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Wifi Not Working on SGP311 after .370 ROM update #4

Open xbill9 opened 11 years ago

xbill9 commented 11 years ago

I updated the official system ROM to .370 today using emma, then did a full AOSP build for the SGP311- but wifi is not working in the AOSP build.

Here is the output from fastboot flashall :

Bootloader Version...: S1_Boot_Lagan_1.0_13 Baseband Version.....: 1269-4875_10.1.C.0.344

The AOSP baseband version .344 is different than the updated official ROM .370.

Could this be why wifi doesn't work on the latest AOSP build?

jredestig commented 11 years ago

Thank you for the report. You are right that the proprietary binaries are a bit behind, and that may very well be the reason for the problem with wifi. We'll need to fix this somehow.

nycbjr commented 11 years ago

I have a fix for this (as well as out of box audio/sensors) not sure you allow contributions, for wifi just add this to the product mk file under PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES..

wifi.interface=wlan0 \ ro.carrier=wifi-only

jredestig commented 11 years ago

Hi, sure, we welcome contributions. In this case I think wifi.interface is already set (in We dont set ro.carrier=wifi-only in our internal builds so I dont really know what problem it would solve, could you elaborate?

nycbjr commented 11 years ago

Sorry I should have mentioned that the second item is just to make it look pretty (so I thought).. its not necessary to make wifi work, but to your point the system prop doesn't seem to be getting written into the build prop during the build resulting in the wifi.interface=wlan0 missing from the build prop resulting in no wifi. Hand edit the build prop and add that line and bamn it works, I then added that to the PRODUCT_PROP.. in the ( in the lagan tree), so it gets written to the buiild.prop

jredestig commented 11 years ago

I am not able to reproduce this problem. In my build "wifi.interface=wlan0" is included in out/target/product/sgp321/system/build.prop.

mikolas commented 11 years ago

For me the problem was that the kernel module was not included in the images. The following patch should fix the problem - at least it did it for me :-) (sony/sgp321/proprietary/ I also included changes PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES before building.

--- 2013-06-27 13:04:29.031001140 +0300 +++ /home/mikolas/aosp_work/vendor/sony/sgp321/proprietary/ 2013-06-27 02:29:25.900134608 +0300 @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

-ifeq (full_sgp321, $(TARGET_PRODUCT)) +ifneq (,$(filter $(TARGET_PRODUCT), full_sgp311 full_sgp321))

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

jredestig commented 11 years ago

Thanks. We'll include that in the next update of the proprietary blobs.