soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
11 stars 5 forks source link

Don't flyer pointlessly #161

Open taltamir opened 5 years ago

taltamir commented 5 years ago

Somehow sl_ascend forgot to unlock the flyer quest for me in my current ascension. I ended up unlocking it myself where the island war was the only quest remaining. At that point it complained about the fact that the flyer ML is too low, and decided to resolve this by grinding the flyering slowly in the hidden hospital even though the hidden hospital quest was finished long ago. This would have wasted over 100 adventures if I did not manually abort the attempt. I tried running it again and it did it again so i aborted again.

It should not try to farm ML in the hidden hospital if the hidden hospital quest is already completed. If war quest is the only quest remaining it should either give up on flyering entirely, or maybe use the guy made of bees, or wish for an old tower monster maybe?

Post Adventure done, beep.
Turn(623): Starting with 116 left at Level: 13
Still flyering: 2236
Encounter: -10.0 Exp Bonus: 20.012500000000003
Meat Drop: 130.0 Item Drop: 125.0
HP: 318/318, MP: 695/812
Tummy: 5/5 Liver: 3/4 Spleen: 6/15
ML: 39 control: 9
Delay between adventures... beep boop... 
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
A-Boo Peak: 60
544 combinations checked, best score 13.00
Current HP: 318/318
Expected cold damage: 77 Expected spooky damage: 123
Expected Cold Resist: 15 Expected Spooky Resist: 10 Expected HP Difference: -160
Nevermind, that peak is too scary!
Not enough flyer ML but we are ready for the war... uh oh
Should not have so little flyer ML at this point
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.

Starting preadventure script...
Pre Adventure at The Hidden Hospital done, beep.

Visit to HiddenCity: The Hidden Hospital in progress...

[624] The Hidden Hospital
Encounter: pygmy witch surgeon
Round 0: taltamir wins initiative!
sl_combatHandler: 0
Round 1: taltamir casts BLOOD CHAINS!
Round 2: taltamir uses the rock band flyers!
Round 3: taltamir casts MICROMETEORITE!
Round 4: pygmy witch surgeon drops 19 attack power.
Round 4: pygmy witch surgeon drops 19 defense.
Round 4: taltamir casts SING ALONG!
Round 5: taltamir casts CHILL OF THE TOMB!
Round 6: pygmy witch surgeon takes 703 damage.
Round 6: taltamir wins the fight!
After Battle: You gain 12 hit points
You gain 432 Meat
You gain 13 Meat.
After Battle: You gain 14 Beefiness
You gain a Muscle point!
After Battle: You gain 44 Enchantedness
After Battle: You gain 15 Chutzpah
You acquire an item: Gathered Meat-Clip
taltamir commented 5 years ago

Just for clarity, the preference "questL11Doctor" was set to "finished" when it was trying to farm ML i nthe hidden hospital