Closed jevgenp closed 1 year ago
After the fix in the new OEMv5 we catched the next bug on our way to gcam happiness:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: supportsCameraApi:2340: Unknown camera ID 2
Akari only has two sensors, so only cameraId 0 and 1 are valid. I don't know why the apps crash trying to access cameraId 2. They should not even try. Can you post the output of "adb shell -n dumpsys"?
Thank you. Both camera HAL and MediaProfiles only list two cameraIds, which is correct. I don't know why the apps try to open an additional camera. For now, I call "app bug", but that is probably too short.
Ok. I'll try to find some info how to change these id's (if problem here) in decompiled app. Thanks anyway.
Maybe the GCAM you tried is modified for 3 camers (2 on the back) and we need a specific gcam port, @jevgenp ? If the problem is not caused by SODP.
@MartinX3 No idea, I'm just regular user, Just found version where possible to set ID for Main/Front cameras - but no changes. At least this version starts for few seconds (if settings not pressed) with black viewfinder then quits.
I tried few more apps that uses raw for capturing and processing (PhotonCam, GelioSoft Camera2), but they also crashes. But raw capture over SnapCamera HDR is working fine. Don't know is it related. geliosoft.txt photon.txt
@sraase Do you think that problem is in the OEM part or in the kernel? :)
05-29 17:28:28.146 703 2287 E CHIUSECASE: [ERROR ] chxextensionmodule.cpp:521 ExtendOpen() ExtendOpen failed! HW resource insufficient! openCameraCost=50CostOfAnyCurrentlyOpenLogicalCameras =100, m_totalResourceBudget = 100
11 E Camera3-Device: Camera 0: initialize: Could not open camera session: Function not implemented (-38)
Full Log Section:
05-29 17:28:28.117 819 7811 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID -1 "com.geliosoft.geliosoftcamera2", camera ID 0) for HAL version default and Camera API version 2
05-29 17:28:28.123 17088 19744 D CCodecBufferChannel: [] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
05-29 17:28:28.124 819 7811 I Camera2ClientBase: Camera 0: Opened. Client: com.geliosoft.geliosoftcamera2 (PID 17088, UID 10102)
05-29 17:28:28.125 17088 19744 D CCodecBufferChannel: [] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
05-29 17:28:28.125 819 7811 I CameraDeviceClient: CameraDeviceClient 0: Opened
05-29 17:28:28.129 17088 19756 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients
05-29 17:28:28.129 869 2239 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients
05-29 17:28:28.132 869 2239 V C2Store : in ~ComponentModule
05-29 17:28:28.133 869 2239 V C2Store : unloading dll
05-29 17:28:28.143 819 7811 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0
05-29 17:28:28.144 819 7811 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.5/legacy/0 torch status is now NOT_AVAILABLE
05-29 17:28:28.144 819 7811 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0
05-29 17:28:28.144 1543 1585 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: cameraFacing=back
05-29 17:28:28.145 819 7811 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.5/legacy/1 torch status is now NOT_AVAILABLE
05-29 17:28:28.145 819 7811 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=1, newStatus=0
05-29 17:28:28.145 819 7811 E CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: cannot get torch status of camera 1: No such file or directory (-2)
05-29 17:28:28.146 703 2287 E CHIUSECASE: [ERROR ] chxextensionmodule.cpp:521 ExtendOpen() ExtendOpen failed! HW resource insufficient! openCameraCost=50CostOfAnyCurrentlyOpenLogicalCameras =100, m_totalResourceBudget = 100
05-29 17:28:28.146 819 7811 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.5/legacy/0 torch status is now AVAILABLE_OFF
05-29 17:28:28.146 819 7811 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=1
05-29 17:28:28.147 819 7811 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.5/legacy/1 torch status is now AVAILABLE_OFF
05-29 17:28:28.147 819 7811 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=1, newStatus=1
05-29 17:28:28.148 819 7811 E CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: cannot get torch status of camera 1: No such file or directory (-2)
05-29 17:28:28.148 703 2287 E CamDev@3.2-impl: open: cannot open camera 0!
