soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
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Fresh HC Ed Run Looping through Council/Amun Checks @ Level 8 #13

Open c0mp13371331337 opened 5 years ago

c0mp13371331337 commented 5 years ago

Started a fresh HC Ed run for this script. It ran perfectly right up until the end of Level 8, then it started looping through Council checks and Visiting Bart Ender, then saying that I might just not be at level 13 yet, then saying that we must be missing a sidequest, then mentioning the need to powerlevel, then another Council check, etc. Here's an example of the loop, please let me know if you need a full session log for this run. Thanks!

Hello aphroguy1, time to explode! This is version: 0 Mafia: 19083 This is day 2. Turns played: 345 current adventures: 52 Current Ascension: Actually Ed the Undying CCS set to null Turn(345): Starting with 52 left at Level: 8 Encounter: -20.0 Exp Bonus: 6.333333333333334 Meat Drop: 0.0 Item Drop: 50.0 HP: 54/54, MP: 33/152 Tummy: 5/5 Liver: 4/4 Spleen: 20/35 ML: 10 control: 10 Ka Coins: 10 Lashes used: 25 Delay between adventures... beep boop... Countdown: 1 second... Waiting completed. Council of Loathing

"Were you able to locate the Trapper, boss?" Amun asks.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, the guy in the mountains," you say. "Yeah, I'm dealing with that. No problem."

Visiting Bart Ender Council of Loathing

"Were you able to locate the Trapper, boss?" Amun asks.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, the guy in the mountains," you say. "Yeah, I'm dealing with that. No problem."

Visiting Bart Ender Council of Loathing

"Were you able to locate the Trapper, boss?" Amun asks.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, the guy in the mountains," you say. "Yeah, I'm dealing with that. No problem." Please check your quests, but you might just not be at level 13 yet in order to continue. We must be missing a sidequest. We can't find the jerk adventurer. Must pretend we are alive... I seem to need to power level, or something... waaaa. Countdown: 10 seconds... Countdown: 5 seconds... Countdown: 4 seconds... Countdown: 3 seconds... Countdown: 2 seconds... Countdown: 1 second... Waiting completed. Turn(345): Starting with 52 left at Level: 8 Encounter: -20.0 Exp Bonus: 6.333333333333334 Meat Drop: 0.0 Item Drop: 50.0 HP: 54/54, MP: 33/152 Tummy: 5/5 Liver: 4/4 Spleen: 20/35 ML: 10 control: 10 Ka Coins: 10 Lashes used: 25 Delay between adventures... beep boop... Countdown: 1 second... Waiting completed. Council of Loathing

"Were you able to locate the Trapper, boss?" Amun asks.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, the guy in the mountains," you say. "Yeah, I'm dealing with that. No problem."

Visiting Bart Ender Council of Loathing

"Were you able to locate the Trapper, boss?" Amun asks.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, the guy in the mountains," you say. "Yeah, I'm dealing with that. No problem."

By the way, we're sick of all these disasters. Holes in the sky. Tentacle beasts trying to eat our town? We're going to do something about this, you just wait.

Visiting Bart Ender Council of Loathing

"Were you able to locate the Trapper, boss?" Amun asks.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, the guy in the mountains," you say. "Yeah, I'm dealing with that. No problem." Please check your quests, but you might just not be at level 13 yet in order to continue. We must be missing a sidequest. We can't find the jerk adventurer. Must pretend we are alive... I seem to need to power level, or something... waaaa. Countdown: 10 seconds... Countdown: 5 seconds... Countdown: 4 seconds... Countdown: 3 seconds... Loading character status... Countdown: 2 seconds... Countdown: 1 second... Waiting completed. Turn(345): Starting with 52 left at Level: 8 Encounter: -20.0 Exp Bonus: 6.333333333333334 Meat Drop: 0.0 Item Drop: 50.0 HP: 54/54, MP: 33/152 Tummy: 5/5 Liver: 4/4 Spleen: 20/35 ML: 10 control: 10 Ka Coins: 10 Lashes used: 25 Delay between adventures... beep boop... Countdown: 1 second... Waiting completed. Council of Loathing

"Were you able to locate the Trapper, boss?" Amun asks.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, the guy in the mountains," you say. "Yeah, I'm dealing with that. No problem."

Visiting Bart Ender Council of Loathing

"Were you able to locate the Trapper, boss?" Amun asks.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, the guy in the mountains," you say. "Yeah, I'm dealing with that. No problem."

Visiting Bart Ender KoLmafia declares world peace.

soolar commented 5 years ago

Can you give me a little more information about your current quest states when this happened? I might be able to figure it out either way, but more info can't hurt. If you can't remember, I guess just send me the session logs, but I'd prefer not to have to parse those myself.

c0mp13371331337 commented 5 years ago

Current Quests are gathering Lady Spookyraven's babies from the 3rd floor of the Manor and gathering 3 asbestos ore for the Trapper (already have the necessary goat cheese). It had just finished in the Billiards room when this started.

Also, after digging into the code and session logs a bit, I noticed that there are some actions in the script which are day-dependent. Not sure if this could have caused the issue, but I don't think Day 1 quite finished prior to rollover, spilling into Day 2. I'm restarting the ascension and testing again with a cleaner day-delimited run to see if it's able to get past point under normal circumstances and will keep you posted.

Let me know if anything else would be helpful from your end.

Update: On a fresh ascension with a clean end to Day 1, the script stalled at the same location, had 3 goat cheese, no ore, a pending Spookyraven babies quest, and said it needed to powerlevel, but didn't. A bit of manual adventuring to get the necessary ores and the script is chugging along just fine. So it doesn't seem to be related to Day 1 not being completed before rollover, but perhaps the clover logic for getting the ore?

I should probably also mention that this is with no IsOTM.

soolar commented 5 years ago

Alright, I'll look in to this when I have the time!

c0mp13371331337 commented 5 years ago

Thanks soolar! Appreciate your work in taking over this script. I'm on Discord, so once you have time to take a peek, feel free to ping me on there if you need any more information, logs, etc.

Malibu-Stacey commented 5 years ago

Update: On a fresh ascension with a clean end to Day 1, the script stalled at the same location, had 3 goat cheese, no ore, a pending Spookyraven babies quest, and said it needed to powerlevel, but didn't. A bit of manual adventuring to get the necessary ores and the script is chugging along just fine. So it doesn't seem to be related to Day 1 not being completed before rollover, but perhaps the clover logic for getting the ore?

This is expected behaviour. In a hardcore run, if you're level 8 and have nothing else to do but the Trapper quest (Spookyraven babies doesn't count, it's completely optional & unnecessary to complete a run) it will fail over to "powerlevelling" as it won't use clovers to get ores until it's level 12.

This is not related to Ed runs, all paths suffer from this.

I am looking into making Ed runs better at handling stuff like ML from the Astral Belt and Blessing of Serqet (I too run no IotMs) and also make the powerlevelling better but until the level 8 quest is overhauled the best thing to do is grab the ores yourself via whatever means you would prefer.

I am curious as to the "Visiting Bart Ender" spam in the log above though.