soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
11 stars 5 forks source link

Script pulled ninja carabiner, ninja crampons, ninja rope, and then adventured at eXtreme slope #212

Open pazsox opened 5 years ago

jaspercb commented 5 years ago

This is definitely because we can't get enough cold resistance. What path is this? I know in DG we use mist form to buff up if needed, but if you don't have enough skill points obviously that won't work. Hm.

pazsox commented 5 years ago

It was a regular Ascension, no path. It was however a low skill Ascension.

taltamir commented 5 years ago

So is the solution to do it backwards? first try to get 5 cold res. If succeed, pull the 3 ninja parts, if fails then go the NC path instead? I guess it technically still saves some adventures if it uses the outfit for the 5 cold res and then pulls the 3 ninja items, but are the ninja pulls still worth it at that point compared to other pulls?