05-29 17:28:28.148 819 7811 E Camera3-Device: Camera 0: initialize: Could not open camera session: Function not implemented (-38)
05-29 17:28:28.149 819 7811 E Camera2ClientBase: initializeImpl: Camera 0: unable to initialize device: Function not implemented (-38)
05-29 17:28:28.149 819 7811 E CameraService: connectHelper: Could not initialize client from HAL.
05-29 17:28:28.149 819 7811 I Camera3-Device: disconnectImpl: E
05-29 17:28:28.151 819 7811 I CameraService: disconnect: Disconnected client for camera 0 for PID 17088
05-29 17:28:28.151 819 7811 I Camera2ClientBase: Closed Camera 0. Client was: com.geliosoft.geliosoftcamera2 (PID 17088, UID 10102)
05-29 17:28:28.153 819 7811 I Camera3-Device: disconnectImpl: E
Edit: @jevgenp you ninja'd the entire log away. :)
@MartinX3 I think after camera crash in first app it became inaccessible for another. I'll upload now correct ones logs. ***Just updated post above.
05-29 17:53:32.546 812 1436 D CameraTraces: Process trace saved. Use dumpsys to view.
05-29 17:53:32.546 812 1436 E CameraDeviceClient: endConfigure: Camera 0: Error configuring streams: Function not implemented (-38)
05-29 17:53:32.547 6389 6599 E CameraCaptureSession: Session 1: Failed to create capture session; configuration failed
05-29 17:53:32.548 6389 6418 W vs.photoncamer: Long monitor contention with owner CameraBackground (6599) at void android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraDeviceImpl.waitUntilIdle()( waiters=0 in void android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraDeviceImpl$CameraDeviceCallbacks.onResultReceived(android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraMetadataNative, android.hardware.camera2.impl.CaptureResultExtras, android.hardware.camera2.impl.PhysicalCaptureResultInfo[]) for 717ms
05-29 17:53:32.549 3714 3714 V ClearcutMetricXmitter: Transmission is done.
05-29 17:53:32.550 6389 6599 W System.err: android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException: CAMERA_ERROR (3): endConfigure:510: Camera 0: Error configuring streams: Function not implemented (-38)
05-29 17:53:32.551 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.hardware.camera2.CameraManager.throwAsPublicException(
05-29 17:53:32.551 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.hardware.camera2.impl.ICameraDeviceUserWrapper.endConfigure(
05-29 17:53:32.551 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraDeviceImpl.configureStreamsChecked(
05-29 17:53:32.551 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraDeviceImpl.createCaptureSessionInternal(
05-29 17:53:32.552 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraDeviceImpl.createCaptureSession(
05-29 17:53:32.552 6389 6599 W System.err: at com.particlesdevs.photoncamera.capture.CaptureController.createCameraPreviewSession(
05-29 17:53:32.553 6389 6599 W System.err: at com.particlesdevs.photoncamera.capture.CaptureController.captureStillPicture(
05-29 17:53:32.553 6389 6599 W System.err: at com.particlesdevs.photoncamera.capture.CaptureController.access$300(
05-29 17:53:32.553 6389 6599 W System.err: at com.particlesdevs.photoncamera.capture.CaptureController$3.process(
05-29 17:53:32.553 6389 6599 W System.err: at com.particlesdevs.photoncamera.capture.CaptureController$3.onCaptureProgressed(
05-29 17:53:32.553 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraCaptureSessionImpl$1.lambda$onCaptureProgressed$2$CameraCaptureSessionImpl$1(
05-29 17:53:32.553 6920 6920 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar
05-29 17:53:32.554 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.hardware.camera2.impl.-$$Lambda$CameraCaptureSessionImpl$1$ Source:8)
05-29 17:53:32.554 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
05-29 17:53:32.554 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
05-29 17:53:32.554 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(
05-29 17:53:32.555 6389 6599 W System.err: at
05-29 17:53:32.555 6389 6599 W System.err: Caused by: android.os.ServiceSpecificException: endConfigure:510: Camera 0: Error configuring streams: Function not implemented (-38) (code 10)
