soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
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Doesn't Recognize latest KoLmafia build #135

Closed ClubbyMcClubberson closed 5 years ago

ClubbyMcClubberson commented 5 years ago

I'm getting this error, and I'd rather not roll back to the previous build of KoLmafia just to get it to work:

'sl_ascend.ash' requires revision r19109 of kolmafia or higher (current: r19010). Up-to-date builds can be found at

jaspercb commented 5 years ago

Looks to me like r19010 is waaay before r19109. Like, over a hundred versions before (XX010 vs XX109). Try downloading and using, from the page linked there.

ClubbyMcClubberson commented 5 years ago

Yeah...apparently I can't read lol.
Thanks for writing/maintaining the script! I'll update my software.