifi HAL started
08-10 23:07:54.114   561   561 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Could not read interface state for wlan0 (No such device)
08-10 23:07:54.114   561   561 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Failed to set WiFi interface up
08-10 23:07:54.114   561   561 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Failed to start legacy HAL: UNKNOWN
08-10 23:07:54.115  1790  2689 E HalDeviceManager: executeChipReconfiguration: configureChip error: 9 (unknown)
08-10 23:07:54.318   561   561 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Wifi HAL stopped
08-10 23:07:54.318   561   561 E hw-IPCThreadState: binder thread pool (1 threads) starved for 203 ms
08-10 23:07:54.320  1790  2689 E WifiNative-wlan0: Failed to start HAL for client mode
08-10 23:07:54.321  1790  2689 D WificondControl: tearing down interfaces in wificond
08-10 23:07:54.322  1790  1790 E WifiController: WifiControllerWifi turn on failed
08-10 23:07:54.324  3074  3189 I QCNEJ/CndHalConnector: -> SND notifyWifiStatusChanged(RatInfo{type=1, subType=101, state=UNKNOWN, v4=IfaceAddrPair{iface=, addr=}, v6=IfaceAddrPair{iface=, addr=}, timestamp=2018-08-10 23:07:54.323, isAndroidValidated=false, netHandle=-1, slotIdx=0} WifiInfo{freq=TWO_GHz, state=4, ssid=, bssid=00:00:00:00:00:00, dns=[,,,, ]})
08-10 23:07:54.325  1030  1030 E Parcel  : Reading a NULL string not supported here.
08-10 23:07:54.325  1030  1030 E Parcel  : Reading a NULL string not supported here.
08-10 23:07:54.325  3074  3189 I QCNEJ/CndHalConnector: -> SND notifyRatConnectionStatusChanged(rat = 1, UNKNOWN, v4 = , v6 = )
08-10 23:07:54.325  1030  1030 E Parcel  : Reading a NULL string not supported here.
08-10 23:07:54.325  1030  1030 E Parcel  : Reading a NULL string not supported here.
08-10 23:07:54.328  1790  2689 I WifiVendorHal: Vendor Hal stopped
08-10 23:07:54.333  1790  1790 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:644 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:644 com.sonymobile.wifi.idd.IddUtils.startIddService:16 com.sonymobile.wifi.idd.IddReceiver.onReceive:30 

08-10 23:07:55.554   437   437 I QNS     : QNS: soc=45, v=3860, i=263, t=347
08-10 23:07:55.554   437   437 I QNS     : QNS: requested charging current: 2400
08-10 23:07:55.773 13614 13629 V BluetoothAdapterState: PendingCommand - transient state(s): isBleTurningOn
08-10 23:07:55.773 13614 13629 D BluetoothAdapterState: Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 101
08-10 23:07:55.773 13614 13629 E BluetoothAdapterState: Error enabling Bluetooth (enable timeout)
08-10 23:07:55.773 13614 13629 D BluetoothAdapterService: stopGattProfileService()
08-10 23:07:55.774 13614 13629 D BluetoothAdapterService: setProfileServiceState() - Stopping service
08-10 23:07:55.776 13614 13629 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Setting state to 10
08-10 23:07:55.776 13614 13614 D BtGatt.DebugUtils: handleDebugAction() action=null
08-10 23:07:55.776 13614 13629 I BluetoothAdapterState: Bluetooth adapter state changed: 14-> 10
08-10 23:07:55.776 13614 13614 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
08-10 23:07:55.776 13614 13629 D BluetoothAdapterService: updateAdapterState() - Broadcasting state to 1 receivers.
08-10 23:07:55.777  1790  2258 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: BLE_TURNING_ON > OFF
08-10 23:07:55.777  1790  2258 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth is complete send Service Down
08-10 23:07:55.777  1790  2258 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceDown() to 13 receivers.
08-10 23:07:55.777 13614 13614 D BtGatt.GattService: Received stop request...Stopping profile...