05-29 17:53:32.555 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(
05-29 17:53:32.555 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.os.Parcel.createException(
05-29 17:53:32.556 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.os.Parcel.readException(
05-29 17:53:32.556 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.os.Parcel.readException(
05-29 17:53:32.556 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.hardware.camera2.ICameraDeviceUser$Stub$Proxy.endConfigure(
05-29 17:53:32.556 6389 6599 W System.err: at android.hardware.camera2.impl.ICameraDeviceUserWrapper.endConfigure(
05-29 17:53:32.556 6389 6599 W System.err: ... 14 more
05-29 17:53:32.559 1070 2165 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1070_9 expire 10 lines
05-29 17:53:32.570 0 0 E binder_alloc: 3461: binder_alloc_buf size 1056768 failed, no address space
05-29 17:53:32.570 0 0 E binder_alloc: allocated: 584 (num: 8 largest: 192), free: 1039800 (num: 4 largest: 1038272)
05-29 17:53:32.571 0 0 I binder : 6198:6331 transaction failed 29201/-28, size 1056768-0 line 3207
05-29 17:53:32.574 812 1436 I Camera3-Device: disconnectImpl: E
05-29 17:53:32.574 812 1436 E Camera3-Device: Camera 0: disconnectImpl: Shutting down in an error state
05-29 17:53:32.574 812 1436 I CameraLatencyHistogram: ProcessCaptureRequest latency histogram (48) samples:
05-29 17:53:32.574 812 1436 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 inf (max ms)
05-29 17:53:32.575 812 1436 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 97.92 0.00 2.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (%)
05-29 17:53:32.575 812 1436 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.5/legacy/0 torch status is now AVAILABLE_OFF
05-29 17:53:32.575 812 1436 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=1
05-29 17:53:32.576 812 1436 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.5/legacy/1 torch status is now AVAILABLE_OFF
05-29 17:53:32.576 812 1436 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=1, newStatus=1
05-29 17:53:32.577 6920 6920 W JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist.
05-29 17:53:32.577 812 1436 E CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: cannot get torch status of camera 1: No such file or directory (-2)
05-29 17:53:32.577 6920 6920 W JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist.
05-29 17:53:32.578 6920 6920 W JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist.
05-29 17:53:32.582 6920 6920 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
05-29 17:53:32.583 6920 6920 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
05-29 17:53:32.598 6145 6168 I .android.diale: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
05-29 17:53:32.605 6198 6335 I chatty : uid=10167( expire 22 lines
05-29 17:53:32.611 0 0 I CAM_INFO: CAM-SENSOR: cam_sensor_driver_cmd: 858 CAM_RELEASE_DEV Success, sensor_id:0x400,sensor_slave_addr:0x20
05-29 17:53:32.612 0 0 I CAM_INFO: CAM-SENSOR: msm_cam_sensor_handle_reg_gpio: 1466 Input Parameters are not proper
05-29 17:53:32.614 0 0 I CAM_INFO: CAM-SENSOR: cam_sensor_util_request_gpio_table: 792 No GPIO data
05-29 17:53:32.618 812 1436 I Camera3-Device: disconnectImpl: X
05-29 17:53:32.619 812 1436 I CameraService: disconnect: Disconnected client for camera 0 for PID 6389
05-29 17:53:32.619 6389 6599 E CameraEventsListener: onFatalError: CameraDevice.StateCallback : onError() : cameraDevice = [android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraDeviceImpl@88078a9], error = [4]
Please do a restart, let photon crash and run adb shell -n dumpsys
for us. :)
@MartinX3 dumpsys.txt
05-29 17:28:28.146 703 2287 E CHIUSECASE: [ERROR ] chxextensionmodule.cpp:521 ExtendOpen() ExtendOpen failed! HW resource insufficient! openCameraCost=50CostOfAnyCurrentlyOpenLogicalCameras =100, m_totalResourceBudget = 100
This usually happens after an error when switching between apps. Many apps do not handle this well and forget to close the camera device, blocking it for other apps even when sent to the background. Please make sure to always stop camera apps completely before starting a new one.
