soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
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Try not to kill gremlins prematurely #261

Closed zweq closed 5 years ago

zweq commented 5 years ago

In L12_gremlins(), familiar is chosen with handleFamiliar("init"). It chooses the first applicable out of Happy Medium, Xiblaxian Holo-Companion, Oily Woim and Cute Meteor. Since I didn't have any of the first three (yup, I seem to have missed getting an Oily Woim), it ended up going against the gremlins with Cute Meteor, equipped with a tiny bowler as the cherry on top. Gremlins had a hard time revealing their tools before being exterminated.

soolar commented 5 years ago

Oh dear. I've added a new gremlins category for familiars, which looks solely at non-blocking, non-damaging delevelers (worst case being barrrnacle, best case being nosy nose). You'll have to enable sl_beta_test to benefit from this, for now.