08-10 23:07:55.777  1790  2258 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceDown() to 13 receivers.
08-10 23:07:55.777  1790  2258 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@de189ef
08-10 23:07:55.778 10871 10888 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@e058e12
08-10 23:07:55.778  1790  2258 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Sending callbacks to 0 clients
08-10 23:07:55.778  1790  2258 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Finished sending callbacks to registered clients
08-10 23:07:55.778 10871 10888 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Sending callbacks to 0 clients
08-10 23:07:55.778 10871 10888 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Finished sending callbacks to registered clients
08-10 23:07:55.778  3268  3280 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@4c73b08
08-10 23:07:55.778  3268  3280 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Sending callbacks to 0 clients
08-10 23:07:55.778  3268  3280 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Finished sending callbacks to registered clients
08-10 23:07:55.778 10373 10384 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@4e95db0
08-10 23:07:55.778 10373 10384 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Sending callbacks to 0 clients
08-10 23:07:55.778 10373 10384 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Finished sending callbacks to registered clients
08-10 23:07:55.778  1790  2258 D BluetoothManagerService: unbindAndFinish(): android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@de189ef mBinding = false mUnbinding = false
08-10 23:07:55.778  3447  5980 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@a2f8f91
08-10 23:07:55.778  3447  5980 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Sending callbacks to 0 clients
08-10 23:07:55.778  3447  5980 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Finished sending callbacks to registered clients
08-10 23:07:55.778 12948 12959 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@62f93a9
08-10 23:07:55.778 12948 12959 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Sending callbacks to 0 clients
08-10 23:07:55.779 12948 12959 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Finished sending callbacks to registered clients
08-10 23:07:55.779  4812  4823 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@487bf42
08-10 23:07:55.779  4812  4823 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Sending callbacks to 0 clients
08-10 23:07:55.779  4812  4823 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Finished sending callbacks to registered clients
08-10 23:07:55.779  3879  3890 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@937073f
08-10 23:07:55.779  3879  3890 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Sending callbacks to 0 clients
08-10 23:07:55.779  3879  3890 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Finished sending callbacks to registered clients
08-10 23:07:55.779  9663  9684 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@bc8b229
08-10 23:07:55.779  9663  9684 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Sending callbacks to 0 clients
08-10 23:07:55.779  9663  9684 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Finished sending callbacks to registered clients
08-10 23:07:55.779  2739  2753 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@f8d5441
08-10 23:07:55.779  2739  2753 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Sending callbacks to 0 clients
08-10 23:07:55.779  3104  4244 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@95d8a3a
08-10 23:07:55.779  2739  2753 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Finished sending callbacks to registered clients
08-10 23:07:55.779  3104  4244 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Sending callbacks to 0 clients
08-10 23:07:55.779  3104  4244 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Finished sending callbacks to registered clients
08-10 23:07:55.779 13614 13641 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown:$AdapterServiceBinder@b0a48ab
08-10 23:07:55.779 13614 13641 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Sending callbacks to 0 clients
08-10 23:07:55.779 13614 13641 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Finished sending callbacks to registered clients
08-10 23:07:55.779  3560  3576 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@1262b2d
08-10 23:07:55.779  3560  3576 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Sending callbacks to 0 clients
08-10 23:07:55.780  3560  3576 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Finished sending callbacks to registered clients
08-10 23:07:55.780 13614 13629 E BluetoothAdapterState: ENABLE_TIMEOUT:Killing the process to force a restart as part cleanup
08-10 23:07:55.780 13614 13629 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 13614 SIG: 9
08-10 23:07:55.782   579   579 E lowmemorykiller: Error writing /proc/13614/oom_score_adj; errno=22