The logs above seem truncated. Try to run "adb logcat -c -G128m" before creating the log. To check platform behaviour, we need the CamX/CHI output.
@sraase am I allowed to share the CamX/CHI debugging instructions you gave me via email? :)
Better not.
Okidoki, then I look the next time I can flash SODP on my phone and create the logs. :) (At the moment busy with job and studies like always xD)
If still needed (don't know is that or not): geliosoft.txt photon.txt gcam_8_2_viewfinder_freeze.txt gcam_6_2_30_no_reaction.txt
Dear @sraase here is the special log camera.log
I tested it with OpenGapps Pico and this GCam
I don't get this application...
06-12 11:31:53.030 9094 9094 E ALL_TEST [ID = 0]: PASSED 06-12 11:31:53.034 9094 9094 E ALL_TEST [ID = 1]: PASSED 06-12 11:31:53.035 8975 8982 E CameraService: supportsCameraApi: Unknown camera ID 2 06-12 11:31:53.036 9094 9094 E LENS [ID = 2]: NOT_EXIST [... trying to search for other devices by probing, which is bad...] 06-12 11:31:53.161 9094 9094 E FOUND_LENSES: [ 0 1 ] 06-12 11:31:53.162 9094 9094 E SORTS_LENSES: [ 0 1 ] 06-12 11:31:53.162 9094 9094 E AFTER_HIDING_LENSES: [ 1 ] [... found back and front cameras, but rejects the back camera, which is weird ...] 06-12 11:31:54.007 9094 9094 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main 06-12 11:31:54.007 9094 9094 E AndroidRuntime: Process:, PID: 9094 06-12 11:31:54.007 9094 9094 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: supportsCameraApi:2365: Unknown camera ID 2 [... then fails trying to open the camera which it already knows doesn't exist ...]
... it probes for all cameras (bad style, you can ask the system), then ignored the main camera (don't know any reason from the log), and then it fails trying to get the characteristics of a camera which it has already proven does not exist.
edit: The log you shared does not contain any platform information either, so no CamX/CHI stuff.
So it's google camera problem then? And any of apps that using raw? If yes, why version that worked on AOSP9 doesn't work on AOSP11?
@sraase That's weird, I enabled the entire logging stuff.
@jevgenp I don't know if on Android 9 a gcam 8.1 (with this camera id hack) will work I don't remember seeing this many camera IDs in the android 9 logs.
I try to get a gcam version without this weird camera id logic hack after speaking with some gcam developers. Probably this will just work or we will be redirected to another error. I hope for the first one. :)
@MartinX3 I was talking about version that worked on A9 - Arnova's 1.6/2.2 (or San1ty 9.3/9.4).
@jevgenp according to their readme
GCam 6.2 for Android 9 or newer. See GCam 6.1 below for Android 8.
On some phones, GCam 6.x doesn't work on Android 10 or newer. Use GCam 7+.
@MartinX3 I know, but in this case the same version that worked on A9 (6.2.030) runs on A11, but when you press Capture button - processing message appears in notification area and doesn't disappear until you exit application. Maybe there should be specific package name of google camera to use hdr+? And most versions that at least runs on our phone has freezes in viewfinder after second (in 6.2.030 this issue solved enabling buffer fix in advanced settings). Is this not a system thing?
@jevgenp Ah I thought you get the same crash on starting the app. Then this app doesn't have this weird camera ID logic implemented. I'll search this app and try it with logs or you give me the link if I don't find it? :)
Edit: I think I found the app in the recommended section at 6.2/6.3 Gcam_6.2.030_Advanced_V2.2.190716.1800-Final.apk
@MartinX3 Then go to Settings > About > Enable Advanced Mode and then HDR+ Control > find and enable Buffer fix.
