soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
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Please cast blood chain (if possible) before flyering in DG #133

Closed medchem closed 5 years ago

medchem commented 5 years ago

Since it is somewhat risky to just take the damage after flyering, especially with scaling monster. I got beaten up by terrible mutant once (please see the attached log). Therefore (with Sinister charm turned on and not in mist form) it maybe more reasonable to use "Blood chain => Flyer => Piercing gaze" macro to avoid damage. ast154251_20190330.txt

jaspercb commented 5 years ago

I think the issue here is that with the bats form turned on we can't use Blood Chains.

We might be able to anticipate the damage taken by Flyers and not use it if the monster isn't stunned. Will investigate.

jaspercb commented 5 years ago

Never mind, that's bunk

> Turn(677): Starting with 53 left at Level: 12
> Still flyering: 149
> Encounter: -15.0   Exp Bonus: 14.0625
> Meat Drop: 0.0     Item Drop: 0.0
> HP: 243/243, MP: 486/555
> Tummy: 0/5 Liver: 0/4 Spleen: 0/15
> ML: 61 control: 11
> Delay between adventures... beep boop... 
> Burn some delay somewhere (voting), if we found a place!

equip acc3 "I Voted!" sticker
> Starting preadventure script...
> Pre Adventure at The Boss Bat's Lair done, beep.
> Phat Loot Token Get!
> Starting preadventure script...
> Pre Adventure at The Daily Dungeon done, beep.

[678] The Daily Dungeon
Encounter: terrible mutant
Round 0: ast154251 wins initiative!
> sl_combatHandler: 0
Round 1: ast154251 uses the rock band flyers!
Round 2: terrible mutant takes 3 damage.
Round 2: You lose 149 hit points
Round 2: ast154251 casts CHILL OF THE TOMB!
glob of undifferentiated tissue is multiusable, but KoLmafia thought it was not
Round 3: terrible mutant takes 310 damage.
Round 3: ast154251 wins the fight!
After Battle: You gain 24 hit points
You gain 11 Meat
You acquire an item: glob of undifferentiated tissue
After Battle: You gain 40 Fortitude
After Battle: You gain 64 Mysteriousness
After Battle: You gain 22 Cheek
This combat did not cost a turn
> Post Adventure done, beep.
> Turn(677): Starting with 53 left at Level: 12
> Still flyering: 592
> Encounter: -15.0   Exp Bonus: 14.0625
> Meat Drop: 0.0     Item Drop: 0.0
> HP: 111/243, MP: 486/566
> Tummy: 0/5 Liver: 0/4 Spleen: 0/15
> ML: 61 control: 11
> Delay between adventures... beep boop... 

and an excerpt from sl_combat.ash

            if(!contains_text(combatState, "stunner") && (stunner != "") && (monster_level_adjustment() <= 50) && (my_mp() >= costStunner))
                set_property("sl_combatHandler", combatState + "(stunner)");
                return stunner;

so I think the real problem here is that our the-monster-has-too-much-ML-and-so-we-shouldn't-stun-it logic is wrong. Thanks!