08-10 23:07:55.784  1790  2258 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: BLE_TURNING_ON > OFF
08-10 23:07:55.787  1790  3605 D BluetoothManagerService: 1 registered Ble Apps
08-10 23:07:55.787  3447  3447 D BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): OFF
08-10 23:07:55.787  3447  3447 D BluetoothAdapter: enableBLE(): Calling enable
08-10 23:07:55.789  1790  2824 D BluetoothManagerService: enable(  mBluetooth =null mBinding = false mState = OFF
08-10 23:07:55.789  1790  2824 D BluetoothManagerService: enable returning
08-10 23:07:55.789  1790  2258 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_ENABLE(0): mBluetooth = null
08-10 23:07:55.791   579   579 E lowmemorykiller: Error writing /proc/13614/oom_score_adj; errno=22
08-10 23:07:55.804  1790  3117 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 13614) has died: psvc IMPF
08-10 23:07:55.804  1790  3117 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
08-10 23:07:55.804  1790  3117 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 11000ms
08-10 23:07:55.806  1790  2166 W zygote64: kill(13614, 9) failed: No such process
08-10 23:07:56.831  1790  2164 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
08-10 23:07:56.911 13655 13655 E BluetoothVendorJni: register_com_android_bluetooth_btservice_vendor:
08-10 23:07:56.915 13655 13655 D BluetoothOppFileProvider: Initialized
08-10 23:07:56.935 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled falseisAvrcpControllerEnabledfalse serviceNameHeadsetService
08-10 23:07:56.935 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HeadsetService
08-10 23:07:56.935 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled falseisAvrcpControllerEnabledfalse serviceNameA2dpService
08-10 23:07:56.935 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding A2dpService
08-10 23:07:56.935 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled falseisAvrcpControllerEnabledfalse serviceNameHidService
08-10 23:07:56.935 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HidService
08-10 23:07:56.935 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled falseisAvrcpControllerEnabledfalse serviceNamePanService
08-10 23:07:56.935 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding PanService
08-10 23:07:56.935 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled falseisAvrcpControllerEnabledfalse serviceNameGattService
08-10 23:07:56.935 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding GattService
08-10 23:07:56.935 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled falseisAvrcpControllerEnabledfalse serviceNameBluetoothMapService
08-10 23:07:56.936 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding BluetoothMapService
08-10 23:07:56.936 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled falseisAvrcpControllerEnabledfalse serviceNameAvrcpControllerService
08-10 23:07:56.936 13655 13655 W AdapterServiceConfig: Could not find profile bit mask
08-10 23:07:56.936 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled falseisAvrcpControllerEnabledfalse serviceNameBluetoothOppService
08-10 23:07:56.936 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding BluetoothOppService
08-10 23:07:56.936 13655 13655 W AdapterServiceConfig: Could not find profile bit mask
08-10 23:07:56.936 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled falseisAvrcpControllerEnabledfalse serviceNameBluetoothPbapService
08-10 23:07:56.936 13655 13655 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding BluetoothPbapService
08-10 23:07:56.938 13655 13655 I BtGatt.JNI: classInitNative(L893): classInitNative: Success!
08-10 23:07:56.943 13655 13655 D BtGatt.DebugUtils: handleDebugAction() action=null
08-10 23:07:56.961 13655 13655 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - Service not available
08-10 23:07:56.961 13655 13655 W BluetoothProfileService: Could not add this profile because AdapterService is null.
08-10 23:07:56.961 13655 13655 D BtGatt.GattService: Received stop request...Stopping profile...
08-10 23:07:56.962 13655 13655 D BtGatt.GattService:  profile stopped successfully
08-10 23:07:56.963 13655 13655 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - Service not available
08-10 23:07:56.965 13655 13655 D BluetoothAdapterService: onCreate()
08-10 23:07:56.967 13655 13655 I BluetoothVendorJni: classInitNative: succeeds
08-10 23:07:56.967 13655 13655 D BluetoothAdapterState: make() - Creating AdapterState
08-10 23:07:56.969 13655 13655 I bt_btif : init
08-10 23:07:56.969 13655 13671 I BluetoothAdapterState: Entering OffState
08-10 23:07:56.970 13655 13672 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 13672, thread name stack_manager started
08-10 23:07:56.970 13655 13672 I bt_stack_manager: event_init_stack is initializing the stack
08-10 23:07:56.971 13655 13672 I bt_utils: init_soc_type
08-10 23:07:56.971 13655 13672 E bt_btif_config: Config is missing adapter section
08-10 23:07:56.971 13655 13672 W bt_btif_config: init unable to load config file: /data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.conf; using backup.