There is a newest version (that doesn't have buffer fix in settings and viewfinder freezes) that at least starts, but you need fast press settings on startup and change setting "Level Camera2 API" to "JPEG level Full" under "Setting up the mod" to avoid crash:
@sraase I was able to gather a log and receive a loop of errors. camera.log
06-13 15:09:52.758 10093 10115 E CamX : [ERROR][FD ] camxfdmanagernode.cpp:3598 PopulateGravityData() NCS Gravity handle is NULL
06-13 15:09:52.758 10736 10846 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-13 15:09:52.758 10736 10868 E OisListener: Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API version: 2
06-13 15:09:52.759 10736 10846 D CAM_RepeatingFRP: Processing fallback request
06-13 15:09:52.777 10093 10118 I CHIUSECASE: [REQMAP ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:6934 LogFeatureRequestMappings() frame: 357 <==> chiOverrideFrameNum: 344 <==> chiFrameNum: 344 -- RAW Jpeg Request
06-13 15:09:52.778 10093 10112 I CamX : [REQMAP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:2744 ProcessRequest() chiFrameNum: 344 <==> requestId: 345 <==> sequenceId: 344 <==> CSLSyncId: 345 -- ZSLPreviewRaw_0
06-13 15:09:52.791 10093 10113 E CamX : [ERROR][IQMod ] camxipeica.cpp:1471 UpdatePerspectiveParamsToContext() Invalid warp data for path 0
06-13 15:09:52.792 10093 10111 I CHISENSORSONY: IMX400: set gain 3.07 (analog 3.07 digital 1.00 isp 1.00 lineCount 11602)
Or this
06-13 15:08:24.456 10172 10211 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Retrieving snapshot for failed
06-13 15:08:24.456 10172 10211 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting for Task
06-13 15:08:24.456 10172 10211 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at lka.a(Unknown Source:58)
06-13 15:08:24.456 10172 10211 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at ljg.a(Unknown Source:45)
06-13 15:08:24.456 10172 10211 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at Source:49)
06-13 15:08:24.456 10172 10211 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at Source:2)
06-13 15:08:24.456 10172 10211 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
06-13 15:08:24.456 10172 10211 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-13 15:08:24.456 10172 10211 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
06-13 15:08:24.456 10172 10211 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
06-13 15:08:24.456 10172 10211 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
06-13 15:08:24.456 10172 10211 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-13 15:08:24.456 10172 10211 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at Source:5)
06-13 15:08:24.665 10172 10318 D CAM_WearMessageUtil: findBestNode failed!
Are you using a stock Open Devices build, or did you change it in any way?
I just compiled AOSP 11 and use OEMv5 on my Xperia XZ2
I built AOSP 11 using OEMv5 on Xperia XZ2, installed the APK you linked to and received the following error:
06-14 11:56:11.560 3962 3962 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main 06-14 11:56:11.560 3962 3962 E AndroidRuntime: Process: org.codeaurora.snapcam, PID: 3962 06-14 11:56:11.560 3962 3962 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create application java.lang.SecurityException: Failed to find provider for user 0; expected to find a valid ContentProvider for this authority 06-14 11:56:11.560 3962 3962 E AndroidRuntime: at
@sraase do you have GAPPS installed? I use OpenGapps Pico (the smallest one) flashed with TWRP
GAPPS are needing a fullwipe, otherwise problems occur.
fastboot reboot bootloader
or adb reboot bootloader
fastboot boot twrp.img
Sometimes if I use the hardware buttons to enter the bootloader, I just get a black screen using fastboot boot twrp.img
Probably a bootloader bug?
Does the same issue happen with the front camera? If yes, then it is not a driver issue.
I'm far from programming, but you want to say that all of these apps that working with raw on a bunch of devices without problems doesn't work on sony and it is an apps issue? Sounds strange.
Added: Image taken on XQ-AT51 (X 1II) with this app: It using RAW. On AOSP it not even starts.
No, this is not what I want to say. The drivers are one part of the camera system. If a problem happens for both the front and back cameras, then the drivers are unlikely to be at fault (different drivers).
Thanks for the APK. Issue looks similar to #544 but caused by the app requesting RAW16 format.
Maybe some more info needed? As I see Martin didn't answer your question about front camera :) I'm ready to flash again AOSP to collect any log.
And few questions off topic but related to camera: Is ISO 100 a minimum? according to datasheet our module supports ISO 50. And what about vignetting and manual exposure?
