soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
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Does not logically apply adventures to Brute Force quests #238

Open Phate4569 opened 5 years ago

Phate4569 commented 5 years ago

Tried the script in the new path 2CRS as a SC/Opossum.

The biggest irrational adventure use was in the Spookyraven quest, where it kept checking pool skill, giving the "I need to powerlevel" message, then adventuring at the eXtreme slope.

It burned a lot of adventures like this. I ended up stopping the script, Adv in the billiards room for skill, and then letting the script take over. In all I believe I not only did it in less adventures, but also gained more valuable items (for this path). This also happened for the various Peaks. I had to brute force all but ABoo, in less adventures than it took.

Additionally, I've seen it adventure in unlikely places when stuck in its power level loop. Can it be more efficient at either power levelling in places that will eventually need done (war camps, pirates, temple, etc) or places with useful items for the new path (Base drinks in overgrown lot, fruit and items in skeleton store, free bread (for asdon) in bakery, booze & webs in Sleazy back alley)?

Phate4569 commented 5 years ago

Update: I've encountered this same problem 3 times with 2CRS now.