08-10 23:07:56.972 13655 13675 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 13675, thread name alarm_default_ca started
08-10 23:07:56.972 13655 13676 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 13676, thread name alarm_dispatcher started
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 0, key :: 08:62:66, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 0, key :: 38:2C:4A:C9, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 0, key :: 38:2C:4A:E6, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 0, key :: 54:A0:50:D9, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 0, key :: AC:9E:17, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 0, key :: F0:79:59, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 0, key :: 80:E4:DA:70, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 0, key :: 1C:96:5A, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 0, key :: 80:EA:CA, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 1, key :: 9C:DF:03, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 2, key :: A0:E9:DB, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 2, key :: 00:14:02, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 2, key :: 1C:48:F9, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 2, key :: 44:5E:F3, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 2, key :: D4:9C:28, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 2, key :: 00:18:6B, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 2, key :: B8:AD:3E, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 2, key :: 00:11:B1, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.976 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 2, key :: A4:15:66, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 2, key :: 00:14:F1, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 2, key :: 00:26:7E, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 2, key :: 90:03:B7, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 2, key :: 04:F8:C2, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 3, key :: 34:C7:31, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 3, key :: 00:07:04, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 3, key :: E0:75:0A, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 3, key :: Audi, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 3, key :: BMW, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 3, key :: Parrot, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 3, key :: Car, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 3, key :: NISSAN, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 4, key :: 00:0F:F6, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 5, key :: 00:18:91, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 5, key :: 00:21:4F, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 5, key :: 20:15:06, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: 04:0C:CE, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: 00:07:61, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: 00:1D:D8, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: 00:1F:20, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: 6C:5D:63, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: 28:18:78, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: 60:45:BD, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: 58:71:33, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: 00:90:E1, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: Apple Magic Mouse, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: Bluetooth Laser Travel Mouse, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: Microsoft Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: Logitech MX Revolution Mouse, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: Microsoft Sculpt Touch Mouse, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: Tero's Game Controller, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 6, key :: 0x004C, value :: Manufacturer_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 23, key :: 00:12:A1, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 23, key :: Targus BT Laser Notebook Mouse, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 7, key :: Motorola Keyboard KZ500, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 7, key :: Motorola Keyboard KZ500 v122, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 7, key :: 0x22b8-0x093D, value :: Vndr_Prdt_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 8, key :: 20:4C:10, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 8, key :: 0x004C, value :: Manufacturer_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 11, key :: 00:14:09, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 12, key :: BSMBB09DS, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 12, key :: ELECOM, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 13, key :: A0:56:B2, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 13, key :: MB Bluetooth, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 19, key :: 00:02:5B:4A, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.977 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: FC:C2:DE, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: 00:26:B4, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: 00:04:3E, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: 00:23:01, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: 1C:48:F9, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: 00:54:AF, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: 00:26:E8, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: 00:37:6D, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: 9C:3A:AF, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: 00:18:91, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: 0C:E0:E4, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: 00:07:04, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: A4:15:66, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: D0:13:1E, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: 8F:20:B4, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: A8:B9:B3, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 16, key :: 00:0D:F0, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 17, key :: 