I just need some free time because of job, studies and a dataloss (ssd damage, but i have an older backup and was able to recover data from the failed ssd)
On the front camera the gcam did freeze too.
And i need to analyse why i can't record and send videos in telegram anynore since I use SODP (wrong video codec it says), but that's stuff for a new ticket.
I'm ready to flash again AOSP to collect any log.
Currently not needed. I was able to reproduce the problem, but did not look into it yet.
Is ISO 100 a minimum?
The ISO values shown are very likely wrong.
And what about vignetting and manual exposure?
Please clarify your question.
The ISO values shown are very likely wrong.
Ah ok, but in this case calculated exposure value is correct? Same app settings: Stock ISO40 @ 1/898, AOSP ISO100 @ 1/2705. Maybe it's subjective but jpeg from AOSP more noisy for me (or it caused by underexposure)
Please clarify your question.
Me bad, talked about shutter speed. For example in SnapCamera HDR when I try to move SS slider then this happens As I remember on AOSP9 manual SS worked, but minimal value was only 1/9.
What about vignetting - darkening of image corners when compared to the center. These images from google camera on AOSP9. As I understand phone should store info about lens and apps can use it to correct this thing. Or it can be corrected in RAW?
The actual exposure time (lineCount) and ISO (gain values) are shown in logcat.
CHISENSORSONY: IMX400: set gain 2.03 (analog 2.03 digital 1.00 isp 1.00 lineCount 11602)
Camera output on AOSP will have increased noise compared to Xperia, especially in darkness. This is known and cannot be fixed.
About the vignetting, please remove /odm/lib64/camera/ (this will disable LSC) and see if the situation improves. Restart your device after removing.
About the vignetting, please remove /odm/lib64/camera/ (this will disable LSC) and see if the situation improves
Seems yes, thanks!
Camera output on AOSP will have increased noise compared to Xperia, especially in darkness. This is known and cannot be fixed.
And what about manual SS control?
About the vignetting, please remove /odm/lib64/camera/ (this will disable LSC) and see if the situation improves.
Seems yes, thanks!
To early I made conclusion... A little better but it still there (1st raw, 2nd jpeg).
Just tried august release with OEMv6, and now I'm unable to take raw even with SnapCamera HDR (that worked with previous build and OEMv5). raw.txt
Not sure what's going on. The HAL appears to open the camera correctly, then Gcam (APK linked above) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to access OneCamera.
a few times and hangs on any Photo mode; Video seems fine. Can you confirm?
Are you talking about 6.2.030 version?
@sraase same behavior. Only video mode working. In other modes just black screen for a while and app quits. On previous build at least viewfinder worked :) And as I said before SnapCamera unable to take raw anymore using c2api. gcam.txt
Vignetting is caused by actual lens optics so RAW should always show it. Software can remove/hide it, of course, so JPEG may not show any vignetting.
Do you need any new log from latest r43+oemv7? Because situation didn't change. Gapps installed.
Crashes on startup: MGC_8.1.101_A9_GV1r_snap.apk.txt MGC_8.3.252_V0c_MGC.apk.txt geliosoftcamera2v4.8test3.apk.txt
Starts but not taking a photo (needs buffer fix to be enabled in advanced settings): Gcam_6.2.030_Advanced_V2.2.190716.1800-Final.apk.txt
Viewfinder freezes in photo modes (Photo, Portrait, Night), not taking a photo: GCam8.2_Pit-Zo-Def_mod_v1.apk.txt GCam+8.2.204_P-Z-D.v.3.1.Snap.apk.txt
All apps here:
Discontinued Android version
Platform: TAMA Device: XZ2 Compact Kernel version: 4.14 Android version: 11 r36 (from actual sources at this moment) Software binaries version: OEM v5
Previously working on None (Worked only on A9)
Description Google Cameras crashes on start (list of tried versions on screenshot), except that one worked on AOSP A9 (6.2.030). This version starts, but viewfinder freezes (helps enabling of buffer fix in settings), and doesn't react on a capture button.
Symptoms Crashes on start/Doesn't react on a capture button.
How to reproduce Install any of versions from screenshot.
Additional context gcam.txt