soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
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Script can't tell when the desert is completed #266

Open faceboogle opened 5 years ago

faceboogle commented 5 years ago

At least, I did it manually and now it seems to be trying to do it again. HC 2CRS ascension

Cheers E

Saklad5 commented 5 years ago

So the solution here would be to check desert progress when the script starts, rather than relying on its own progress trackers.

Why does sl_ascend use its own progress tracking for quests, anyway? It should really use existing KoLmafia properties whenever possible.

If there isn’t a reason, I might submit a pull request to rework the simpler cases.

soolar commented 5 years ago

If you can remove any sl_ascend specific progress trackers without things breaking (ie I would expect a large amount of testing before I accepted a pull request) I'm all for it. Those are all carry-overs from cc_ascend, I'm pretty sure.

Saklad5 commented 5 years ago

If you can remove any sl_ascend specific progress trackers without things breaking (ie I would expect a large amount of testing before I accepted a pull request) I'm all for it. Those are all carry-overs from cc_ascend, I'm pretty sure.

I’m not sure how to test this sort of thing extensively without a bunch of ascensions, but I was thinking along the lines of reading through all of the code related to a given property (i.e. by searching for it in the source code), then replacing the ones I completely understand the nature of with the built-in equivalents. That’d cover most of them, I imagine (most of them seem to be practically booleans), and I could leave the rest for the moment.

jaspercb commented 4 years ago

I have 20+ recent HC ascensions with all property changes logged. Should help sanity check the state transitions. Happy to comb through and identify properties for removal (sl_* properties that always change in sync with a Mafia quest tracking property)