00:0D:FD, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 17, key :: 00:1B:DC, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 17, key :: 00:07:04, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 17, key :: A4:15:66, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 17, key :: 00:54:AF, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 14, key :: 28:A1:83, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 14, key :: AC:7A:4D, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 14, key :: A0:14:3D, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 14, key :: 90:03:B7, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 14, key :: 00:21:3c, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 14, key :: 00:1D:86, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 14, key :: 9C:DF:03, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 14, key :: E0:75:0A, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 20, key :: 00:00:7f, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 20, key :: 00:00:31, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 20, key :: 00:00:41, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 20, key :: 00:00:6a, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 20, key :: 00:01:0a, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 20, key :: 00:00:3d, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 20, key :: Discovery Sport, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 20, key :: Jaguar XE, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 21, key :: bc:30:7e, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 21, key :: a4:08:ea, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.978 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 21, key :: Audi, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.979 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 21, key :: Porsche, value :: Name_Based
08-10 23:07:56.979 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 22, key :: 00:1B:DC-0x0012, value :: SSR_Max_Lat_Based
08-10 23:07:56.979 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 22, key :: DC:2C:26-0x0000, value :: SSR_Max_Lat_Based
08-10 23:07:56.979 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 22, key :: 54:46:6B-0x0001, value :: SSR_Max_Lat_Based
08-10 23:07:56.979 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 25, key :: 98:7b:f3, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.979 13655 13672 W bt_device_interop:  feature:: 15, key :: 00:40:00, value :: Address_Based
08-10 23:07:56.979 13655 13672 I bt_stack_config: init attempt to load stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
08-10 23:07:56.980 13655 13677 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 13677, thread name bt_jni_workqueue started
08-10 23:07:56.980 13655 13672 I bt_stack_manager: event_init_stack finished
08-10 23:07:56.980 13655 13655 I bt_btif : get_profile_interface: id = socket
08-10 23:07:56.981 13655 13677 E bt_btif_storage: btif_storage_get_adapter_property: Controller not ready! Unable to return Bluetooth Address
08-10 23:07:56.981 13655 13677 E BluetoothServiceJni: adapter_properties_callback: Status 1 is incorrect
08-10 23:07:56.982  1790  1790 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth Adapter name changed to Xperia X Compact
08-10 23:07:56.983  1790  1790 D BluetoothManagerService: Stored Bluetooth name: Xperia X Compact
08-10 23:07:56.983 13655 13677 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Name is: Xperia X Compact
08-10 23:07:56.984 13655 13655 I bt_btif : get_profile_interface: id = sdp
08-10 23:07:56.989 13655 13655 I BluetoothAdapterService: Phone policy enabled
08-10 23:07:56.992 13655 13655 D BluetoothBondStateMachine: make
08-10 23:07:56.994 13655 13678 I BluetoothBondStateMachine: StableState(): Entering Off State
08-10 23:07:57.002 13655 13655 I BluetoothAdapterService: Functionality of bluetooth is fully available.
08-10 23:07:57.002 13655 13655 D BluetoothAdapterService: setAdapterService() - set to: null
08-10 23:07:57.003 13655 13655 I bt_btif : get_profile_interface: id = vendor
08-10 23:07:57.005 13655 13655 D BluetoothAdapterService: onBind()
08-10 23:07:57.006  1790  1790 D BluetoothManagerService: BluetoothServiceConnection:
08-10 23:07:57.006  1790  2258 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED: 1
08-10 23:07:57.008 13655 13655 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
08-10 23:07:57.011  1790  2258 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 13 receivers.
08-10 23:07:57.011 10871 10885 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@d9329e3
08-10 23:07:57.011  1790  2258 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@2b035eb
08-10 23:07:57.012  3268  3281 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@d00c2a1
08-10 23:07:57.012 13655 13666 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp:$AdapterServiceBinder@d00c2a1
08-10 23:07:57.012  3879  5741 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@a5d780c
08-10 23:07:57.012 10373 10386 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@808b429
08-10 23:07:57.012 12948 12960 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@ef58d2e
08-10 23:07:57.012  3104  3130 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@fcdb6eb
08-10 23:07:57.012  2739  3314 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@4791535
08-10 23:07:57.012  3560  3576 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@364862
08-10 23:07:57.012  4812  4824 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@91ebb53
08-10 23:07:57.012  3447  5991 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@52d9b49
08-10 23:07:57.012  9663  9689 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@f7289ae
08-10 23:07:57.013 13655 13667 D BluetoothAdapterService: enable() - Enable called with quiet mode status =  false
08-10 23:07:57.013 13655 13671 D BluetoothAdapterState: Current state: OFF, message: 0
08-10 23:07:57.014 13655 13671 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Setting state to 14
08-10 23:07:57.014 13655 13671 I BluetoothAdapterState: Bluetooth adapter state changed: 10-> 14
08-10 23:07:57.014 13655 13671 D BluetoothAdapterService: updateAdapterState() - Broadcasting state to 1 receivers.
