soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
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auto unequip little bitty bathysphere #149

Open taltamir opened 5 years ago

taltamir commented 5 years ago unlockeding the sea automatically puts the little bitty bathysphere in your inventory. And you want to unlock it if you own a space jellyfish as it lets your mafia breakfast automatically collect a free item worth some meat. (sea jelly, currently worth 1950 meat in mall)

The bathysphere gives you a -20 familiar weight debuff in exchange for allowing it into the Sea. The debuff is always on when the item is equipped, even when you are not inside the sea itself. And going into the sea is something only done in aftercore and thus not relevant to sl_ascend.

sl_ascend calls on maximize occasionally which, due to an issue where it tries to avoid empty slots will end up equipping harmful items if no good item exists. I recall recently a modification was made to supposedly exclude the bathysphere but it seems to have only affected maximizer strings that do not have -tie in them.

Anyways, since sometimes bathysphere gets equipped due to a mafia issue, it then remains equipped and causes a debuff. My suggestion is for sl_ascend to check if it is equipped and if it is to automatically unequip it before adventuring. I will also report the issue in mafia and hopefully that could be fixed too.

taltamir commented 5 years ago

related mafia bug