08-10 23:07:57.014 13655 13671 D BluetoothAdapterService: BleOnProcessStart()
08-10 23:07:57.014 13655 13671 D BluetoothAdapterService: BleOnProcessStart() - Make Bond State Machine
08-10 23:07:57.015 13655 13671 D BluetoothAdapterService: setProfileServiceState() - Starting service
08-10 23:07:57.017 13655 13671 I BluetoothAdapterState: Entering PendingCommandState
08-10 23:07:57.017  1790  2258 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: OFF > BLE_TURNING_ON
08-10 23:07:57.017  1790  2258 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: OFF > BLE_TURNING_ON
08-10 23:07:57.017 13655 13655 D BtGatt.DebugUtils: handleDebugAction() action=null
08-10 23:07:57.018 13655 13655 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
08-10 23:07:57.020 13655 13655 D BtGatt.GattService: Received start request. Starting profile...
08-10 23:07:57.020 13655 13655 I bt_btif : get_profile_interface: id = gatt
08-10 23:07:57.021 13655 13655 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
08-10 23:07:57.026 13655 13655 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
08-10 23:07:57.026 13655 13655 D BtGatt.GattService:  profile started successfully
08-10 23:07:57.026 13655 13655 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
08-10 23:07:57.026 13655 13655 D BluetoothAdapterService: handleMessage() - Message: 1
08-10 23:07:57.026 13655 13655 D BluetoothAdapterService: handleMessage() - MESSAGE_PROFILE_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
08-10 23:07:57.027 13655 13655 W BluetoothAdapterService: onProfileServiceStateChange(), state=12, doUpdate=true
08-10 23:07:57.027 13655 13655 D BluetoothAdapterService: processProfileServiceStateChanged() - isTurningOn=false isTurningOff=false isBleTurningOn=true isBleTurningOff=false
08-10 23:07:57.027 13655 13655 D BluetoothAdapterService: GattService is started
08-10 23:07:57.027 13655 13671 V BluetoothAdapterState: PendingCommand - transient state(s): isBleTurningOn
08-10 23:07:57.027 13655 13671 D BluetoothAdapterState: Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 4
08-10 23:07:57.027 13655 13671 I bt_btif : enable: start restricted = 0
08-10 23:07:57.028 13655 13672 I bt_stack_manager: event_start_up_stack is bringing up the stack
08-10 23:07:57.028 13655 13672 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Starting module "btif_config_module"
08-10 23:07:57.028 13655 13672 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Started module "btif_config_module"
08-10 23:07:57.028 13655 13672 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Starting module "btsnoop_module"
08-10 23:07:57.028 13655 13672 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Started module "btsnoop_module"
08-10 23:07:57.028 13655 13672 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Starting module "hci_module"
08-10 23:07:57.028 13655 13672 I bt_hci  : hci_module_start_up
08-10 23:07:57.029 13655 13685 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 13685, thread name hci_thread started
08-10 23:07:57.029 13655 13685 I bt_hci  : hci_initialize
08-10 23:07:57.029 13655 13672 D bt_hci  : hci_module_start_up starting async portion

How to reproduce n/a

jerpelea commented 6 years ago

this bug tracker does not cover the official SW. Please contact customer care

mirh commented 6 years ago

Z3 never got officially Oreo, not sure what we are talking about.

grigio commented 6 years ago

@mirh screenshot_20180811-130926

MartinX3 commented 6 years ago

That's the Xperia X Compact. The entire X line is still maintained, while the previous lines aren't. (Z-Line)